Bufo Alvarius

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Everything posted by Bufo Alvarius

  1. There is this guy named Dave Shapiro, who runs a well structured protocol with an a.i. chatbot to help him track, diagnose and recover from his chronic health issues. He posted a tutorial for how to set up the protocol he runs. From what he is saying, he seems to be getting very good results, in particular the speed at which the a.i. is helping him to identify potential root causes for his illness is remarkable and will probably save you weeks and months of guess work and going to different doctors. While it's not a substitute for real medical exams and test like blood work and stool analysis etc., is sure seems like a fast track for dialing into the main causes of your symptoms.
  2. Peter starts a new podcast and asks to send high quality questions. Everyone, send your deepest metaphysical inquiries! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC4y8BsIrR5rQj5dzpEbOpmA/community?lb=UgkxqonrjGz1rrYAxT6BbapyLlL48rCZsTa4
  3. I'm curious, can you elaborate or make a short list of more facets that haven't been mentioned yet?
  4. @Water by the River @Leo Gura In his latest newsletter, Ralston gives a few key insights into how his consciousness has deepened. He is also writing a new book with the titel "Whereof One Cannot Speak" that is supposed to be the deepest and most advanced book he has written, in his own words "perhaps the deepest and most advanced conscious book ever written", where he will go into depth about his deepest awakenings and insights into absolute consciousness. The following is an excerpt from his newsletter: "Dear Cheng Hsin Community, Increasing consciousness just doesn't stop! I am so grateful for what I have become conscious of, not just over the many decades but even just last year! At this point, I'd like to just sit with people and share this consciousness as best I can —a consciousness that is everything, beyond self and not-self, including and squaring the absolute and the relative. It is unbelievable. But that would be for the me-that-really-doesn't-exist, and so selfish. What is best for people, however, is for you to do the work, step by step, and grasp all of the assertions made in the workshops. I might want to just jump to the end, but I realize that's not going to work for you, so I have to support you even if I'd love for you to just be free of it all already! (I have always tended to be impatient. :)) Although, I'd love to be able to simply share the humor and joy I feel, and have you get the consciousness from which it comes, it doesn't work that way. Tough noogies for me, eh? But I do want what's best for you. A New Depth of Consciousness Perhaps I should share a bit about this consciousness. I can see that one might ask: if I got What I am and What Another is, etc. so long ago, what was missing or not conscious for me that is now? Good question. As is often the case in consciousness work, some ignorance remains, or the dots don’t connect. So, although I was completely conscious of what I am, it was still what “I” am! There was no doubt that this is infinite and absolute, but the mind still held it as related to “I.” In this new consciousness, finally even my mind got on board and the "I" went. I know this is hard to understand. It’s not an either/or. In such consciousness “I” is seen for what it is, just as are mind, objects, and everything else. It’s like falling into the absolute consciousness that manifests as relative things—nothing is excluded. A final link was made. I had grasped my nature and even the nature of existence, and although I understood the absolute and relative can't be different, my mind still made a distinction between the relative and the absolute. Now I actually see the relative is the absolute, or to say it another way, I see the absolute in the relative—a very impossible thing for a mind to do. It has become obvious, and I smack my forehead that I didn't see it before. The real nature of existence both absolute and relative—is absolute consciousness. Me, and everyone else I know or have heard of, still had our enlightenments stuck in the distinction of me and not-me, even grasping that another is the same as me didn’t break the spell, it was understood that they had to be the same, but in reality, no one can square the absolute with the relative. But in this case, consciousness has now done just that. Anyway, once me and not-me disappeared, everything just fell into place—in a much more “inclusive” way than I could have imagined. It humbled me, at least in my heart—but as person (a limited form of consciousness) I’m still that presumptuous and insolent guy, I just laugh a lot more. Love and Sadness Once I was dining out and as I looked around at the various fellow diners, I did my best to experience the world they experienced. I supplemented this effort with my own memory of a world I experienced in which I lived many, many decades ago. My reaction to what I saw was a combination of love and heartbreak. Why those reactions? I recognize others as myself, and seem to have some kind of compassion or love for us all, and yet there was also a sadness. This sadness was based on seeing the unnecessary but incredibly solidly stuck limitations within which their whole world existed. This is hard to convey, it is certainly unusual, but you might be able to relate to something in this area given you've gleaned some of your own limitations and perhaps had breakthroughs allowing you to glimpse past them. One example that might shed a little light on this experience was a hit I had with one of my old t'ai chi teachers. He has accomplished his life goals, is at the top of his field and very successful, and yet as I brought him to mind I was suddenly sad because he is completely limited to that world and knows nothing else, having no access to any reality outside of this limited world. Whereas I had so much more. The good news, I suppose, is that he doesn't know he is limited, he only sees he is king of his world and thinks this world is important. Yet, to me this is sad because it is so ignorant about its limitations and myopic nature. This is the same for the vast majority of humans. That is why I had the heartbreak watching the people around me at dinner." Winter_CHNL2025.pdf
  5. Consciousness is the fundamental building block of reality. Perceptions are information streams accessed by consciousness. You, as a piece of consciousness, receive these information streams from the greater part of your Consciousness.
