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Everything posted by outlandish

  1. The koan is "Does a dog have buddha nature?" In the story, a monk asks Joshu this question, to which Joshu responds: "MU!"
  2. @Aakash maybe, that's not what the koan is about
  3. Mu means no, nothing, negation, "not have". It's multilayered in this koan, because on the very surface it can mean that no, a dog is not enlightened, or have the capacity for enlightenment, or buddha nature. But under that layer there is that buddha nature is not something that can be "had". And then it's that buddha nature itself is mu. And then, just mu. Anyways it's not really an intellectual concept, so it's missing the point to discuss and explain it, especially since I've not realized mu in this context. There's nothing to realize.
  4. That's a pretty good description.
  5. @ttm oh yeah totally. Aluminum foil is really thin and would probably oxidize and get mixed in with the vapour. Nasty.
  6. I don't have the time to crawl through the thread and be a referee, but please don't use name calling language, it's against forum rules and bad taste to boot.
  7. @Psyche_92 that's really interesting, doesn't sound bad at all, just like the kinds of quirks that make us all unique. I do think though that in a generation or two we'l look back in astonishment at the days when people thought it was ok to have a drink while pregnant. I mean it's already like that for many people, but still in some parts of the world, like Europe, the common wisdom is that a drink is ok here and there. I'm certain that improved health stats will turn up that there's no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy.
  8. @Goodpeace it's possible for freebase to pull moisture from the air, and degrade a little bit, or have slight impurities and end up looking like that. It doesn't take much impurity for discoloration to show up. You should definitely test it and make sure it's an indole, like Leo said, to be sure it's not some fuckup. Ehrlich reagent. If you do determine that it's an indole and you want to proceed with testing it on your self, start very very low and work your way up.
  9. Wheat is actually an amazing source of macronutrients - protein (for a grain anyways) and carbohydrates, and many other micronutrients when it's whole-grain. Some people are genuinely allergic to it, but if you're not, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Just eat a balanced diet, not all bread, and keep your bread on the whole-grain side.
  10. Leo, is there an image that you feel could represent your angle on the DPT vibe? Yeah that's what I'm hoping to convey! I see how that image can look scary or sinister, and I know it could give the wrong impression, but there's a beauty in the shadows, and it doesn't feel scary at all. More mysterious and spacious. Like the image you describe. I took a DPT trip last night to revisit it, as it's been a very long time since I tripped on DPT. I realized it's not so much that the above image represents DPT itself to me, but the figure actually represents the character of me on DPT. I become an embodiment of that image, a shadow-person, peering out at the world from the perspective of the shadows that normally go unnoticed or ignored. To me it's the perfect psychedelic to wander the dark alleys of the mind (or alleys IRL). Secrets and shadows, fog and moonlight. I forgot how much I like DPT, thanks for the reminder @Leo Gura I'll try to put up a mini trip report when I find the time.
  11. At risk of spooking people away from DPT, this image really encapsulates the vibe of DPT to me: (great album too!) I don't want to give the wrong impression - DPT isn't scary, it just doesn't sugar-coat anything, and it accesses the shadows.
  12. Agreed, this is very important. Even during pregnancy, I think dad's should abstain from drinking and smoking, out of respect for what the mom has to do. Out of curiosity, what are these anatomic deviations you mention?
  13. Totally over the top @Corpus but I love it You could top it off by flushing the container with xenon to displace all of the oxygen in the container. I've never bothered with that, but it would probably last for hundreds of years sealed like that. You could also throw some anti-oxidants like vitamin C , or oxygen absorbers in with the dessicant. Should be fine @Be Yourself don't sweat it. A little bit of discolouration can happen from a negligible bit of degradation. It's still safe. Keep it sealed and in a cool spot going forward.
  14. Yes, that's correct. It's the hypothesis at least, and most probably true. 1p-LSD should be a prodrug for LSD. According to David Nichols (one of the experts in the field of psychedelic pharmacology) if 1p-LSD didn't convert to LSD, it would be ineffective, because the molecule doesn't fit into the receptor site with the 1p bit in place. It's the same thing with 1a-LSD (aka ALD-52) and 1b-LSD. They differ ever so slightly because of different rates at which the prodrug converts to LSD in your body, but they all, along with LSD itself, can be treated as functionally equivalent.
  15. Yes, it's really hard to eliminate all of the variables to compare, especially with psychedelics were there is so much interplay with your mind state. If there are ultimately any real differences between LSD and 1p-LSD, it's lost in the variations that you just mentioned.
  16. @ValiantSalvatore Wow I don't remember ever seeing PRO-LAD on the market, I know a few people "on the inside" were able to test it, but I didn't think it was ever available to the public. If you still have some, it would be amazing to see a photo of it! Does the blotter have PRO-LAD printed on it like AL and ETH? Please do report on it if you try it again. Yes, I'd assume it should be along the lines of AL-LAD and ETH-LAD, but I think some people found it to be a slight disappointment. Maybe it's not strong enough to bother making a full batch when the synthesis is as hard or harder than ETH-LAD and AL-LAD, but less yield in terms of number of doses produced.
  17. Yes, it's probably why we identify a chakra there, but don't get hung up on the forehead pressure thing, it's just another sensation.
  18. It's a little bit debatable, but IMO LSD and 1P-LSD are functionally equivalent. I've taken LSD many times, and 1P-LSD a few times, and they're basically the exact same thing. If there are any differences, it's a matter of splitting hairs. You tried PRO-LAD?! Wow, what was it like? That's a bit of a unicorn.
  19. I don't understand what's disturbing about sky burials? Are people in the west genuinely disturbed by this, or is it just something that everyone thinks everyone else is disturbed by? When I die I hope my useful organs are donated to a living human, and scientific research, and then when it's not useful to anyone at all, feed the rest to birds or invertebrates. I'm not going to need it anymore
  20. He said he was vaping/smoking it. I always get the sense that smoking tryptamines is extremely unhealthy. I reckon that unless you are perfectly vapourizing the drug (which is actually pretty hard to do), you're creating all kinds of nasty combustion byproducts that are terrible for your lungs. It's probably fine to vape DMT/5-MeO-DMT etc. once in a while, but it seems like a terrible thing to make a habit out of. I wonder how much of his lung problems are due simply to this ROA, if he would have fared better plugging or snorting it. Even if he was, it still sounds like too much to me. 3g in 3-4 years, that's an average of a 20mg trip every week, with an occasional break. Pretty heavy.
  21. It's a problem because if he answered your question like you requested, it would expose the content of Leo's paid product to the general public, who haven't necessarily bought his booklist. Think about it.
  22. There wouldnt be much point in that, and it would probably be mentally unhealthy, if not physically as well. There are certainly people who've done this kind of thing in bursts, but probably pretty rare over the long term. Microdosing is pretty hot topic these days, so people will take like a 1/10th dose once every 3 days for example. You can read about people who've done this for extended periods like years, although it seems like more people do it for a month or two and then stop.
  23. Lol What? Are you serious? They're not hard to come by in many corners of the globe. They even grow out of the earth in many places. I assume you are asking me what my favourite substance is, but I'm going to give a cheeky answer and say: tripping with friends, family, really good music, in nature, having sex, meditating (not all at the same time). There are many great psychedelics and they all have different resonances/utilities. Legal! Nunca percebi, seu ingles e otimo! What part of Brazil? You don't have to say if you like anonymity of course.