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  1. @Leo Gura This is either wishful thinking or just ahistorical. You have taken the development of America up to this point for granted. Why didn't you build in Russia? Do you think you would be able to post about substances and even, God forbid, talk against Putin? Of course not. I don’t understand how you aren't alarmed enough by how fast things can go to actual full-blown fascism. Fascism isn't a thousand years away; it is fifty, if not less, for some countries. Some of our parents lived through it, and experienced it, it is not far away. Not to mention that the system doesn't self-regulate to make it impossible for bad actors to do real damage to the democratic process. Yes, people will continue to do their jobs and strive to build businesses. Still, the most fertile ground to do so is a democracy with the least corruption possible, not an idiocratic authoritarian regime. Trump keeps pushing the pedal to authoritarianism as hard as he can, if everyone postpones action until things are irremediable, then we have made an enormous strategic flaw.
  2. Free speech isn't Binary, imagine it like a volume knob. Trump slowly by surely turns it as much as he can toward the fascist side. Objectively speaking, if you live in the US, your freedom of speech is far less with Trump than with any previous president.
  3. @yetineti The lack of foresight is astounding. If you would risk waiting until martial law is in place you have failed strategically. If you guys can't take the hints where this is heading I dont know what to tell you. Hopefully, I'm wrong, but I'm usually not.
  4. Saying things "haven't changed" is the ultimate cope. People left and right get mistreated either by being transported to a neighboring country's jail or denied entry to the US just cause they "tweeted against Trump". And this is the beginning, things dont look good for the USA. If you willingly stay it is not a matter of "things not changing enough to leave" but a lack of accountability and integrity to adhere to someone's values. A fascist society will never be a good breeding ground for anyone wanting to build anything worthwhile on.
  5. Guys how shady, anyone can get one lucky prefire in the <130ms range, the thing is to show your average. The one highlight doesn't mean shit. @Leo Gura Your hardware matters a lot, the faster the mouse, monitor,etc the better your results will be. edit: dont forget to try this also, super fun and challenging:
  6. So funny how even the right wing of Florida dissed this rapist. Tate is pulling way too often the "matrix" victim card, not so alpha male of him if you ask me 🤣🤣
  7. Trump has outdone himself, he has fucked up more things in 2 months that I thought would take years to ruin. If anyone is intellectually consistent he either leaves or finds a way to clean the mess. You can't give up your country so easily and it is already slipping through your hands. I dont even know what your options are but id love to hear some ideas. Let's say the usual "wait and see" isn't so appealing in such a dire situation.
  8. Good point Emerald, that was the biggest issue with this approach of Dr K even in a psychological context in his attempt to include these guys he arms them with more victim narrative and doesn't encourage them (as a psychiatrist should) to find the reason they are so desperate for such a narrative. @Leo GuraYou approach it strictly politically, in this context I understand dr K doesn't want to get political and wants to approach it from just a psychological perspective but he failed miserably at that as well.
  9. I like this guy but I think what he did in this short is top-tier gaslighting to consider fascists like Trump as valid options. @Leo Gura Am I too radicalized by Green to dismiss some value in what he said, what do you think?
  10. Dave's issue is that he thinks any criticism of science is from below, he doesn't understand the context that science can be criticized from above.
  11. That would be awesome, Dave especially is so smug in his ignorance
  12. They all try to cater to Trump and his alleged beliefs. Even the prime minister of my country Greece somehow ended up coming out against the so-called woke stuff. These grifters only know how to bullshit, it is so annoying to witness. They have no values they just parrot whatever fits them to stay afloat pathetic spineless behavior by unintelligent and self-centered minds.
  13. @Leo Gura Is he? It is easy to armchair philosophize but when the rubber meets the road and your freedoms are at stake, only action can save you. America could EASILY become an autocracy in the next 4 years since there aren't any legal guardrails to prevent it. His concern is more than valid. It is easy to speak against the status quo in a democracy, it isn't so in a dictatorship since they line you up and kill you. Dont forget many Western countries that are now considered developed have dealt with fascism and dictatorships not even 50 years ago.
  14. @lostingenosmaze I watched that the other day, it is so underwhelming seeing Owen being so clueless about politics. The bottom line is if you dont have a model to understand politics aimed to progress a nation, you will dumb it down to social skills as the major skill to be a politician like Owen does. People need an explicit understanding of systems, tools, and institutions and less airy fairy stuff, this was painful to watch.
  15. @JosephKnecht These ideas are more up-to-date This is the exact fundamental premise in my mind when I end up with that precise solution I mentioned. The fact is that real philosophers will never be elected to positions of power in such an underdeveloped and cognitively impaired society hence the best we can do is minimize the human factor. Not to mention that democracy will always retard the progress of a nation, meritocracy would be ideal but a sick society has a flawed perspective of what is actual skill and understanding.