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Everything posted by Annoynymous

  1. @Spiral can it be possible that she is cheating and also in denial about it?
  2. Hello everyone. I have watched Leo's latest video about nootropics and decided to give it a shot. I live in Bangladesh and wasn't quite sure about finding these supplements here. But i was lucky that i found armodafinil and it is here sold as named 'armoda' tablets. 1st day i took half of a pill which is 75 mg. After some time i felt that i am super attentive and i could think a lot faster systematically. I also noticed that i have a monkey mind which drives me crazy and i was able to keep track of it as where it goes after taking the pill. I felt activeness in my body and felt i can do a lot of work. But i also felt some restlessness in my chest and headache also. But i was ground in my thinking. I thought about those incidents that are usually hard to think for me and emotionally tough to think any other time, but this time i was non reactive about it, which made me feel good. I took the pill at 3 pm. Maybe that is why i slept only 4 hours that night. The next day i took one pill again, this time 150 mg. I felt that my attentiveness gone higher than yesterday. But after some time very intense headache popped out and i felt bad. My heart began to beat faster and i felt restless now and then. This time i took the pill on the morning. At evening i started to feel easier but headache was there for the rest of the night. The very next day i took the pill again, but this time with a little bit fear. Anyways i gave it another try. Within two hours after taking the pill my headache was beginning to rise and i felt a lot of pain. I couldn't even think properly due to that. At afternoon i felt exhausted. I had a diarrhea also and felt weak. I took saline also. I also noticed that my anxiety was increasing and i was feeling sad. This was my overall experience. Armodafinil didn't work very well for me. It's been a day since i took the last pill and still i have headache.
  3. This topic kinda made me emotional and nostalgic. I was raised as a muslim. My school was kind of madrasa (A place where religious education given in details apart from regular studies). There my teachers used to teach me how to read quran in arabic although i don't know the language, only knew how to read it. They were very strict about it and used to give punishments if i fail. It was like a torture to me. In teenage, i took an interest on reading quran in my mother language, Bangla. I did it because i was interested to know what was written there. But again i fell into a trap of taking the book literally and began to believe those things written. I became rigid, fearful of sins and going to hell, guilty of doing sins and repressing my emotions until i jailbreak the paradigm. That is another story. Even if then, while reading quran somehow i felt that this is not just it, there is more to it and something is wrong about how i was taught to view quran. I think the quran has its metaphorical value. But it will become a trap if one takes it literally. For me, i would like to read quran again from this new perspective that i have but i don't know when. Because those years of emotional torture haunts me till the day and i want to heal myself properly. But whenever i remember about it, i am like 'man it was hell of a journey!'
  4. Well it was a white pill. Whatever, i am not going to take it again!
  5. @Baotrader It tasted like nothing. It was just a pill. Btw which country do you live in? In my country, Armodafinil can be found in 150/250 mg. Not 300
  6. @Leo Gura can this happen for pharmaceutical company? Maybe they have corrupted it. At the beginning i felt a shift of my consciousness. Bt it drained gradually taking pills.
  7. Can sufferings be tool for self actualization? If it is so, then how? Currently i am suffering a lot due to my imbalanced personal life. I feel i am broken and lost the way of life. Can i use this situation to break through from it and lift myself up through self actualization?
  8. Thank you for your advise. What you are today? And what were you before the pain?
  9. @Leo Gura Do you think it is necessary to judge people for survival issue? Or our ego tricks us to think like that?
  10. At this point of my life, going with the flow seems the hardest thing to do. I am confused, depressed, frustrate, fearful and clueless. Feeling like walking in darkness. I don't know what to do, what to desire and where am i going in life. Feeling terrible!
  11. I have heard it before, but not clear how it works. Can you provide me an example?
  12. Now a days I am very depressed and anxious about the current society in which I live. I feel like it is in many ways, obstructing me to do works that needed to be done for self Actualization. My question is, is it necessary to live in a society that is more easygoing in order to do self Actualization work? Or is it just my ego/mind showing excuses and therefore society doesn't matter for doing these work?
  13. @Equanimitize Thank you for sharing your story. What do you think, at the very end, it becomes necessary to quit the environment that is toxic and demoralizing? Or one can be within and make a peace with it?
  14. Can you further tell your experience? It seems interesting.
  15. @Leo Gura I have seen lot of your videos but didn't hear this thing about conscious and subconscious mind as they are mostly told in popular psychology. One common notion is that 90-95% of our activity is controlled by our subconscious mind of mostly which we are not aware of. What do you have to say about this topic?
  16. I don't have much detailed idea about it. I have only seen some videos and did some web searches about sub conscious. Well what I have known from that is that subconscious is way more powerful than our conscious mind. I almost controls much of our activities. But we are mostly unaware of it and about how powerful it is. Also heard subconscious mind can be reprogrammed through daily affirmation to ourselves.
  17. V for Vendetta maybe a yellow type movie. Specially the main character 'V' and its activities can be regarded as yellow thinking and systematic action.
  18. -What is desire - How desire works - Upside and downside - how to handle desire in a healthy way
  19. As far as i know, psychedelics are banned in most of the western countries. So how do you do it?
  20. @TripleNipple in my country, its hard to find psychedelics.
  21. @Leo Gura I posted the thread 'French Revolution and Spiral Dynamics'. Today I see you locked that post. Can you state the reason why? I assumed that maybe lot of people there were just philosophizing and this is not the purpose. But even then, I want to know the reason from you for my own clarification. Thank you.
  22. I am a student of International Relations and quite interested to Study about History of civilization and politics. Suddenly a question popped out in my mind. What do you think of French Revolution according to spiral dynamics? The nature of the event resonates with which stage most?