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Everything posted by Socrates

  1. Although in general i am preety resiliant to criticism but when unconscious family members and their friends judge my decisions i get so fucking triggered and use my pd and spiritual knowledge to prove them wrong. I know this is boarderline zen devilry but why does it happen and how do i fix it?
  2. @Nahm I am currently practising mindfulness meditation though. I noticed it sometimes gets manipulative and i create my thoughts instead of just being aware of them. Would you suggest switching up my practice?
  3. Good stuff guys n girls, i appreciate it. To give some more in depth info I am calm but my thoughts during this situation are quite negative so to speak. Stuff like: "if you cant prove them wrong maybe they are correct" "If they are correct oh boy have you messed up already" "They try to leach something of you" And Stuff like that... I dont identify with those though but those are responsible that I want to prove them wrong but in order to do that i use judgments and criticism but the point still doesnt get across. It feels like there is a gap between us and either i need to use strong language to be understood or not at all. This ends up by me thinking i am even wasting my time because we cant actually communicate, there is no value provided for either side and i end up being dogmatic with my beliefs which leads nowhere.
  4. In regards to good and bad, the answer is that there are still consequences in place and karma still exists. Leo talks about it in the Zen devil video but he didn't mention it here for some reason.
  5. @Leo Gura Obviously the things i describe bellow are just my point of view. Firstly to give credit where credit's due all those videos bellow have great foundation and reasoning to be made and the basic statements of all of them are perfectly correct but unfortuantly the subjects were spread too thin and that means the message recieved varies too much from individual to individual. Also i understand the difficulty of this content especially in regards to context. You are giving advice and you have to present it in such a way that it would be digested by everyone wherever they are in their personal development/spiritual journey. These videos stand out because the advice is too far fetched which results in leaving grey areas behind. Judgment - How You Ruin Your Own Happiness: This video is subtly black and white. The problem here is that the whole position of "reality is perfect accept it as it is" doesn't have any margin for change (or at least it is not stated). This is a common paradox of self-help as well. You are perfect, accept yourself as you are but you can be more perfect. Although in this video this was not adressed. I mean yeah rapists-thieves-terrorists are a part of reality but the next paradigm of accepting reality as it is, is to make something better which would be an ideal world without them. If you don't adress the existence of this paradigm i previously mentioned, you misguide people in an extremely passive position which is not ideal. If you check the comments you feel like the video didn't cover the fact that you need to judge to make desicions. Also the "words are just thoughts" position yes it is true but at the end of the day is not practical and it doesn't help anywhere. This also defeats the purpose of language because as good and evil are just thoughts so is every word in the dictionary but we still would use them to communicate. Also statements like "Rape and violence simply exist. Maybe one day they won't exist. But that doesn't change anything. Today they exist. So what? That's reality" are extremely misguiding. With that mindset you basically say that you can't do anything about reality to improve it which is at least irresponsible. What if MLK or Abraham Lincoln have held that positon? Fuck them they are blacks this is reality, fuck them they are slaves this is reality. This is just a continuation of this "perfect reality" idea. This statement would only be acceptable in an ideal world with no unjustice or at least a society of coexistance on the same level of the spiral dynamics scale. This is a deliberate act of detachment to the problems of reality which robs you of any responsibilities and these problems are let to be solved by others. This just promotes an egoic self-sentered mindset which is supposedly the enemy of our work here but still it creeps up to us. Lastly there was no mention on the objective good and bad which has nothing to do with ego. Good Vs Evil - Why Evil Doesn't Actually Exist: This is probably the definition of armchair philosophy. It doesn't help practically anywhere. This follows the same paradigm of the judgment video. It follows the same pattern of detachment from responsiblity and word games like "words are just thoughts" which at the end of the day does not offer anything. It also follows the same position of "reality is perfect accept it as it is" and you also compare people to lions (?!?!). It makes more sense that humans are not a part of reality at all than that we are a part of reality no matter what we do. The problem here is the detachment from reality. The examples used in the video don't cover the wide range of good vs evil scenarios. Why not use more onesided examples like the Holocaust or slavery which the "good" side is more obvious. You deliberately choose examples where the "good" side is not obvious and this might mislead people. The problem with the buddhist thesis "reality is neutral" position is that if a new Hitler came into power the Monk wouldn't do anything. When you are passive you take the side of the winning side and that puts you in a bad position when the winners are the "bad" ones. If you still deny the good and evil you basically say "i will be enlightened, fuck the kids in africa*, this is reality at the end of the day, can't do anything about it". This position which is a pattern on all these videos pretty much drops your responsibility for all the "objectively" wrong doing in the world and conveniently allows you to continue your journey. *replace kids in africa with any other real life worldwide issue. PS These videos all have great advanced ideas but are potentially dangerous in the world we live in. Even when you state that they require an open mind this doesn't help anywhere. In order to have those kind of ideas you need a whole society of self-actualizing people and at least green level on spiral dynamics. If i say i want to help the kids in Africa which want to satisfy their basic needs, is that ego? no it isn't. It is the good that has to be done IN ORDER to help the world reach green/self-actualizing as a whole and eventually (far down the road) adopt these ideas. Although these ideas are accurate there is too much room for error meaning that the risk to reward ratio is too high to confidently publicize them. You are just providing a tool for ignorance and lack of responsibility. This may not be your goal but still this needs some clarification.