  6. Consciousness is the core of reality, serving as both, the source and processor of information. Perception is how consciousness accesses and interacts with information. Consciousness uses perception to interpret information, which give rise to the reality we experience. So, if reality doesn't manifest as perception, it doesn't mean consciousness ceases to exist; rather, it might not be actively engaging with that reality. Consciousness persists but is in a more dormant or non-experiential state until it encounters a new reality information stream to perceive. Of course, that information stream arises out of itself, as stated in the beginning, consciousness serves as both, the source and processor of information. After all, you are a piece of consciousness in a larger web of the totality of Consciousness.
  7. Tldr: Your actions, thoughts and believes will shape your afterlife environments.
  8. @Leo Gura how do you interpret Bashar's statement? As I see it, nothing that can be said will ever escape one's own direct experence, any notion of other will always be part of one's own perception. The only way how solipsism could be disproven imo, is how Ethan Kahn @Synchronicity (from 'Everything Explained' on yt) described it to me: He explained having two (in his case infinite) seperate experiences simoultaneously. While each perspective in itself is whole and closed off to the possibility of having an outside, he simoultaneously also inhabited all other perspectives. It was a paradox in the end. Have you ever experienced anything similar, like holding two perspectives at the same time?
  9. @Carbon ask Bashar about solipsism and how there can be anything outside your direct experience, e.g. other conscious agents, having their own experience. To add context, you could ask, if infinity is having all experiences at once, all superimposed on top of each other, or if infinity is having one experience at a time, such that the eternal now is forever changing like a kaleidoscope, from one experience to another.
  10. AGI by 2030 might not be off the table imo
  11. TLDR: This guy smoked salvia and got transported to live another man's life for 30 years. At the end of his alternate life, he eventually found a box with a pipe and some salvia left. Upon smoking the salvia, he woke back up in his current life as a 19 year old.
  12. They are indeed natural phenomena, and I would like to propose the view, that they can be indeed understood. Tom Campbell, in his trology 'My big Theory of Everything' (see here), lays out a framework for how this local consciousness system, that we inhabit, works, and how phenomena, such as remote viewing, astral travel and telepathy are a natural byproduct of the structure of such a consciousness system. It also teaches you, how you can make use of these techniques, so that you as consciousness, can navigate the larger system for yourself, and discover how it works, and come to your own conclusions. It basically boils down to everything being Consciousness, as in one interconnected, conscious system, where you, as a piece of that larger consciousness system, can access all information that are available to such a system.
  13. How do you explain remote viewing then? People to this day produce consistent, reliable results in remote viewing experiments, that cannot be explained away by pure chance or coincidence.
  14. Just because you gain understanding into how the reality system operates, doesn't mean you automatically gain access to make changes or manipulate the rule set. You could play World of Warcraft, and have a second monitor running, which shows you the game engine code in some programming language. But unless you have full developer access, you are not allowed to make any changes to the system.
