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Everything posted by Hsinav

  1. https://www.google.se/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0ahUKEwjegtqE9OHXAhXIHJoKHSk7ADwQFghbMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zamnesia.com%2Fcontent%2F108-difference-magic-mushrooms-truffles&usg=AOvVaw37AL_UVFjjIfXrY-qEmeD1
  2. A famous swedish comedian (Henrik Schyffert) is actually doing this test in an upcoming tv-show were he´s gonna live with 2 pigs in his apartment in Stockholm. https://www.svt.se/kottets-lustar/
  3. I used to have that as a goal, now when it´s reachable for me, I just can´t close my eyes to the fact that the cost for reaching this goal is way, way to high - for me right now. Achieving that will most likely affect my health, relationships, etc very negative. I very much love money though.
  4. @Shanmugam What is the criteria for something to be called a scientific journal?
  5. @blazed What he´s talking about in this video is crystal clear to me. I don´t find it strange in any way.
  6. The innermost centre of you that is not object to change.
  7. @Shanmugam What if Sadhguru has developed an extraordinary sensibility to perceive with his senses, if that is the case, how can someone without that sensibility prove him wrong?
  8. In my experience, I raise my state of consciousness after 2-3 glass of of red wine. For me, that state lasts 1-2 hour and follows by a pretty long period (6-12 hours) of discomfort. I have tried to reach "absolute infinity" with wine and alcohol as well as psychedelics. The big problem i,v noticed with wine/alcohol is that you have to let go 100% if you want the meditative effect, to let go that much on alcohol is playing with fire. It can easily turn into a week of depression and low consciousness behaviour and damaging of your body.
  9. @doronshadmi Are you free of any responsibility in case that you are driving a car while having sex, and kill some person? (I,m sure that has happened a lot of times throughout the history of mankind) According to your logic, sex should be illegal.
  10. @doronshadmi 1. You have not watch his videos. 2. You have watched them but you have not listened. Thats the only options here.
  11. He has already answered every bit of your questions and many much more sophisticated questions in his 8+ hours videos about this topic, have you even bothered to watch them?
  12. Why do you think it ripped you upp so badly?
  13. Why do you think it took years for you to recover?
  14. If you drink wine, stick only with quality. Most wines (95% ?) are chemical cocktails these days.
  15. What is it that makes them better than other nuts?
  16. The truth is nothing you can sense with your 5 senses. If it was real, we wouldn't be able to experience it. The rest is real.
  17. Self inquiry is something you can do while having big challenges and often best while having them.
  18. In my experience, at first it doesn't seem like it at all, - not at all, but looking back after a few years, it really went intimately hand by hand .
  19. Here is some pretty fresh research from Sweden about LSD that I consider very valid.