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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. Sounds like you've never taken any psychedelics? You can make a journey to another part of the world to do this, but you could also make the time and space to do it near or at home and get just as much out of it. Nothing wrong with making a big journey, and nothing wrong with making the journey internally either. I've had some very special trips in different parts of the world, and very special ones at home. In any case I recommend making sure to get outdoors, be healthy, comfortably dressed, in good relation with the people around you and in your life, have some easy light food handy and water, maybe some tea or something. You could start out with any of the classics (or non-classics really) but magic mushrooms are a pretty good place to start if you keep your dose low. They're usually easy to come by, pretty short lasting, and can provide that classic psychedelic experience.
  2. Yeah man! You're an outstanding teacher Leo! Keep it up!
  3. ^ this is a good technique many people use to bypass the inaccuracies that the cheaper scales have at the bottom end of their measuring range. For anyone looking for a very accurate scale at a decent price, I can't recommend the American Weigh Gemini-PRO (AWS GPR-20) enough. It costs about $100 and it's been reliable to me for years now. It consistently measures my calibration weights (tiny pieces of tinfoil with their masses marked on them) down to the same 1mg every time, doesn't wander, isn't easy to "fool". I've done so many different kinds of tests with it, and it's damn consistent. 5 stars. I'm sure there are other very good scales at that price range, this isn't an advertisement, just sharing what's worked for me.
  4. Well, those results are more consistent than I thought they'd be. The range is fairly narrow per scoop. I can see how using scoops, if done carefully, could be preferable to a shitty $20 scale or whatever. Scoops are certainly cheaper than a decent scale. *But* there are some problems with this that people need to be aware of: In the experiment they note "It would be wise to ensure the material is finely powdered to ensure even and consistent weighing" - I'm not so confident that people will bother doing that. The "3mg" scoop won't be delivering 3mg of 5-MeO-DMT. In the experiment it delivered around 1.5mg of the drug. If people fail to account for this, they will go on the internet and report that they took say 50mg of 5-Meo-DMT when it was actually just 25mg. This will throw other people off who are trying to figure out their own dosage. If people are clever enough to use that reddit as a calibration, there will still be the problem that their own product will differ in density vs. the experiment, and they will have no idea their own product's density. I'm currently sitting on two different batches of 5-MeO-DMT which have very different densities for example. And very important: If you need to take multiple scoops to hit your desired dose you get compounding inaccuracy. So let's take an example to illustrate the issues. So say you want around 18mg of the HCl and you have the 10mg and a 3mg scoop from the experiment. Your best bet is to do 2 of the "10-12mg" scoop and 3 of the "3mg" scoop, which should give you on average 6.8+6.8+1.5+1.5+1.5 = 18.1mg. The error range is 0.8+0.8+0.5+0.5+0.5 = 3.1mg - so +/- 1.5mg. That means your measured dose is anywhere from 16.6mg to 19.6mg. That's a pretty coarse range! Plus it's a lot of figuring just to make sure the dose is right (I just had to come back in to edit this because of a mistake, and I'm a pretty "numbers" guy), lots can go wrong there. And we haven't even accounted for the fact that your own powder will be of a different density in the experiment. It's much simpler just to tell people to fork out $100 for a semi-decent scale that can actually measure down to +/-1mg, and if you can't afford that then maybe try a cheaper scale and learn volumetric dosing.
  5. This presentation from Payam Akhavan for some high grade Stage Yellow political perspective: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/payam-akhavan-stopped-working-in-war-zones-but-death-and-destruction-followed-him-1.4391802
  6. Holy crap @Leo Gura - I can see how if your scale reads 10mg and 20mg as the same you'd say that scoops are more precise. I wouldn't call that a milligram scale, more like a "milligram" scale. I think you haven't tried a good scale yet, or there is some problem with your scale(s). Have you changed the battery? Mine was a bit wonky until I replaced the shit factory battery, now it measures within 1mg consistently. Here's the scale I'm using: AWS Gemini PRO GPR-20 https://www.amazon.com/American-GPR-20-Gemini-PRO-Digital-Milligram/dp/B00FDOL6C4 - it's a bit more expensive than I remembered, but 100% worth every penny. It's not at the bottom tier of scales, more like second-from-the-bottom. If I put a tiny clump on, it goes up 1mg, if I take it off again it goes down 1mg. If I weigh the thing the next day it weighs the same. My bits of calibration tinfoil measure the same every single time. It's been good to me.