  15. Designed by you as Consciousness, for you as consciousness to experience yourself as a human life.
  16. Because enlightenment is but a +1 on your skill tree, giving you a little more access to all psychic abilities, besides total clarity on what you are. This game has not been programmed for your avatar to walk through walls, but rather serves as a training ground for you as consciousness to become more love. If you could access these higher order functions, you would have no business coming here as a human avatar anymore, but instead serve more complex/higher tier functions as an evolved consciousness.
  17. All that wall really is, is your human avatars sensory data stream congealed/rendered into the experience of 'wall'. There really is no wall, because there is no external, physical reality that you inhabit, in the same way that there is no real wall in a computer game. For you to walk within your sensory data stream through the appearance of a wall, you would have to have access (higher level of consciousness) to the operating system, as if enabling the 'no clip' mod for your consciousness in this reality game. And the only way any consciousness gets access to higher order functions, is by cooperating with the larger consciousness system, by becoming more loving and selfless and serving others to become more love. The more selfless you become, the better you become in your ability to change the probability distributions of the things that are rendered in this reality game, by using your intent. But see, if you become so selfless, you will not care about any of those 'magic tricks' anymore, as they would probably come from a place of selfishness, to manipulate your way through this reality game. A fully selfless consciousness will be able access these higher functions, and walk over water, or change water to wine, but do so out of service to a greater goal, and in the end still die selflessly at the cross, without the need to manipulate it's way out of it.
  18. It depends. If all one is interested in, is to come to an ultimate conclusion, than I guess all you need to know is that reality is infinite. On the other hand, if you are also about understanding your local subsystem, a world view (such as Martins or Artems) that proposes that this reality cluster we inhabit is as all there is (as in this material/energy plane), is actually limiting to ones worldview/perspective. There are countless material and non material reality clusters in Consciousness, that can be accessed by you as consciousness. Saying that phenomena, such as astral travel, are figments of the human mind, will limit you in your ability to understand the greater reality system around you, and consequently make these tools less effective for you, as you will believe, that you are stuck in this one energetic/physical plane of existence, and all occurrences, like going somewhere beyond via shifting reality streams, is but a figment of your human imagination.
  19. Yes, Martin is all aboard the God train, but for him (see his book 'Being Human') God is infinite energy manifesting out of a Singularity into this (physical) reality. You could say he is not a materialist but an energy-ist. Beyond this energetic, (seemingly physical when collapsed into form) infinite reality there is nothing for him. Non-physical, like astral travel to other dimensions, or dreams, creates a distinction for him that is not grounded in this energetic reality, but is no more than your (human) minds capacity for imagination. He emphasizes these phenomena having no inherent reality onto themselves, while this energetic reality, that displays as our material plane, for him is foundational/absolute.
  20. If God can imagine conscious human agents, operating in a limited materialistic dream, why couldn't he imagine Alien agents, operating in their own alien playingfield? Heck, why couldn't he imagine being the playingfield itself, like being a reality engine server itself, that runs whole worlds/dreams? You say God is an infinite runaway ocean of dreams. No one controls it. But why couldn't it have holons within holons, subsystems within subsystems, that act as operating/governing priciples for parts of itself? Yes, in the absolute sense its infinite runaway all the way, but that doesn't prevent it to have structures within structures that are governing one another.
  21. The main point is not that Martin is a materialist, but that for him, this very reality we are experiencing (whatever it is made of), is the only thing that is absolutely real. He discards all phenomena, such as astral travel and other non-physical realities, that are not within the same playing field as this reality we are experiencing, as fabrications of the (human) mind.
  22. Yes, in reference to the Absolute/Nothingness, no appearing realm has an inherent reality onto itself. But in the context people like Artem and Martin use this distinction, they mean to say that only the material/energetic material plane we are experiencing is absolutely real, while phenomena like dreaming, astral travel, and non physical realities are fabrications of the brain/human mind. That is the great error they make, that stems from their world view (despite having had deep realizations about their true nature).
