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Everything posted by Hsinav

  1. Maybe he was not totally liberated but definitely he had peaks like only a few people had.
  2. This is so great! i don´t know this guy, just resonate with this so much!
  3. I like your post! Thanks! From the absolute perspective nothing is wrong. What he means I think is that todays society is ruled by unconciousness.
  4. The so called evil people are just reflections of the situations they grew up from.
  5. Me, I like hanging out with people and friends but I don´t need them so much anymore to make me happy. Finding your true nature is the only thing that can make you happy and your true nature is so alone that you can´t even call it alone because that would imply the concept of another or the memory of another, which doesn't exist, ultimately everything is one and you are it.
  6. Yes you are home Thinking is just a great tool, you can´t think yourself to success. You need thinking to create, to create a house you need tools but the tools themselves can´t build the house. You are already so successful that it is beyond success.
  7. Yes, you are always merged and at the same time untouched The wanting in a given situation seems to drain you of energy. I think handle with the situation knowing that you have to let go of it sooner or later (that goes for everything, even your own life eventually) empowers you and opens up for new possibilities.
  8. Don´t miss this great interview from Leo´s blog. https://charlierose.com/videos/368
  9. The higher/deeper you will live forever and can´t die, only you're body will die, which is the surface you,
  10. I recognise this, after a while the answer will come to you, find the balance.
  11. You must have the intention that it will happen now, not in the future.
  12. @Loreena When you accept a situation it is already transformed into love.
  13. Here is a thread posted on Life Purpose
  14. @Loreena Nowadays there is no problem finding Garam masala spice mixes in the supermarkets here in Sweden, so I guess that goes for almost every western countries.
  15. Garam masala - a very good spice mix https://www.google.se/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0ahUKEwjwr8uvhL_TAhVCEJoKHQfpDgYQFggvMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FGaram_masala&usg=AFQjCNHA09nFtxqZiwxmnARkBqAxZpJLPQ