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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. Nice report @Igor82 !!
  2. @SunnyNewDay you sound ready to me. Agreed with zikzak, try a low/medium dose and go from there
  3. "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is."
  4. Yes technically true @Aeris, and it's really impossible to separate nature from man-made, but it's really true that human beings suffer when too far from plants, animals, geography, and when we're embedded in synthetic environments and concrete jungles. Good word: psychoterratic! I've definitely suffered from this before.
  5. @Serotoninluv (or anyone else really) - have you looked into nebulizing/atomizing it? Basically you make a mist out of a solution of it, and inhale that. It seems like an intriguing ROA. Way too high. The legit vendors on the internet sell it for much cheaper than that. A breakthrough dose works out to be less than the cost of a fancy coffee, hilariously.
  6. Don't hurt me
  7. Parental love is pretty interesting. Until you have kids you have no idea how strong that is. It's true unconditional love, and it overrides any other love in your life. I believe there's no greater love than a parent's love for their children.
  8. @Elisabeth yeah it's true no doubt. That's a really sad story, it would be so hard. What's a metamour? It's tragic that pregnancy favours youth, yet sociologically it favours a lot more maturity. Our biology doesn't quite line up with our culture at this time.
  9. @MsNobody nice one
  10. I'm gonna jump in re: tolerance too. Tolerance is a bit complex. 2 weeks could be too early. You definitely trip after 2 weeks, but theres some less chance of that groundbreaking magic. You can't expect the level of magic that you'd otherwise get with a much longer break. On the other hand, sometimes you get the magic anyways, even the next day or a couple days later, depending on what's going on in life, your energy flow, your environment. Theres so much interplay with your life and psyche with psychedelics, it's so different from other drugs that are more directly causational. Sex is a really good analogy. You can definitely have amazing sex right two days in a row, but it's less likely to be amazing that second time the next day than if you waited a few more days. Adjusted for your own libido and recharge times Likewise for psychedelics there is a recharge period and it's going to depend a lot on your own personal "psychedelic libido" let's say, where you're at in your life, what's going on in that moment and so on. I think the stress affected the trip. It definitely would for me anyways. Another possibility is that the tabs were not evenly laid, and that you actually dosed a lot less the second time. That can happen. Theres also seems to be some plain randomness to response. Personally at this point I'm never disappointed with a weak trip..I find a lot of value at pretty much any dosage. Edit: another thing to add.. the negative content of your trip is not to be blamed on "bad acid". If its LSD, its LSD. LSD is LSD is LSD. The trip doesnt come from the drug, it comes from your mind. The drug just potentates your mind, it's an open-ended and powerful catalyst.
  11. Yes absolutely! I think you will have better results if you work on your self holistically like this, everything is interconnected. For example, your leadership skills will improve as you communicate your intentions better. Your communication skills will improve as you learn to better lead people through the story/idea you are telling.
  12. @Peo good to have a vision! @Jed Vassallo cool project!
  13. @Peo I don't think a one year solo retreat is super realistic. If you're the exception and you can do this, you probably would know it pretty deeply. Have you tried a 1 week or 10 day retreat already?
  14. I'd like to remind all the guys on here that OP is specifically asking for girls' advice. We males tend to overwhelm this forum, let's sit back a bit and let the ladies talk a bit eh? I think we could all learn something by giving some space here ( I recognize that I'm being a hypocrite as a male posting this )
  15. I'll echo what @zikzak said: it wouldn't be a good idea to try to cure your bro's delusions/trauma with 5-MeO-DMT. It would be at least as likely to exacerbate the issues as help them. Sonoran Toad secretions' effects are primarily due to 5-MeO-DMT, however there are other compounds present as well that probably affect it. A more significant difference is all of the set and setting that comes along with vapourizing a toad secretion alongside a guide or facilitator, usually in a very special prepared place, usually involving some kind of journey to get there. If there were a chance of this kind of thing being helpful, it would be with the help and guidance of a very experienced practitioner. Still risky and I'd just give your brother a lot of love and assurance.
  16. Cool @Aeris thanks for changing the subject and focus! ? Yes that might be a good idea to have a miscellaneous section on here for stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.
  17. Yes, agreed it can be a bit of fun, it's a point of view etc. Totally agree that Joe Rogan is a brilliant interviewer. I would just like to keep this forum out of the rabbit-hole of far fetched alien conspiracy land - without getting into any debates about the legitimacy of this stuff. Unless you're in the secret government department of Alien Comms, let's just say it's not really relevant to the average self-actualizer. There's plenty of this kind of material elsewhere on the internet for those who want to indulge.
  18. @Aeris Thanks. I don't believe "Aliens speaking to the Government" relates to the definition you just provided. I'll keep this thread open for now, but let's try to stay on topic in this forum please.
  19. I think family is stage purple. I think before kids most people in our society are fundamentally beige (you are actually still looking out for #1 deep down inside, you would not actually give your life for your tribe, society, the planet), but operating in day to day life at orange, blue and green. After kids most people become fundamentally purple (you're deeply looking out for family as #1, you would actually, literally, give your life for your kids), but operating at orange, blue, green. A pet theory about how parenthood changes people.
  20. I don't see how this relevant to the topic "Meditation, Consciousness, Enlightenment, Spirituality "
  21. @Mikael89 I'm glad to hear that your higher survival instinct protected you. Don't destroy what you've been given. You'll die no matter what eventually, but you only get this life once. Please talk to a proper psychologist or councillor IRL about your suicidal feelings, you're not going to get the right kind of attention on internet forums.
  22. Even if you're going to be a wage slave grades are irrelevant. Once you're out of school, no one cares about your grades. The only people that will ever look at your grades are other academic institutions. That being said, you care about your grades. Get good grades because it's harder than getting bad grades. Get good grades because you'll feel good about it, and it indicates you're mastering the subject, and getting the most out of your education. If you work hard and learn the material, get good grades, you'll leave school more confident and be better at learning. DO Leo's LPC course as well, but don't sacrifice your home stretch of high school for that. The LPC course is something you can be flexible with.
  23. You should definitely talk to a doc about this and not rely on any kind of information coming at you over this forum. There's no way anyone can give you any kind of accurate diagnosis on here. If I were you I'd definitely get my iron levels checked out. Did you look at that when you got your bloodwork done?