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Everything posted by Socrates

  1. Yesterday around 12:00 noon time I consumed 100μg of 1p-LSD. The setting was my room and my mood wasn't as relaxed as I wanted it to be for my first trip because I live with my parents and I couldn't let go as much I wanted to. I had done all the prep work, yoga before the trip and also a general direction of the subject of insights I wanted to get. Waiting for the come up was a pain in the ass since I started to feel anxious and I just did what Leo said in his al-lad trip report. I blasted some music and danced until the substance was in full effect. 60 minutes in and I still wasn't sure if I was tripping or not, I didn't get any visuals looking out my window and I only had a buzz in my head and a numbness in my jaw which was weird. 2 hours into the trip I was feeling the substance had finally taken effect on me. Except for a couple of random insights I got, I couldn't use that state of higher consciousness to get any significant insights for my life and I ended up looking out the window, my hands and going up and down my apartment. The trip literally flew by and I also had scheduled something at 20:00 which didn't help out either. I was expecting a powerful experience but the experience I got was weak and nonsignificant. The visuals were also almost nonexistent unless you focused a lot on an object you could barely see it pulse. This trip was rather confusing and I doubt I got any growth out of it.
  2. @Leo Gura My source has a good reputation online, maybe 1P-LSD is not as strong as LSD. Couldn't it be that I resisted the trip consciously because of the setting (with parents)? @Nahm This seems like a good idea. Renting something cheap for a day or two to trip alone. Οtherwise, I am thinking outdoors in the forest but I am skeptical about it. @cirkussmile Yes, it is.
  3. @aurum That's insane man you've put it so eloquently. I have had both of these experiences and it feels exactly as you said. I feel like there is no downside in being in an extroverted "mode" so to speak but I can't seem to know how to trigger it myself. The only way I have found is vibing with a buddy of mine but whenever I am alone I get somewhat introverted for no apparent reason. On all tests, my results say 95%+ extroverted but it doesn't feel like that. When I want to socialize on my own I want to be in an extroverted mood but in order to be in that mood, I need a friend to talk to. But since i am alone i get in my head. It is a vicious cycle. Have you found anyways of triggering it yourself?
  4. @Pure Imagination My insights on psychedelics are... 0, I haven't found any yet and I don't trust random dealers, Feels bad man...
  5. @Leo Gura You can get addicted psychologically to anything from your tv to your smartphone but talking about physical addiction for example tobacco, cannabis is not addictive whatsoever.
  6. @Etagnwo Obviously challenging your lifestyle is interpreted as an attack on you and people don't have the foresight that by being challenged they can grow.
  7. @MM1988 I was thinking about this and the vegans you are trying to portrait are 1 out of a million, those people have just turned veganism into a kind of crusade and react emotionally. To get you to understand it, imagine if someone murdered a loved one of yours in front of you, how would you react? calmly? It's exactly the same here, every time they see something non-vegan they see murder and react emotionally. Although we are totally green as vegans some people overdo it. Don't get it mistaken though, someone who is shaking the boat is not a "bad guy". We need people to disrupt the status quo, and the fact people get upset is proof that we are correct and some change needs to occur. Why don't you notice the fact that people get extremely defensive and sometimes act aggressively against just vegan dialogue, that's because we hit their meat-eating indoctrination to the nerve and the cognitive dissonance triggers flight or fight mode. Change comes from civil dialogue. The conservatives hold the mankind back, not the progressives.
  8. @Leo Gura Having paranormal powers is definitely up there on my list.
  9. Wait a second, isn't this exactly the so called "runner's high"? We just recreate it on a home setting. It makes perfect sense since when you run you have this exact same breathing pattern.
  10. @Freakrik Of course seduction is great, and that's why PUA is great because you seduce women, you don't manipulate them. From being a shy insecure guy that doesn't get any, you grow into a confident assertive guy that is able to attract and keep women. AA will never stop, just watch Todd's video of what's the alternative. Pornhub?
  11. @Freakrik Don't bother with "manipulation". If you believed you were awesome you wouldn't think that you need to manipulate people into liking you so you probably don't think highly of yourself. From your research, you 've missed this: "the map is not the territory" which is really applicable to PUA stuff. Whatever theory or rant you listen to about PUA won't be the real thing since you are not out there talking to people, real PUA starts when you get out of your home and start talking to strangers. Leo's rant wasn't against Pua and at the end of the day, it is completely outdated at this point since everything he said, it is not valid anymore. Also, watch out the social conditioning, you don't need any justification to do anything, you do as you please no hell exist no heaven exist and there is no one who is going to tell you what to do or not. You literally can do anything you want and you contemplating the morality of fulfilling your natural needs and talking to the opposite sex?
  12. This is alarming, shouldn't it be the other way around?
  13. @Outer If it can be communicated it is conceptual and by default, it is not non-dual including non-duality discussions.
