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Everything posted by tyy

  1. My first, fairly quickly constructed vision board to use as the background on my phone!
  2. Day 24 Some days I am invincible in these showers, others it feels like the first few days all over. I didn't get a chance to do any cardio at the gym. Instead I ended up having a discussion with a friend, but sometimes that is more valuable depending on the topic. I had a good work out with the weights regardless. I will not get to train tonight as I will be having a night of lower conscious indulgence. To celebrate the one year anniversary with my girlfriend we will be going out to eat and getting a hotel room at a nice, small hotel. Yesterday while working I was collecting pictures to start a vision board. My idea is to create it and put it as my phone background. Gratitude: I am thankful for my orange juice this morning. I am thankful for the freedom at my job. I am thankful I woke up feeling "normal" and not ill/injured.
  3. Day 23 I failed to journal yesterday, but still had the cold shower. Yesterday night was busy after work: paying for ice time for hockey with friends this weekend, a discussion group regarding addiction, then my shower and wind down time. It was also the one year mark with my girlfriend and she got me two meditation books I am excited about. On the commute home from work I listened to Leo's new podcast about AL-LAD. It's nice to hear about a "beginner's" psychedelic as it is hard to find Leo's style of information on the net. I appreciate the comparison of mind-fuck ratings between substances and reviews coming from a spiritual/higher consciousness standpoint rather than wild visuals etc. Good stuff to know if I end up at a point where I am ready to pull the trigger on one of these experiences. I get to train tonight so I plan to get one of those cardio sessions in that I want to start implementing. I want to keep my body healthy to give me the most time alive in this reality! I still have to shower today so I will report back tonight. Gratitude: I am thankful for new friends. I am thankful for a relaxed morning. I am thankful for today.
  4. @Afonso Yeah I plan on making it an everyday habit as well, how long are yours typically?
  5. Day 22 Another cold shower in the books. Not much to say here regarding that. I was hoping to go to a meditation group tonight but I took the time to visit my grandparents and train instead. This week has a bunch of activities in store so I am hitting the gym whenever I can fit it in. I have felt kind of flat the last few days but don't really know the reasons why. I have been having great weeks. Maybe I feel like I have lost my momentum because I haven't started a meditation routine yet or since I haven't lessened my marijuana habit substantially. Gratitude: I am thankful for local work. I am thankful for my dinner. I am thankful for the gym I go to.
  6. Day 21 An untimed cold shower tonight, did what I had to and soaked in the water still. I think I will start working on a new habit, by adding cardio workouts each week. Gratitude: I am thankful for homemade pizza. I am thankful for a productive work day. I am thankful I fall asleep quickly.
  7. Day 20 - 8:00 This update was actually supposed to be posted yesterday but I forgot to get on here. Another new minute mark on this day. I don't think I will continue to add anymore time now though because it isn't really necessary. I'll just continue my cold showers with reasonable duration lengths. I feel like I have feelings I want to document here but can't really pinpoint what I want to say. Maybe I will iron it out for my later post after my shower. Gratitude: I am thankful the temperature hasn't dropped too low. I am thankful for a flavored water. I am thankful I made it to the gym yesterday.
  8. Day 19 - 7:45 So I didn't shower on one day, simply because it didn't make sense to with the events I would be involved with over the weekend. A friend's powerlifting competition was what was in store for today. As for the shower; it was before 7:00 am and the water was cooooooool. Very tough in the mornings. Gratitude: I am thankful for safe drives today. I am thankful for my headphones. I am thankful for time with my parents.
  9. @Evilwave Heddy Thanks! Yeah I definitely will continue, not for 7+ minutes daily but the water will still be cold.
  10. Day 18 - 7:30 Tonight I tried to let the water hit me in all ways like on sides and under arms; as a test I guess. Just keeping busy. More on the improved energy topic, I got off work early today and cleaned out and organized my work truck. It will help me run more efficiently and is a good habit to adopt (keeping order of my work space). Gratitude: I am thankful for asparagus. I am thankful for the soft ground today at work. I am thankful for all the sun today.
  11. Day 17 - 7:15 Hmm, this was a cooler night. Even though my body is well adjusted there are just some days where I feel the water temperature more than others. Either way I stood in it in various ways and stretchedddd out my shower duties to take up time. I elected to go to the gym tonight rather than my other discussion group. I might not get many chances to exercise in the days ahead. Training has been good and I had a back workout earlier tonight. I have been doing cardio (credit this energy from cold showers ) , which I typically neglect. Gratitude: I am thankful for my day at work. I am thankful for trip planning. I am thankful I grew up where I did.
  12. Day 16 - 7:00 Felt at peace with the cold tonight. My girlfriend hopped in to cool down and stood at a distance away, the mist was enough! Also, I attended a guided meditation group and had discussions about compassion. It was a Buddhist-inspired group and donations went directly to the ordained man who oversees all the the teachers of these groups. Gratitude: I am thankful for Google. I am thankful for this meditation group I found. I am thankful to be born in Canada.
