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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. I write in pencil in books sometimes. YOLO
  2. Very interesting. MAOI + vapourised DMT, sounds wild. I don't think I'd be up for that, but perhaps some day... a 45 minute voyage to DMT land would be extremely intense. Note to readers: combining psychedelics with an MAOI can be risky and you really need to inform yourself thoroughly before attempting this type of combo. If you don't already know, ayahuasca is a brew that combines a MAO Inhibitor (MAOI) plant with a DMT plant. MAO is an enzyme that your body produces to protect it from various organic molecules, including deactivating molecules like DMT. When you take an MAOI, it suppresses the action/production of MAO, thus drugs like DMT become orally active because they are no longer being deactivated by MAO. Consuming an MAOI makes your system vulnerable to all sorts of other molecules, as well as making psychedelics much more potent, which is where the potential risks lie. Do your research trippers!
  3. A fascinating interview with Nick Sand, one of the greatest LSD chemists to have graced this earth. He shares his life stories, some history of the psychedelic movement, discusses set and setting. A man who dedicated his life to catalyzing transformations in human consciousness through large scale production of LSD and other psychedelics: https://psychedelicsalon.com/podcast-598-a-conversation-with-nick-sand/
  4. Yeah I found it really useful for creating art (electronic music in my case) as well. So habit forming though. There's a fine line there, it's a double edged sword. On the one hand the best music I ever wrote (objectively, not just cause I was stoned and really liked it at the time) was while high on weed, on the other hand it became such a habit that it became the purpose in itself and I spent so many sessions lost in the studio, down some production rabbit hole. These days I never smoke weed. Luckily it's not physically addictive, just extremely habit forming. PS: yes you can smoke weed mindfully. You can do most anything mindfully, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good practice (or a bad one for that matter).
  5. Man @brugluiz I've spent a bunch of time in Brazil and I have to say that there is an amazing authenticity, energy, interconnectedness in your nation, you just don't get that in places like Scandinavia. I guess every place has it's strengths and weaknesses. I learned a lot by spending time in Brazil, about how to be honest and upfront, but also polite and kind. I'm sure you'd learn a lot by spending time in Scandinavia. That election was really disappointing tho. vlw!
  6. It's a pretty personal question and the answer is going to be different for each individual, so it's hard to debate. Some people want kids, some don't. It's challenging for women because they have to figure it out fairly early on compared to men. Men are really lucky to not really have to decide until a much older age. But since most people date fairly close to their age, men really owe it to their ladies to figure it out too.
  7. @legendary wow it's amazing to be reminded how much these dosages can vary from person to person. That's like a factor of around 5x between you and I. I can't imagine that fully scales though, like if I took 100ug it probably wouldn't be subjectively as intense as if you took 500ug. I disagree, it's different not better. Better for focus, worse for openness. I don't think that needs to be problematic. It's still internal, all experience is fundamentally subjective. An experience/realization can be catalyzed by the drug, but the drug itself is content-free. It's like if you use a pair of binoculars and see a bird very far away. You don't need to wonder if seeing that bird was an internal or external realization because you used binoculars. You just saw a bit further or with more resolution thanks to the lenses, and experienced seeing that bird.
  8. @OrpheusNovum yeah really, you can look it up, easy stats to research. It's astounding.
  9. I agree with what noSelfSelf has said, and also would like to add that if you have the calling to be dating and that it's colliding with self-actualizing, then that's a clue that the problem is with your conception of the self-actualizing part. Self-actualizing is about actualizing your greater self, and in this case your greater self is sending you the calling to date/form a romantic relationship. So you need to find a way to align your life with this, and not look at it as an either/or situation. You have it backwards - attraction complies completely with self-actualization. If you're finding that you are unattractive, it's probably a sign that you're not really self-actualizing the way you think you are.
  10. Just take a little bit and check for yourself. I find it pretty hard to imagine you could permanently fry your system on any reasonable (or even slightly unreasonable) dose of 5-MeO-DMT, so a small dose would be even safer. Regarding your sex practice, FWIW, personally I like to time my 5-MeO-DMT excursions with the day or two after I've had really good sex with my wife. I think this kind of thing is really just up to you, trust yourself on it.