  14. @Leo Gura the Meat-eater vs vegan is more like: Slave-owning vs freedom Death vs Life Heart disease vs Cardiovascular health "Personal choice" vs Compassion Knowledge vs Ignorance Morality vs Tastebuds With your epistemic foundation, you should be able to see this that veganism is not dogmatic. Dogma is something that doesn't accept refutation and is a belief system without any reasoning behind it, veganism is all about facts. When someone presents evidence against your beloved meat your kneejerk reaction is to call dogma. I don't see any vegan being dogmatic, I only see close minded meat eaters. Meat eaters that don't want to face the truth that their favorite foods are carcinogenic, cause CVD and ruin the planet. Science is science and facts are facts you can't just dismiss it whenever you disagree with it and accept it whenever you agree with it. This can be interpreted many ways. On the one hand yes, the best diet is what works best for you but on the other hand, there is no room for "personal preference" when something is proven to not aid your wellbeing. It doesn't matter how well you feel eating meat, it still clogs your arteries whether you like it or not. Classic strawman here, none said we know the exact best nutrition for every human on the planet but what we DO know is that a vegan diet is SUPERIOR to any other diet out there and is the only diet that REVERSES heart disease meaning: The healthiest diet out there is a subset of a vegan diet so being vegan is heading in the right direction. Also eating corpses but being "spiritual" is another can of worms I won't get into here but surely needs to be addressed.
  15. I totally agree with that, if I do Pua to lay 100+ chicks then yes the ego is running amok. But ideally, Pua is not anything unconscious especially in a lonely and socially conditioned society we have at this point in time. You just go out and meet and talk to girls, from a small 1min conversation to sexual intercourse this is a win-win situation for both parties. Even the needy label is a result of social conditioning, how come my biology is needy? Talking to people and being a MAN doesn't create negative karma. On the other hand being spiritual in the morning and on the evening having a piece of meat on the plate definitely does so watch out your projections.
  16. I even put the alarm at the top of my wardrobe. I literally need to climb to get it. I have been used to it and I just climb to turn it off and fall back to sleep again. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for me.
  17. How come talking to beautiful girls be a "low consciousness" thing? How else are you supposed to get good with women? Cold approach is the thing you said it also in the past, what changed? Do I need to approach in a robe?
  18. @NathanR People have already given you great information, I will just list some of my staple meals: Oatmeal, a fruit of your choice (banana/orange/strawberries/apples etc), walnuts, almonds, ground flax seed, chia seeds and soy milk. Brown rice, beans/chickpeas/lentils, a bunch of greens, a sauce of tahini, lemon, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Whole wheat pasta with pesto sauce. Potato wedges, with BBQ tofu. Those are just some basic ingredients, feel free to play around with your recipes.
  19. @Leo Gura So gluten-free won't cut it? Do I have to avoid wheat completely?
  20. @Slade Do whatever you want just keep in mind that you may hurt yourself with eating raw rotting flesh, that's all.
  21. @Slade I've got to be honest man, your openmindedness has gotten the better of you. First of all only the sv3rige clown out of these people eats raw meat, the rest eat it is cooked. Sv3rige the provocative loser, he is basically anti-vegan. He has t-shirts with "go vegan and die" and he goes with skulls of dead animals on vegan festivals and talks shit. His arguments have been refuted by vegan gains but no he is ideological. I don't think you can get any lower than that scum, kinda disappointed you mentioned him as a "healthy individual" LOL. Shawn Baker same story just more civilized. Weak arguments, not a doctor anymore, anecdotal claims, doesn't look healthy whatsoever.
  22. @Slade I am curious who these people are, also feeling good doesn't make someone healthy. A roided out of his mind bodybuilder who is eating steak and chicken all day is feeling good but he is nowhere near healthy. This is the same misconception with people that claim being muscular and shredded has something to do with health.
  23. @Slade Eating raw meat would be a really openminded almost naive idea. There is a contradiction, no doubt about it, but if you check the empirical investigation meat doesn't help you whatsoever. The contradiction is a result of meat-industry propaganda and fraud docs. If you were designed to eat raw meat you would be drawn to it and you would have the teeth of a lion or a tiger accordingly. From my honest opinion, i think meat is still a thing because of culture and is an opiate of the masses in forms of junk food.
  24. @Dan Arnautu @Elisabeth Yeah, I was kinda vague, especially in the end, and that's why I could neither find a domain of master nor a medium. I will re-do it the course from the zone of genius part. It makes perfect sense now after skimming through the notes.
  25. So it is kind of weird but I believe I've been heavily influenced by @Leo Gura both in general and in terms of my life purpose. With that in mind, my life purpose result on the course was: I Communicate unique perspectives about life creatively, making people grow. Straight to the point, I am not a life coach or anything like that, I am 100% sure that somewhere between the 50 pages of journaling i had to go through in this course there is something more authentic than the self-help guru idea. This result felt so "meh" and that's why it has been 2 months since I got the result without continuing with the "making it real" chapter. Now that I am going through the "making it real" chapter I realize that I have no idea what I am going towards. I don't trust my brain for sure and there are chances that this is alibi so i can procrastinate with the excuse "I don't know what I want to do" but it feels real and that's why I am sharing it here. So what do i do? Do i re-take the course from the beginning? Do I just do the me-sheet? Do i just pick a random idea and try to make it work? I am seriously confused any advice would be appreciated