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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. Thank you for posting that @Enlightenment Hello person reading this post. Scroll up and read every word in there, slowly and carefully. It's the most important thing you'll read today.
  2. I've been taking psychedelics for over 25 years. There have been a few periods in my life where I took them around once or twice a month, and even more often in very small bursts. On average over the years I'd say about 6 times a year. Right now it's been about 2 months since I tripped. I need to have another trip very soon, I feel I've been a bit lazy about it, procrastinating. I think this speaks to the non-addictive nature of these drugs. A person such as myself who has been taking them for decades, and has seen great benefit from them has to go to some effort to continue to make it happen. If I had less responsibilities in the world I would definitely trip more often, probably once or twice a month as a regular pattern would be my ideal. @ajasatya vc e brasileiro?
  3. This is a great short. Moved to Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship as it's a better fit here.
  4. I mostly just fought my way to the surface, and would force myself to make noises with my mouth in order to be able to hear something that would be a lifeline to awakened reality, and use that to come out of it. I feel like we probably experienced different sensations, I don't want to be a red herring for you. Mine was more like a suffocating, enclosing, fearful, suppressive force, and wasn't related to psychedelics. It was happening to me in my sleep, as I was falling asleep, or waking up. After it would happen, as a young adult, I would sort of kick myself for missing the chance to dive headfirst into it and not flinch, but it was always too terrifying in the moment to go through with it entirely.
  5. @martins name @Bryanbrax please respect Leo's booklist and don't spill the beans. Leo gives us a lot of free content, but this is a paid product, please respect that.
  6. The thing @Truth Addict is describing sounds just like something I used to experience fairly often, and was always accompanied by sleep paralysis. I never was able to "go into" it/surrender, it always freaked me out and I fought my way out of it. Hasn't happened to me since I was a young adult, but I had it all the time as a kid. I can't tell if this is the same thing as @ThinAir's phenomenon. @ThinAir have you been with anyone when this has happened? You might want to make sure it's not seizures to be on the safe side. I don't think it is, but just in case.
  7. I don't think ADHD nor a metallic taste are symptoms of mercury exposure. Why are you concerned about mercury specifically? Have you had some exposure that you know of? Do you eat a lot of tuna or other fish that are high on the food chain?
  8. Thank you @Girzo
  9. For my 808th post, I celebrate with a tune from the ancient times. Joyous tripping assured
  10. Great marriage cheat-sheet @Shin! The breakfast in bed thing is funny it always seems like a terrible place to eat breakfast to me
  11. Just wondering if anyone on here has sampled 5-MeO-DPT? We know 5-MeO-DMT is a special molecule, and DPT is too, so the simple logic would be that 5-MeO-DPT should be worth checking out. There are very few reports on this molecule on the internet, and those I've come across don't seem to hint to any particular stand out qualities.Could it be just be that the right person has never tried it in the right frame to see it's potential? Or maybe this particular arrangement just doesn't work out that remarkably. Any first hand info would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I thought 4-AcO-DPT and 4-HO-DPT are fully orally bioavailable, but could be wrong. Yes, DPT itself is a waste orally. I would expect 5-MeO-DPT to be close to inactive orally. Interesting that 4-AcO-DPT is more potent than 4-HO-DPT. The 4-AcO vs 4-HO's are usually very near to equipotent.
  13. @Esoteric thanks for the info. DPT light would be pretty interesting, and oral is such a civilized ROA. Did you have a preference for the AcO vs HO? I didn't realize it was a hard synth. I noticed it pop up here and there and never grabbed it because of the backlog I mentioned. Looks like it's currently available as well. Too many psychedelics to test, not enough trippin' time lol.
  14. Do you floss every day?
  15. Can you compare 4-AcO-DPT to DPT? Is it like a long lasting and orally bioavalable DPT, or is it a lot different from the base tryptamine in it's quality? This might give some clue on how the 5-MeO variant could relate to the base.
  16. Being able to sit in front of a camera and deliver an informed and engaging monologue on a deep topic in a single take (or two) is a pretty damn superhuman ability. I tried to shoot a 2 minute video on a DIY electronics topics once and looked like a fool
  17. Yes if you titrate it like that, it's a fine, safe and consistent method. But you get into problems when someone comes on here and says "I took 15mg of 5-Meo last night". What do they mean by 15mg? When people start reading these doses, and then using their own scoop on their personal batch, you're adding two or three variables that don't need to be there. I have never had a scale as bad as you describe, and I haven't noticed that to be a common complaint about scales. I really think you've had some bad luck with scales. In the worst case when my batteries get low, my scale will vary by up to 3mg. I have a set calibration weights to confirm this, and I use them every time, and they're dead on every time I use my scale (unless the batteries start to get weak). My scale isn't fancy, I spent $60 on it or something, and people with the even cheaper Gemini-20 seem to generally love it.
  18. There's no danger in getting caught with it, it's not illegal in my country. You can order it through shops on the internet and have it delivered to your doorstep by the postman, no laws broken. I don't know what you think that I think a psychedelic will "give" me. I agree that it's all inside you. Psychedelics are tools, similar to the way a telescope helps you see a planet that's already in the sky. The planet isn't in the telescope. Getting puritanical about not looking through telescopes would be absurd right? That's what it sounds like to a person who has been using psychedelics for decades to great benefit and with no harm.
