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About Erica

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  • Birthday 12/10/1983

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    New York City
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  1. I can't get the link to work either.
  2. I live in New York. I take the train every day and sometimes watch Leo's videos and secretly hope someone will see over my shoulder and recognize it and we'll strike up a conversation. I have a few close female friends on the West Coast and we watch Leo's videos and engage in lengthy discussions about them, but no one in person. Essentially, I hate staring at a screen and find that engaging online is so much less meaningful than engaging in real life! This isn't about hooking up. Maybe as a group gathering. There have to be thousands of us in NY, right? I'm also curious to see what the others are like. I guess I hope they're balanced, interesting and sort of get it... In general people who comment are fanatical and I know this can't be true of everyone! Anyway, let's get together and have a discussion in real life. Who's game?
  3. I’ve read both of Teal’s books and actually met her in person. She’s the real thing. She is also, staggeringly and unwaveringly the most authentic person I’ve ever encountered. To take her seriously while she speaks about other planets, aliens, dimensions and astral projection requires radical open-mindedness. RADICAL. Initially when I heard her talk about this stuff, I wondered why she would discredit herself by talking this way. Especially when so much of her other material is mainstream enough to help a wider audience. She would obviously put off all the skeptics and rational minded people. Then, I decided to actually consider what she was talking about as a possibility. Trusting her intelligence and intent, I realized, she is doing it for a reason. So, what if there were aliens? What if what she was saying was true? Instead of just writing it off as nonsense, I actually considered it. Try it. Why not? It’s radical. You wouldn’t believe the magic that’s possible in life. You just have to be open. Leo talks about this kind of open mindedness when he talks about how little we actually know about the world. And frankly, I’m not sure how one would reach enlightenment without finding this kind of openness, the kind that would be open to all possibilities, even the ones that seem outlandish. Have the answers ever been in the places you thought they would be? Everything must be considered before ruled out. It’s only through living this kind of openness that I’ve found peace and fulfillment. And magic. So much magic.
  4. Artists have the potential to be less neurotic than the rest of the population because they have an authentic form of expression. It's through art that one can overcome mental illness, suffering, etc. To be an artist is to be awake. Especially when inspired. I believe art and enlightenment are holding hands at the top of the mountain.
  5. The important thing to remember is to use your phone consciously. It would seem that people tend to use their phones with asking themselves why. My close friends and I notice that even while on the path of self-actualization, we still have periods of being more absorbed in technology. Perhaps it starts as a way of promoting our work and after a few days, we are checking to see how many likes we have received. At one point, I realized I NEVER want to check the Internet just to see how many likes I have! So, what we’ve done is designated Internet free hours and days. Start slow. It’s like any addiction. I would initially try and spend the first hour of the morning not looking at your phone. Then progress to two hours, then three. Then consider taking Sundays off, completely away from your phone. It will be uncomfortable. You’ll want to look at it! But the longer you are away from it, the better you’ll get. As with anything, it’s about practice. Also if you do it with your friends, you hold each other accountable and it’s fun. It actually feels like a luxury to me to not look at my phone! You can meditate, read, journal, make art. You will never regret getting to know yourself. While you’re absorbed in your phone, your mind is shut off, and that’s ultimately not what you want. You’ll start to see unconscious Internet use for what it is, and when you do that, you won’t really desire it any longer.