  11. Sounds to me like you hesitated too much, and made her a little uncomfortable. That doesn't mean it's too late, but you need to get better at "striking the iron while it's hot". Next step would be to just be nice to her, don't avoid eye contact or anything fake like that. Just be friendly with her, treat her like a friend not a target. If/when she reciprocates and becomes friendly with you again, you can ask her on a date or whatever. Maybe she will continue to reject you, but maybe she won't, you can only find out and gain experience either way.
  12. The failure of the US medical system is untethered capitalism. Compared to Canada, USA has a lower life expectancy and higher rate of infant mortality, despite spending twice as much per capita on heath care.
  13. Nice one @KP_Spirituality27 good to hear you figured this out. I'm a big fan of back-sleeping and using little to no pillow, although I do mix in some side lying as well. Another thing I recommend for anyone who has to work on a computer/desk and has back problems is to stand at your desk, and to be physically active. This made a tremendous difference to me when I started having some lower back problems about 5 years ago. Today I have none.
  14. That's a good point re the collective conscious. The problem here is that you're bringing a substance into the collective mind that the collective mind did not consent to, or that it explicitly un-consented to. The grey area is around the wording of these rules. It's usually phrased like "don't take intoxicants or mind-altering substances" - it's pretty clear that an LSD microdose doesn't fit into the category of "intoxicant". As far as mind-altering substances goes, tea is usually sanctioned and provided, which is definitely a mind altering substance, so we have to take that to mean a certain degree of mind-altering. A microdose is similarly mild as a cup of tea. But we can be pretty sure that these rules are in place to tell people not to take drugs including LSD. If you asked the head officiant at the facility they would say no. I think of a microdose as just below or right at the threshold of perceptibility, so like 5-10ug. I'd call 25ug more of a mini-dose because at that point it's a fully perceptible (but mild) trip. What do others on here mean by microdose?
  15. I've thought of doing this too, I think it would fit really well. The problem for me might be the guilty discomfort in breaking the rules, but if you're completely OK with that, it should be fine IMO. It would be cool if there were a sangha that approved of this kind of thing. I can see how it could be problematic to openly approve the use of psychedelics during meditation retreats though, for sure people would take it too far and it would get messy.
  16. @Ellenier How do you know you have the freebase? Yes depression will have an impact on the trip, just like any quality of your mind will have an impact on the trip. But this brings up the question, are you on any psych meds? Good to know that 2C-E worked for you, great substance eh? It could be that your product is weak, it really sounds to me like an under-dose, or bad administration. How many times have you tried this batch at 32mg?
  17. Sounds to me like improper absorption because of the delayed onset and weak effects for that dosage. Maybe it didn't get into the right part of your rectum, something like that. Are you certain you're administering it correctly? Is your bowel empty beforehand?
  18. @andyjohnsonman the technique MsNobody is referring to is liquid volumetric dosing. You can learn about it here https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Volumetric_liquid_dosing It's a very accurate dosing technique!
  19. I think you'd have to convert the oxalate to freebase, and then freebase to HCl. I'd probably just try harder getting the oxalate into solution, maybe using a bit of heat before bothering with this. It seems to me that 5-MeO-DMT wouldn't have to be in perfect solution for plugging to work, a suspension would be fine. After all when you snort it, it's not in solution until it hits your sinus membrane, and it works fine in that ROA. Would hit a little bit faster if it was perfectly in solution tho.
  20. The only potential problem with this that I can think of is that freebase in theory should degrade more quickly than oxalate, so if you're thinking about long-term storage, oxalate may be a better choice. On the other hand, yes, the conversion to HCl from freebase should be easier than going from oxalate/HCl to freebase. Another advantage of freebase is that it's molecular weight is less than that of the salt, so you're actually getting slightly more 5-MeO-DMT for your buck. Personally, I have little interest in vaping 5-MeO-DMT, and long term storage is important, so I'd go with oxalate.
  21. True that. More accurate to say that parenthood is a huge opportunity for giving true unconditional love. Now that I'm a parent myself, it's clear to see that most parents do embrace this opportunity. But there are exceptions for sure.
  22. lol yeah I know what you mean. Ignore it, move one, be real.
  23. If/when you have a child all this will make a lot more sense. You can be irritated by someone, and still love them to the depth of your being in that exact same moment. Part of your job as a parent is to teach your kid how to be non-irritating so they can function in society. But it's kind of useless talking about this because honestly you have no idea until you're in that position, it's just blah blah blah words and theory. It's definitely not true that most parents can only love their children as long as it does not talk and is 100% dependant!