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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. @Be Yourself I'm close friends with very many scientists and medical professionals, and I'd definitely say that most are taking, or have taken psychedelics. So don't worry, that's already happening It's just something that still has a lot of stigma around it so very few people talk about it publicly. But some do! And I agree that there's a lot more to be discovered psychedelic is used as a tool to study within, than a thing to give to someone else and study from without. Edit: I can't wait until politicians start taking psychedelics
  2. That's some contagious laughter! My new role model.
  3. 5-MeO-DMT has changed everything and nothing for me. Sorry for the cliche sounding answer, but it's true and I'll try to explain. It's given me a direct experience of what great philosophers, meditators etc. really mean when they talk about the fundamental unity of existence. This is no longer a theoretical concept. But this hasn't changed anything for me. I don't experience life with some kind of new constant awareness of this undivided wholeness, or some kind of new fantastic zeal. I'm right back to living reality the way my meat-machine is wired; categorizing forms, differentiating self and non-self, liking things, disliking things, etc etc. But at the same time, when I really investigate my perspective before/after, I am more aware of this unity. It feels closer and more palpable. But does that change anything? Not really, this is such a fundamental thing, it doesn't really change anything in the world of forms. But infinity! A side effect of 5-MeO-DMT is that I've become more voraciously hungry to investigate some philosophical topics, physics, and I'm meditating with a lot more determination. Another side effect has been that I've become more aware of my physical posture and how it affects my body energy. This has been a very positive thing for me. I'm frustrated that it's a bit difficult to talk about 5-MeO-DMT with people. It's something I'd like to be able to share, but there is a lot of stigma around using drugs in general, and also it's hard to tell who would benefit from it, and for whom it would be altogether a bad idea. So I mostly just keep my mouth shut, except like here. I'm very impressed with Leo for speaking openly and publicly about it. I think a best case scenario is if awareness around this substance gradually increases, and it remains possible to acquire, hopefully the people for whom it will be helpful will naturally be drawn to it.
  4. Don't worry guys just having some shits and giggles here
  5. About 20mg jk. I'm still a normal old ego centred bastard.
  6. Too much time on your hands? Try spending more time on your feet
  7. Have you had a brush with death and faced your own mortality? Share your story here, life is short.
  8. ^ I wouldn't say weird, but it's surprising. And heartbreaking. I wouldn't say I've had any true brushes with death. I've had many incidents where if things went differently it could have meant death, but fortunately death was always a safe two steps away. Nonetheless, these experiences have put life into perspective for me, so it got me thinking that it'd be interesting to hear about people's experience peering a little closer over the edge.
  9. Wow quite a few near drownings in here. @Annetta wow so sorry that happened, I'm glad you survived to tell the tale! @Dodoster really cool that you redirected that self-destructive intention into self-transcendence, good on you. Interesting stories here guys.
  10. No it's not required at all. Gautama Buddha (for example) never used 5-MeO-DMT. The vast majority of the most realized human beings in history probably never had access to 5-MeO-DMT. However it can be extremely useful, because it gives a direct experience of .. raw experience. Words don't do it justice, but it really can be a tool to experience that mystical state that so many traditions point to. At the same time it's not for everyone, so please don't feel like you are obliged to use it. I think you'll know if it's right for you.
  11. Breathatarianism is a crock of shit. Periodic fasting is one thing, but subsisting indefinitely on nothing but air is a delusion at best, and a dangerous lie at worst.
  12. Anyone in here read David Bohm's book "Wholeness and the Implicate Order"? It feels very relevant to this discussion. Therefore I'd like to relevate it to this discussion
  13. @Shin Totally agree with your clarification. Wasn't obvious in my post above, but I meant "monk" figuratively - of course being an actual monk is an option, but I meant it more as a general label for a life of spiritual pursuit. Anyways, your broader idea is a helpful middle ground.
  14. Yes it's a paradigm. Paradigms aren't inherently unproductive or a negative thing, the idea is just to recognize that they exist.
  15. What is your intuition/muse telling you to do? Do you mean that it won't fulfill you because dating and success itself is an illusion and therefore not reality, or because you think you can't achieve that reality? Investigate for yourself whether you are feeling disillusioned with dating/success/money because of your own disappointments in these arenas, or if it's because of something deeper. Guessing from your profile picture, you look like a young man, maybe early 20s and I'm going to assume hetero, pardon me if these assumptions are incorrect. Some young men at your stage really are monk types who are ready to cast of their worldly attachments and pursue a spiritual life. But it's likely you're going through the same thing that most young men go through, where you still have a lot of growing to do, and it's really hard to date because women don't find you super attractive *yet*. A lot of women are at their peak attractiveness in their early 20s, whereas men are just at the beginning, so the game is tough. As you get older into your 30s, the whole thing flips around. If you take a deep honest look and find out that dating etc *is* actually something you want, you probably need to work on yourself. If you want the princess you have to be the prince. Or maybe you really are a monk and ready to move past all this. I'd just caution you if you think so, to make sure you're not fooling yourself that you're over the game because of frustrations you've had playing it. Or maybe your path lies somewhere in the middle. In Thailand and other buddhist societies in SE Asia, young men usually take time out, maybe a year or two, to live life as a monk. Traditionally, it's not until after this phase that men are considered suitable partners by women. So that's an interesting model as well.
