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Everything posted by Socrates

  1. I like this guy but I think what he did in this short is top-tier gaslighting to consider fascists like Trump as valid options. @Leo Gura Am I too radicalized by Green to dismiss some value in what he said, what do you think?
  2. Good point Emerald, that was the biggest issue with this approach of Dr K even in a psychological context in his attempt to include these guys he arms them with more victim narrative and doesn't encourage them (as a psychiatrist should) to find the reason they are so desperate for such a narrative. @Leo GuraYou approach it strictly politically, in this context I understand dr K doesn't want to get political and wants to approach it from just a psychological perspective but he failed miserably at that as well.
  3. Dave's issue is that he thinks any criticism of science is from below, he doesn't understand the context that science can be criticized from above.
  4. That would be awesome, Dave especially is so smug in his ignorance
  5. They all try to cater to Trump and his alleged beliefs. Even the prime minister of my country Greece somehow ended up coming out against the so-called woke stuff. These grifters only know how to bullshit, it is so annoying to witness. They have no values they just parrot whatever fits them to stay afloat pathetic spineless behavior by unintelligent and self-centered minds.
  6. @Leo Gura Is he? It is easy to armchair philosophize but when the rubber meets the road and your freedoms are at stake, only action can save you. America could EASILY become an autocracy in the next 4 years since there aren't any legal guardrails to prevent it. His concern is more than valid. It is easy to speak against the status quo in a democracy, it isn't so in a dictatorship since they line you up and kill you. Dont forget many Western countries that are now considered developed have dealt with fascism and dictatorships not even 50 years ago.
  7. @lostingenosmaze I watched that the other day, it is so underwhelming seeing Owen being so clueless about politics. The bottom line is if you dont have a model to understand politics aimed to progress a nation, you will dumb it down to social skills as the major skill to be a politician like Owen does. People need an explicit understanding of systems, tools, and institutions and less airy fairy stuff, this was painful to watch.
  8. @JosephKnecht These ideas are more up-to-date This is the exact fundamental premise in my mind when I end up with that precise solution I mentioned. The fact is that real philosophers will never be elected to positions of power in such an underdeveloped and cognitively impaired society hence the best we can do is minimize the human factor. Not to mention that democracy will always retard the progress of a nation, meritocracy would be ideal but a sick society has a flawed perspective of what is actual skill and understanding.
  9. Actualized Quotes #078 This is a great idea but let's address the relativity of the situation, you can't tell if someone is intentionally lying or just misinformed and there is a high level of difficulty if you want to enforce that. Also, notice that every tool that can be used for the collective good can be used for someone to abuse the system and be used to discriminate. That is why the government first needs to become airtight in terms of structure, efficiency, and honesty and then get that much power so someone can face consequences based on something they said. If this was already in place I could easily see scammy Republicans like Trump co-opt it to gain a political edge and witch-hunt their opponents. At the end of the road, the ideal government needs to have the least amount of "human factor" possible since the human is a flawed being that is inherently self-biased and can't act without being affected by self-interest.
  10. This whole fantasy of a "holy land" belonging to them is an existential issue, nobody wants to deconstruct their fantasies of identity. Hence you see them easily justifying 40k dead than deconstructing and dropping the fairy tale story about that land. The more lies they tell, the more disdain they create for themselves, hence making their survival more difficult. Survival goes full circle, the egoism that creates these atrocities for so-called survival always ends up backfiring.
  11. @Inliytened1 If you repeat a lie 10 thousand times you may believe it but that doesn't make it true
  13. 10 fold apply the same relativity to Hitler and tell me how that goes. You wouldn't be that lax in real time, why are you now? There never was a goal for peace for Jews, the moment they had an unbalanced power dynamic they never cared about peace. History proves that extensively. If the carrot won't motivate peace, maybe the stick will.
  14. Imagine while having the leverage of the US backup and the bought media, and you continue to do terrorism by killing non-combatants and bombing schools and hospitals. Israel has reached nazi Germany's levels of evil and unfortunately, there is no redeemable road. Now if you're still somehow defending this, you are a part of the problem and you should face similar consequences for aiding and supporting war crimes. I've seen so many crimes on videos there is nothing I can see happening to settlers and supporters of Zionism that I will bat an eye for. We are so used to Israeli lies and propaganda and simultaneously reports of terrorism and deliberate attacks on women and children that we forget how often they have been doing it to also journalists, humanitarian aid workers, and others. Not to mention group chats and telegram groups of thousands of Jews celebrating these horrors and baby killings. Mind you this is not just news of last year, they have been doing this for decades. Now let's talk conscious politics, should the US, Israeli, and corporate leaders be prosecuted? 100%. If not I can hear the lynching solution. Can you pay or serve some kind of sentence to whitewash such crimes? No, you can't really. One thing is certain, there has to be a punishment for these things for Israel and the US included.
  15. Every media is bought, every EU leader is also on payroll, and Israel has infiltrated every major government, news station, and power position in the world especially America. This gives them the perfect leverage to continue committing war crimes in silence while screaming and shouting about self-defense on the slightest pushback. Watch any mainstream news in Europe and everyone portrays Israel as the victim, pathetic. The devil itself couldn't do it so masterfully.
  16. I had a good laugh watching how I triggered that guy on the comments 2 years ago. Oh boy, the ego is always so sensitive 🤣🤣 These are the exact guys that make brilliant people view academia as a clown fiesta, with no critical thinking no open-mindedness, just paradigm locked to the fullest.
  17. If I had to guess 99% of people going to uni do it to appeal to the social norms and for the prestige or because they were forced by their parents. Other than that if you are anyhow conscious and hear a uni professor speak you will throw up. I cant listen to someone that doesn't know anything about anything, let alone pay him for it. Waste of my damn time.
  18. You should have a problem though. This isn't journalism this is straight shitposting on a professional podcast platform my dude. Trump shouldn't be able to get away with making so many factually incorrect statements, and Lex didn't push back on any of them. If a podcast is talking shit for hours and dodging and deflecting on some questions you can't answer and just plain out lying on the others, there is no point having this trash even uploaded at this point. straight-up noise with 0 substance.
  19. Of course it is legal. According to them, every speech, even if it is factually incorrect, is free speech. The price you pay for blatantly lying needs to be bigger, right-wingers have co-opted "free speech" to spread lies and misinformation that fit their agenda. It is a masterclass in devilry, a tool aimed to help a minority group in need to be heard used by the selfish ego mind to make its agenda a reality. Truly amazing stuff.
  20. @Leo Gura Perfect deflection but you still don't know nor can explain how some people not only have "allegedly" access to such memories let alone organize their next birth in great detail like Sadghuru did.
  21. @Leo Gura The destiny Convo will be great, you're going mainstream 😂 A Convo with Dr K (healthygamer) would be awesome as well, he is a great guy. Now that you are expanding your reach, are you prepared for potential "gotcha questions" at all?
  22. @Something Funny Guru isn't a word that ought to be thrown around like that, nobody is a guru without the proper mastery over the system and Leo doesn't pass that benchmark.
  23. This is both an assumption and a perspective that lacks nuance. Do you go to tennis lessons to learn basketball? You dont. Can a stage-blue person have an enlightenment experience? He can. If the "goal" is going beyond the physical (spirituality) and it doesn't depend on cognitive development, what can you criticize there?