  7. Anyone in their 60s+ or so on here? If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to yourself as you were entering into middle age? (A question on the Dating, Relationships, Sexuality forum reminded me of some advice I would have liked to give myself as a teen - late adult. Some things you really have to go through in your life, but I think some key insights earlier on could have saved a lot of wheel-spinning and led to a genuinely more resplendent life. So as I approach middle age, I ask our wiser companions: What insights can you share that you wish you realized going into your midlife?)
  8. I forget the exact model, but it's an AWS (American Weigh Scale) that cost around $50, nothing special. I keep a few different pieces of tinfoil of different sizes with their mass written on them to use to ensure the calibration is consistent, and every single time it's the exact same number, down to 1mg. How much swing do you get with your Gemini-20? Using scoops is definitely not consistent. You can't guarantee a perfectly consistent grind, especially between batches. Also there is variable settling, accidental air pockets in the scoop, static charge causing the powder to clump or scatter. Even if you did want to go to all the trouble to try to make a perfect grind of your chem, it would still be easier to do liquid volumetric dosing. If scoops were consistent they'd use them in chemistry labs, but they don't. If you've ever done a university course in chemistry you'll know that dry chemicals are measured on a scale. Even pro bakeries use scales, because flour will have different densities, and because of settling. If you really want super accurate dosing, Liquid Volumetric Dosing is definitely the way to go. It's how ultra potent drugs like LSD are properly dosed, or laid on blotter. When you dissolve a chemical into a solution it is perfectly distributed in that solvent, so every time you measure say 1mL of the solution, you get the *exact* same dosage - you can get very tiny syringes that let you measure volumes extremely accurately. 5-MeO-DMT isn't so strong that you can't get away with using scoops, but it's not more accurate than a cheap mg scale and liquid volumetric dosing, or even a $50 mg scale straight up.
  9. Nooooo! I must politely disagree here Leo - a scoop will never be as accurate as a $30-50 gem scale! Please don't encourage this, it's really not a reliable method. Crystal formation is inconsistent, especially going from one batch to the next, so no two scoops will ever be exactly the same, because density varies from one scoop to the next. Plus it's hard to visually make a perfectly consistent across the top to where you're filling. Whereas a scale will measure with 100% *consistency* which is the important thing. You can confirm this by taking a tiny piece of paper or something, and weighing it, write the measurement on it, and weigh it the next day. It will be the same, unless your scale isn't calibrated, or really sucks. You might be concerned with the +/-1mg or +/-2mg accuracy of this class of scales, but that's not such a big deal because it's the consistency that's most important, not so much hitting the absolute correct measurement, if that makes sense. The weight is the only way to get an accurate gauge on how much of the substance you're ingesting. If you want greater accuracy, measure out a larger weight on your scale, and then dissolve it in a solute like water or vodka. You then can use a syringe to measure dead accurate doses of your solution. Google volumetric dosing for details on how to do this properly.
  10. Yeah man that's it! BTW I just re-noticed that you said you're 16yo. I just want to remphasize that you should definitely stay away from acid and any other psychedelics at your age, just in case my anecdote gave you any ideas. My insightful acid trip I mentioned was when I was 20yo, which was still pretty young to be tripping. I've seen a few people who started tripping really young end up becoming lost in their lives. I really think at your age you don't need anything like that. It's better to be saved for when you're more established in your personality and have entered into adulthood, and need to have your perspective shaken up a bit. At your age, everything is just starting to gel, you really don't need to be shaking anything up.