  16. I don't think there's any point in that, there are already forums dedicated to psychedelics. There are also many teachers who completely avoid the topic of psychedelics. So if someone were interested in either of those topics without the other, there are already resources. Leo's been clear about how psychedelics have been an integral part of his spiritual practice, and this forum is a reflection of his teachings. Leo is just a dude bettering himself and sharing what's good with the world, and he's really good at it. It seems like you're externalizing your fear of psychedelics @I_Like_Thing. No one (I hope) is trying to get you to consume them. If you're not interested, or feel unsafe about them, then that's definitely a sign that they're not for you, so don't worry about it.
  17. Hah sorry for coming across like I was making a sales pitch, that wasn't my intention at all! Poor choice of words on my part. I'm enthusiastic about AL-LAD (and many other psychedelics), but it's not the be-all-end-all by any means. If/when it disappears off the face of the earth, it will be sad to loose a special and unique gem, but there are plenty of others out there. It's just that we're at a special moment in history when this substance is both available and basically legal. The door is open right now, it's only been open for a few years, and soon it will shut again. So if you have an inclination to experiment with AL-LAD specifically, then now is the time. But psychedelics in general will always be around. You don't need AL-LAD to get enlightened. You don't need psychedelics to get enlightened. They're just really neat and useful tools.
  18. @zikzak AL-LAD (along with ETH-LAD) is very difficult to produce and has low yields, so it's uneconomical to produce compared to the other grey-market lysegamides (ALD-52, 1P-LSD). The major lab that has been supplying all of the world's AL-LAD since it was released about 4 years ago has announced that they have ceased production. They've been loosing money making it. Apparently there's a good amount of stock remaining in the various vendors, and people are saying a year's worth left, probably more like 1-2 years left like @Toby said. It probably sounds like I'm super in touch with the underground psychedelic scene or something, but I'm not. This is just information I'm relaying from an email from a direct vendor, and backed up by word on the forums. It's always possible that some other lab will synth it down the road, but the lysergamides are notoriously tricky to produce, and the 6-sub lysergamides (ETH-LAD, AL-LAD) even moreso. So it's very likely that this is it. In any case, with these currently being quasi-legal in much of the world, and available right now, it's a pretty special moment in history.
  19. Yes! 8mg insufflated (I think most people would consider that mild) was extremely positive for me. It was difficult at the beginning, and then I hit a catharsis turning it into an absolutely ecstatic experience. It was a microcosm of a more full blown experience like at 20mg. Below 8mg I didn't really experience anything noteworthy - neither very unpleasant/difficult, or enjoyable/rewarding. I believe that it's useful at all doses, and that everyone should work their way up with it. Even if it weren't useful at low doses, it's a good safety habit to work your way up, and also to get the practice for good technique.
  20. AL-LAD is great. I've tried it at a few different low-doses (22µg - 150µg), and it's a lot like how Leo describes - TONS of creativity, delight, sensuosness, tons of space for introspection and wonderment. It's acid-lite and a complete joy! Unicorns and rainbows stuff. It's like a spray of spring rain on your consciousness, click your heels and off you go! Highly recommended, get it while you can, it's likely to disappear permanently within the next year or so because of production difficulty.
  21. Moby recently put out a 4h+ album of the most chilled out ambient music. Highly recommended. "over the last couple of years i’ve been making really really really quiet music to listen to when i do yoga or sleep or meditate or panic. i ended up with 4 hours of music and have decided to give it away." Download/stream it here free: http://moby.com/la1/
  22. I think you will have an extremely tough time locating 5-MeO-DMT in Mexico, unless you find some psychedelic spirit guide / psychedelic therapist / chemical shaman beforehand online. It's not like there are shops, or people walking around selling it there. Honestly, I think your better strategy would be to try to acquire it without going to Mexico. It probably won't be easier to find there than right where you are, unless you live in the Philippines, Saudi Arabia or some place with extremely harsh drug enforcement. This forum isn't about helping people to find drugs so you'll have to be creative to figure out how this is done, or check out other forums/reddit that discuss research chemicals. It's also legal in Canada FYI. Edit: You should still visit Mexico though! It's an amazing country full of diverse culture, lovely people and some of the best food in the Americas!
  23. Yeah nice question! My personal, current, opinion is a mixture of the two as well. By ego, I mean the first-person perspective, the subjective experience of being, not the colloquial sense of ego being the feeling that "I'm better than you are" etc. I think we're already all in agreement here on these terms, but just to be sure I believe that "Outlook 1" is true: our purpose here in this configuration is to experience ego, the material plane, separateness, opposites, logic. To view ego as a problem is just making a new problem, creating a different kind of suffering. I believe "Outlook 2" is also true. We have a unique opportunity to transcend the ego in this life, it's a lofty goal that can actually be achieved. I've always wanted to believe it was possible to transcend the ego and have raw undivided experience, but until recently I've held some doubts, thinking that maybe it's just an impossible goal that spiritual practices wave in front of you to keep you playing their game. I no longer doubt that it's possible. Now I wonder if it's possible to live day to day in this kind of state, in the middle of the madness of life.