  6. @Leo Gura How could you "convince" a guy like Sam Harris to at least give the non-rational side a chance. I am asking this question because when i discuss spirituality people often get argumentative and ask for logical and rational reason to meditate etc.
  7. Idealy should you keep your eyes open or closed during mindfulness meditation/self inquiry?
  8. @Sky Saturated fats are unhealthy. If you research further the studies that "prove" the opposite they are either using a non-viable way of study or are supported economically by the meat and egg industry. You just go as deep as possible until you find the answer. The hard thing is to keep an unbiased attitude when doing the research which is the root cause of this misunderstanding. As far as feeling the diet I would agree on the surface but you may also going to need some blood tests before and after the diet change just to double check.
  9. @Leo Gura Indeed I am. Should I self-inquiry before or after my meditation?
  10. @Leo Gura I don't seem to have experienced anything like this, how can I also achieve those results? What kind of work do I have to do?
  11. Do the books on the LP course also on the book list?
  12. Cognitive Style - Intellectual Organizational Style - Balanced Energy Style - Extraverted Stress Management Style - Resilient Interpersonal Style - Competitive Openness Imagination - High Artistic Interest - Low Emotionality - About Average Adventurousness - High Intellectual Interests - High Liberalism - High Conscientiousness Self-Efficacy - High Orderliness - About Average Dutifulness - About Average Achievement-Striving - About Average Cautiousness - About Average Extraversion Friendliness - About Average Gregariousness - About Average Assertiveness - High Activity Level - About Average Excitement-Seeking - High Cheerfulness - High Neuroticism Anxiety - Low Anger - Low Depression - Low Self-consciousness - Low Immoderation - Low Vulnerability - Low Agreeableness Trust - About Average Honesty - Low Altruism - About Average Cooperation - Low Modesty - Low Sympathy - About Average
  13. @Leo Gura What's wrong with heavy carbs like those?
  14. @Leo Gura How should someone approach the entrepreneurial journey in order to actually have the potential to increase human consciousness?
  15. Does literature provide value? Compared to self-help books, are literature ones inferior or not?
  16. @Leo Gura What do you think about Jordan Peterson?
  17. @eskwire Well said, totally agree.
  18. @eskwire How does literature grow you then? In my mind literature is entertainment and entertainment is usually toxic.
  19. This is when politics start to become relevant. Leftist political-correctness has instigated the death of many. This has to do with satisfying basic level needs. How is Europe supposed to move on when terror attacks are now just a part of everyday life? How can a mayor get away with sayings like "Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a major city"? When your basic survival needs are threatened i dont think anyone intellectually stable can argue that it needs to be solved. Someone needs to take the responsibility. If we are not even thinking about talking about it, who will?
  20. @Leo Gura Morality is not relative. How can morality be relative when it is based in empathy. This is where the the golden rule comes from. Basically instead of changing our actions to line up with our morals, we change our perspective to nonduality so we can justify them. Seems too self-centered and egotistical. Also i didnt see Jesus kill and then justify his actions with this nihilistic view. If something goes against self agenda it is the mere idea of action. What is more threatening to the individual, to bone up and line up his actions to his values and morals or to adopt a nihilistic paradigm that allows him to do whatever he wants? If non duality is so perfect, the enlightened ones wouldn't mind if someone tried to kill them. At the end of the day it would save some children from unessecary rape
  21. @AlwaysBeNice You can say that for every job on earth. The majority of jobs add nothing of value to people. It is not about adding to society but to people. View society as something negative, we want to add value to people not to society. Marketing can be good if you use it the right way. Imagine Leo pulling a Tai Lopez ad campaing. He would get massive and basically manipulate people for their own good. I dont see anything wrong with that. Instead of demonizing marketing why dont you use it for the good. By being a beggar you dont help anyone anyway so you just party with the status quo which is the unethical ad campains in this instance.
  22. @Annetta Yes it did in Manchester. When bombings start being the new normal, it is alarming.
  23. @Lorcan "Make some money and then say you dont need it" is my rule. People are weak and use every kind of excuse to not put in the work. Yes you dont actually need it but it is ten times better than being broke. Also if you play it right you can actually provide some value to the world. So what else do you have to do? If you are in line with your life purpose you can get tons of money if you work hard as well. There is no life purpose that is not a business. Forget that ebay stuff though, it is a waste of time, not scalable at all. Start a business, make money, invest in real estate, make more money and so forth. I am not even going to cover the marrige/family scenarios without abundance of money. How many Rolls Royces did Osho have by the way?
  24. @SOUL Did you even read it dude come on. Generally Good=promotes love,hapiness etc. Evil=promotes pain,suffering etc. It is not about the accuracy of those thoughts, it is about having a guide for your behavior.