  23. @Water by the River They will not just use different language. Their worldview and belief system will be baked into their meta perspective on what reality is and how it works, and through that perspective, their enlightenment will be additionally interpreted. If you read Artem closely, it is obvious to the trained eye, that he gets all the 'qualities/fundamentals' of full enlightenment right, basically collapsing all identification mechanisms, until there is only the totality of existence left. But then he fuses that with his worldview, of being a body within an infinite, material/energy universe. For Artem, that body (his body) is itself part of everything else, there are technically no boundaries between any matter/energy objects. He is within that universe and from it/part of it. No governing principles acting from outside on that universe, that kind of universe is governing itself from within, it is deterministic, because it has to build on itself in an infinite regress of causalities. That is very different to a worldview, in which you, as Infinite Consciousness, operate as a larger system, with many subsystems (holons within holons) and conscious agents (that you as the larger Consciousness have divided yourself into), that can interact with these sub-systems. In that paradigm, you would have one part of consciousness run a reality simulation (e.g. a physical or non-physical reality frame/dream) like a server, to which part of your conscious agents could log on, by receiving data/information streams. The conscious agent (basically a piece of the larger consciousness) is obviously not going anywhere from A to B, it's already floating nowhere, no when, always here now, receiving (in the case of a human being avatar) sense data of smell, touch, hearing, sight, touch, that is creating a 3D world (like Earth). Collapsing that sense data (like you can in deep meditation), would again reveal your true nature, as pure awarness floating in/as the infinte void. So you can actually field test that theorie. That's why there is also no world beyond your sensory bubble, there really is no external material world, there is only 10 billion consciousnesses, floating in the void, receiving (human) sense data streams of what is rendered into our current earth experience. Bashar also confirms this perspective, by saying that you are not in this world, because you have never left spirit ( the non-physical). Instead you operate from spirit, being tuned into this holographic (seemingly material) universe/simulation. What appears as physical reality is in fact non-physical reality, with the difference, that the rule set is much more strict in this dream, and you for example, cannot fly through walls. The rule set is obviously not upheld by you, the consciousness that is logged on to the 5 senses data stream of the avatar, but by some higher funtion consciousness-algorithm/operating system, which again is not really separate from you. Just you, as a limited unit of consciousness, have not the admin rights to interfere with that operating system (unless you maybe take enough 5meo-dmt and get a glimpse, how part of your higher order functioning consciousness is creating this simulation/dream). While logged on to the 5 senses data stream of the avatar, you can only play by the rules of the server, and play within this material plane, until maybe one day, you become your own whole universe/server, if you as consciousness have evolved enough. Bashar also supports that view, that you as consciousness are always becoming more of yourself, that that is the whole point of existence. It's not static, it's always becoming ever more. So again, from this worldview, you are in this world (by receiving 5 senses data stream of the avatar) but you are not of it. Big difference! That way, dreams, Astral travel, different reality frames are not just figments of the bodies mind function (like they have to be, in Artems materialistic world view), but they are legitimate/equal playingfields to that of the material plane we are experiencing. All those reality frames are of course just different data streams/imaginations, that you as consciousness can log on to (see also reality shifting). Nothing is ever going anywhere, it's just like changing channels on a TV. The reason I want to emphasize the difference between these two world views, is because it actually takes you away from a reductionistic world view to a more holistic, expanded perspective, that is inherently more meaningful, than what Artem proposes. I would propagate, that giving one a meaningful, holistic perspective, alongside with the tools that will take you to full enlightenment, is far more beneficial for the whole of humanity, than giving guidance to an enlightenment, that is baked into a reductionistic, nihilistic world view. The first one will get you excited, the second one will make you feel depressed along the way. On a side note, Chris Bache, in his book 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe', has given by far the most splendid, beautiful, wholesome and awe inspiring worldview to where we, as a collective human organism/consciousness, are navigating towards. I had tears in my eyes reading his description of the potential, that we, as a human race, have. That's the true power of having a great vision and a meta view, that aims to allign itself with the highest/most wholesome understanding of reality.