  11. I'm middle aged now, married to an amazing wife, love of my life for real. Kids etc. I broke out of my shyness by doing exactly what I suggested to you: started going for the girls I was actually genuinely deeply attracted to. It's amazing how much better your game gets when it's for real. There's nothing more seductive than someone who genuinely wants you, and conversely nothing more of a turn off than someone who's trying their best to be into you. And it turns out it's usually reciprocal. Most of the time true attraction is mutual. The switch actually happened on an acid trip. A particular strong acid trip early on in my psychedelic career made me realize that I was faking myself with attraction, and semi-subconsciously avoiding the girls I that really wanted out of fear of rejection, and kind of going along with the girls that were convenient. I'm definitely not counselling you to take acid, or that it would do the same thing for someone else. Just relaying my experience. It was kind of a profound moment for me that was a turning point, because I couldn't hide from it anymore! It's funny, to tell you the truth as I've aged I've realized that the awkwardness probably never completely goes away. These feelings are a natural part of the lovely game of attraction, and will always be there, it's part of the dance. You just decide to accept it and let it be part of the thrill.
  12. @brugluiz You raise some very good points, but calling Leo "shady" is a bit harsh. Clickbaity title worked though! He's got a lot to offer, pretty remarkable and unique teacher really - Leo goes deep! But his vibe isn't going to work with everyone all the time. As with any teacher/leader, it's important to not put him on too much of a pedestal, and just learn what you find useful from him, what fits, and don't expect him to be the one all encompassing teacher that is perfect in every way for what you need. I think in the end, you are your own perfect teacher is yourself. It sounds cliche or pithy, but it's really true. No one knows your situation better than yourself. Great teachers like Leo can only help point you along your way. Sounds like you don't have any problems with that, obviously you're thinking independently here
  13. Sounds like you know exactly what you need to do already. The one piece advice I'd go back and give to myself at your age is: go for the girls you actually are very strongly attracted to. I think I wasted a lot of time trying to connect with girls I was only weakly attracted to, because I was too shy to go for the girls I really wanted. It took me a long time to figure that one out.
  14. Good job figuring out the antidepressants thing. It really demonstrates how a person should look at that medical stuff first in these situations.
  15. You may be right. I'm sure not a relationship counsellor or sex therapist, or any kind of expert! I can just say what ended up working for me. When I went through a dry spell with my wife, I realized I needed to back off. Constantly trying to get her to have sex with me, being rejected, and so forth, ended up being a negative feedback cycle for both of us. So I just completely stopped coming on to her like that. It was like a weight of pressure was released in our relationship. Right away we were both happier. At the same time a switch happened where I realized the possibility that I might have to find a sex life outside of our marriage, because it sure wasn't happening within our marriage. So I started interacting with women in a different way. It's very subtle, and it's something that comes from inside, but the door became just a little bit ajar. Not in any kind of secret way, plain and in the open. It's not something we even talked about because it never got to the point where it needed to be, but it was something we could have. So what I mean by being in the open wasn't so much that I up front explained to her "this is happening blah blah blah", but that my behaviour was consistent whether or not she was there, I was just more open with talking to and very slightly flirting with attractive women. I guess I decided that if my sex life was going to have to happen outside our marriage, I wanted it to be open. Because I love my wife and wouldn't want to hurt her behind her back. It didn't take very long before things started to change. She started coming to me, on her own free will, when she wanted me, and not some kind of forced schedule, or dutiful shag. Very honest, hot, passionate, intimate sex. I just left it like that for a few months, left it completely up to her to decide when we were going to have sex. If she didn't want to no problem. I feel this created the space in our relationship where she was able to reconnect with her own sexuality and be intimate with me on her own terms. Now we're back to a more balanced state where sometimes I come to her, sometimes she comes to me. Well honestly, it's probably mostly me coming to her again, but it's in a better way now. Sex drive isn't a politically correct. No amount of haranguing, negotiation, counselling, rationalizing, will turn your partner on. That's what I've learned anyways. YMMV.