  13. @InfinitePotential Good luck on your goal to take control of these two habits. I can relate with the weed situation, being mindful every time you use it can help. I agree that not having it certainly helps too. Another thing I have done is if you find yourself giving into the urge, just pack less in the bowl (or whatever method you use) and chip away at your amount consumed. That's only if you cave and smoke though; obviously replacing that session time with something positive is much more ideal.
  14. Day 15 - 6:45 I am now at the halfway point of my 30 day plan! Some days are harder than others but there has obviously been large enough changes: from losing breathe and hopping in and out of the water to being able to sit under it in any fashion for extended times. I feel good about my energy levels and myself in general. Gratitude: I am thankful for the comfortable clothes I have to wear. I am thankful for the sun staying out longer. I am thankful for a quiet night at home.
  15. Day 14 - 6:30 Once again, I did my cold shower but never made it on to the forum to post about it yesterday. Its been a productive long weekend with plenty of energy; I can't provide enough positive feedback for these showers. I haven't taken one nap this whole weekend while its been filled with training, spring cleaning and socializing. Again, I will report back later since I am yet to get clean today. Halfway point is today too! Gratitude: I am thankful for the groceries in my house. I am thankful for informative training videos. I am thankful for my relaxed morning.
  16. Day 13 - 6:15 I did my cold shower but forgot to report about it! Just sat under the freezing water unphased in this one. I'll be back later today! Gratitude: I am thankful for a clean house. I am thankful for a good rest last night. I am thankful it's a long weekend.
  17. Day 12 - 6:00 The new minute mark. Tonight's was easy for the most part. On a different topic, I rearranged the icons on my phone and have so simply made an improvement with distractions. Having the things you want to limit on a second page strengthens that mindful connection to your urge. Awareness alone is curative of course; this should up the frequency in which I self reflect about the habit. Gratitude: I am thankful I made it home safe. I am thankful for the long weekend. I am thankful for a great day.
  18. Day 11 - 5:45 It was a bit easier to get into the shower tonight after my workout. I can really see me continuing these showers long term, but not for these extended times. Another thing I will have to try during these 30 days is an early early morning shower. I have been having most of these during the afternoon and night time; I feel I could experience more benefits from doing one in the morning. There's not a whole lot to document daily about my cold showers, but writing in here keeps everything consistent. Also, I have never really posted on forums so this has been a good starting point. Gratitude: I am thankful for this life I have. I am thankful for my group of friends. I am thankful my two cats share a bond together.
  19. Day 10 - 5:30 All showered with no place to go; my discussion group plans were cancelled this evening. Tonight's shower was one of the rougher ones, I wasn't looking forward to it on this occasion. On to the next! Gratitude: I am thankful today was a good day. I am thankful I have my vision. I am thankful I get some extra sleep tonight.
  20. Day 9 - 5:15 This 5 minute plus business might get old quick haha. I always finish everything I have to do in the shower in under 5 so it leaves me standing there getting blue. Oh well, still feel great after these showers so I'll keep adding time for now! I used to be very drowsy a lot of the day; the week before I started these was one of the worst. Since I have been doing these showers I feel I am not having nearly as many drowsy spells. Lastly, I am thinking my next challenge I'll start in here will have to do with building a consistent meditation habit. I'll work it into my thread like I did my gratitude thoughts. Gratitude: I am thankful for having the mother I do. I am thankful for the scenic drive I took earlier. I am thankful the weather is warming up.
  21. @Evilwave Heddy Oh I can only imagine, the slightly warm water at the beginning of mine (I should just call it cold too lol) is always a tease. That's interesting, I haven't read about that topic, thanks!
  22. Day 8 - 5:00 I'm feeling cold blooded nowadays I hit the gym tonight and had a small shoulder workout; I'll be taking a day off of the gym for Valentine's Day tomorrow. Tonight's shower had the 5 minute milestone in store. Overall it felt a bit long but I can just stand there in cold water fairly comfortably now. I was definitely frigid after. Gratitude: I am thankful for my dinner tonight. I am thankful for this forum. I am thankful to have both my parents still.
  23. @Nahm @Flare Well put. This topic resonates with me too as I have had to learn how to properly navigate a toxic person as a coworker/boss. Oh how I wish I would have known how to approach situations like this in past. I guess that was all part of the journey though! Maybe a little off topic but how would we influence this kind of mindset in a younger person, say public or high school? It's easy enough to say "don't let it bother you," or something along those lines, but does it really resonate with a person who has no knowledge of PD or emotions? Young students also lack the ability to leave the environment (like an adult can change a job). I just thought I would bring up a question @Steph1988 's thread sparked in me because it hits home - and this is a good place to continue discussions regarding bullying.
  24. Day 7 - 4:45 I gotta say today at the four minute mark I was not sweating about the time being extended. It is amazing how you can adapt. Water is at its coldest, I realize I haven't provided any proof of that, just thought I would note it! Gratitude: I am thankful for my day with my girlfriend. I am thankful for a new album I bought. I am thankful for chocolate cheerios.
  25. Day 6 - 4:30 I was actually relying on this shower tonight. I did a leg workout earlier in the afternoon and felt seriously drained. These showers provide the spark that produces a second wind! Now I feel awake again. Gratitude: I am thankful my dad helped me with my truck today. I am thankful I woke up feeling healthy. I am thankful I got time with my nephew today.