  19. Yes I could, but I have a backlog of other psychedelics I haven't gotten the chance to fully investigate, so hoping people will share info. I definitely would sample 5-MeO-DPT carefully, there's nothing about this class of chemicals that warrants particular concern IMO. If it makes you more comfortable, 5-MeO-DPT is not "against the law" in my country, and it probably isn't in yours either. But the law isn't a great measure of whether or not a drug is dangerous or not anyways, so I don't know what you're on about. There are plenty of extremely dangerous drugs that are perfectly legal (alchohol, benzodiazepines, opioids) and plenty of banned drugs that are extremely safe (LSD, magic mushrooms, cannabis is still banned in many places).
  20. Microscoops are problematic without proper calibration, here's why: Microscoops are labelled "5mg" "10mg" and so on, but that doesn't mean they will scoop 5mg or 10mg of 5-MeO-DMT. You need to calibrate them to find out how much a scoop of a given powder weighs, and in order to do that, you need a scale, or at least reference someone else's calibration with the exact same batch of the exact same product - as powders can vary in density depending on batch and form. @Leo Gura please please mention this when you recommend these microscoops, otherwise you're gonna have people underdosing/overdosing from erroneously measuring their doses by the label on the scoop. It will just amplify confusion when you get people making this mistake and reporting doses on here. A $30 American Weigh scale is more than accurate enough for stuff in the milligram range, and will work consistently on all of the tryptamines in all their forms and batches. A $620 lab scale will absolutely be more dependable than scoops.
  21. Yeah @Shadowraix I've heard that LSD hits flood/saturation at around 1000ug, beyond which the effects don't really increase much, so I'm not surprised to hear what you're saying. The highest I've taken it is 400ug, which was plenty. I'd go a bit higher if everything lined up, maybe 600ug max for me? Anyways, this is a bit off topic from DPT! Thanks for indulging my curiosity! I will say that the peak of 60mg DPT felt subjectively much stronger than the 400ug LSD peak/plateau (to compare apples to oranges). But of course DPT is way shorter - about an hour after administration it was noticeably attenuated, whereas 400ug LSD sits at the peak for hours and hours.
  22. You'll have no problems with 5-MeO-DMT or DPT. I'd still recommend you work your way up with them despite your level of experience. There is always something to be gained from every dose level of psychedelics. Did you notice much difference in the magnitude of effects between 1000ug and 1500ug of LSD?
  23. I'm not sure your question. Are you wondering how experienced I am, or how experienced one should be before taking DPT? I'd say I'm "very experienced" with psychedelics. IMO a person should have at a good few very solid trips under their belt on something classic like mushrooms or LSD before diving into DPT or 5-MeO-DMT. You'd also need to be the sort of person that isn't just looking to have some fun and see pretty colours and patterns, but willing to go much deeper. You need some grit to benefit from these harder psychedelics. You'd also need some level of maturity and self-mastery. Honestly, a person really could try either of those psychedelics as their first trip if they insisted. It's just not what I'd recommend when you could warm up on gentler/easier substances first. If an inexperienced person insisted on starting out with a harder psychedelic, they should just go in at a very low dose to begin, and work up. Even a highly experienced person should work their way up slowly like that - and this is what I did for both of these substances. It's critical that you test the waters carefully, especially with these lesser researched chemicals. You definitely sound experienced enough to me @Shadowraix with 30 trips and a high dose of lsd. Btw are you suuuuure you took 1500ug of lsd though? That's a shit ton. I know it's possible and lots of people have done it, but holy shit. If you have genuinely taken 1500ug of lsd and not been scared off of psychedelics permanently lol, you'll have no problem with DPT or 5-MeO-DMT.
  24. I've taken DPT 3 times at proper doses, insufflated, I think it was 30mg, 45mg and 60mg. I've also taken it a few (maybe 3-4 times?) at lower doses in the 10-20mg range insuffl. The 60mg trip was really heavy duty. I definitely wouldn't say I've ever had a DPT breakthrough however. I've tried vapourizing it using the baking soda freebase method, and also tried vaping the HCl or fumarate (forget which salt I have). I never really liked those methods, the smell and taste of the vapour really weirds me out, and especially trying to vape the HCl/fumarate is really nasty because it burns too easily. I don't recommend vaping, but I'm a bit averse to vaping in general so it could just be me. My impressions of the character of DPT, from my handful of trials. YMMV of course: DPT is extremely visionary. Lots of archetypal, narrative content. Personas, ghosts in the machine, nonhuman egos It's a bit of a bridge to the spirit world, shadow side, psychological depths, subconscious mind Hard to explain this part but I remember it has made me aware of consciousnesses, or the possibility of consciousnesses, or quasi-consciousnesses at different scales from our own. It's less on the fractal geometric vision stuff you get from higher doses of drugs like mushrooms, DMT, or LSD. It might be the most astounding music enhancer I've had. Compared to 5-MeO-DMT, it's like night and day in this regard. Time slows down in the extreme. I believe it stimulates the andregernic system directly or indirectly. At least this is how it feels to me. I feel on high alert and sneaky on the drug, like a cat on the prowl It has a lot of body energy, vibration, even tremors. I usually have to lie down on my back during the peak in order to work with it. It would be interesting to try very dynamic movement during the peak, but not really sure if I could handle that. This is not a beginner's psychedelic at all IMO. This is an advanced black belt psychedelic. If you've never taken a psychedelic, or have only had a handful of trips, I would not recommend it. It's as advanced as 5-MeO-DMT, if not more. I haven't touched it for about 3-4 years now, it would be interesting to revisit it. I'll contribute here if I do.
  25. Scheduled where, USA?