  16. You have a five year old, and it sounds like you want to make it work. I imagine your wife feels the same. Here's what I think you need to do: Rule out the psych meds thing mentioned above. Completely stop pressuring her into any kind of intimacy. You've laid your cards on the table, she knows. She needs to make the moves, and you'll be there for her when she does. Gently and slowly open the possibility that you will have sex with another woman. Very gradually open yourself to that possibility, and let that happen in front of her, not hiding or shameful. Get more comfortable talking to attractive women while she is there, and when she is not there. Let her observe that women find you attractive. Let this become a trend in your life, escalate it over the course of months. Don't ever be a creep about it, work your game and let your wife know in real world situations that the door is opening. I'm not telling you to cheat, or leave. She'll probably find out she wants to have sex with you again.
  17. ^ as a kid Mr. Rogers totally creeped me out, I think it was because his way of speaking seemed fake. As an adult, I can see that he was a tremendous positive force in this world. What a beautiful man.
  18. Monk: Master, does a cow have buddha nature? Master: Mooo!
  19. Ketamine is fucking weird. It's kind of worth trying just to have that different experience, but don't be looking to it for any kind of "raising consciousness". It's got very little in common with 5-MeO-DMT imo, aside from being a mind altering substance - trying to use it as a substitute is just not going to work. It's not that addictive, but some people definitely get into unhealthy habits with it, so watch out for that. Seems like there's some kind of allure to the dissociated state for some people, and it seems to be one of those drugs you can just keep redosing without tolerance building up. I'm not into it, but don't regret trying it.
  20. Hey @DrMobius yeah I didn't mean to discourage anyone from finding their own personal dose. I meant that message more for someone like @Ragib Ashraf who posted "holy fuck" etc after 17mg - he probably won't need to go up to 30-40mg, and might even get into unproductive or blackout turf if he went up that high. Psychedelics do affect everyone differently. It's wise to experiment with it, and work your way up carefully!
  21. Yeah just want to second this - taking more will produce a more intense / higher magnitude experience, but that's not necessarily "better". Often times with psychedelics you get a lot more out of a little bit less. And as Serotoninluv says there's a point where you stop forming memories, and/or black out, which is a waste. So far for me, 20mg sniffed was enough for a touchdown with the void. I can see going up to 24mg insuffl, but probably won't go much beyond that.
  22. You can use that same method to freebase DPT! Same same.
  23. ^ Good description. Spectres, angels, ghosts, seem to be common themes with DPT. I've taken two proper trips with it (I think 40mg, 60mg insuffl and several smaller doses) and never found it to be a terrifying trip or anything, but I can see how it could go that way if things got out of hand. It can be spooky and conjure up an awareness (real or not) of ghosts and stuff. For me it manifested as an awareness of ghosts-in-the-machine (well internet), and visions of an ancient spectre clutching onto his/her attachment to power and material riches. Felt like part fantasy, part real, which is what ghosts are all about I suppose. It also gave me an awareness of some of what we normally would consider to be "darker" aspects of reality that we don't normally want to look at directly - life eats life kind of stuff. DPT helped me to look straight at this without flinching and with acceptance. It also showed me negative stuff going on in my own life, and my own reality, and helped me resolve to do something about it, something I've partially completed, partially working on 5 years later tbh. I've seen DPT described as "disillusioning", which sounds bad unless you've experienced it. I think this is really true. It is disillusioning in the sense that it can strip back some illusions we live with to give ourselves a comfort blanket. But if we can pull back this curtain a bit and look more directly at reality, as it really is, without the feel-good fairy tales we tell ourselves, it's a step in growing up, a step towards living a more genuine life.
  24. Subjectively (to me anyways), 5-MeO-MiPT is *nothing* like 5-MeO-DMT. They're probably even less similar than DPT vs 5-MeO-DMT. But I think you're right that the receptor binding profile does have a lot of overlap. Just shows how there's a lot more to the experience than can be explained by binding data. 5-MeO-MiPT feels a lot more recreational - not really like MDMA, but a bit rolly I guess. It's like this edgy, goofy, trippy, drug. Kinda hard to describe. In common with 5-MeO-DMT I find it's not really visually active. Sounds like 5-MeO-MALT might have a lot in common with 5-MeO-DMT - haven't tried it though. In the end the answer to "What do you think comes closest to 5-Meo-DMT?" is... 5-MeO-DMT