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Everything posted by Annoynymous

  1. Well leo said that no stage can be skipped to go further. So we have to be at orange first. Otherwise they won't resonate with green value.
  2. Well yeah. You have got it correctly. Country is now evolving towards orange in terms of economics. Big corporations are coming. For example, UBER came almost 2 years ago and conducting their business. Local companies are also emerging. India is a very big country with large population. We are much smaller country in terms of size but we have almost 180 million population. Its true that country is evolving to orange but it will take more time to fully evolve as a whole. Still blue value runs high with some red features. Politics here is mostly dominated by blue. Much of local politics are conducted by red values. Democracy is weak. Most of the people (almost 90%) are muslim. Not all of them are fundamentalists, many of them are moderate muslims but still, Religious fanatics are visible. Religious values can influence politics here. Civil society is vocal but they are not 100% free from corruption. You can find some green in civil society although. But they are less in numbers.
  3. Well comparable in terms of what? It will be better if you specify a bit. Thank you
  4. @Zweistein Thanks for the wish and compliment I wish the same. But at first i want to build myself and do sufficient amount of work to go up the spiral... I have got many things to do in order to grow.
  5. You guys are focusing more on orange to green transition as i am seeing, also you are mostly talking about green values. It is understandable because most of you are from western countries. If you had my background, you would have seen reality differently. I am from third world country and it is primarily blue. I am a Bangladeshi and my neighbour countries are also from third world (Pakistan, India, Myanmar etc) Believe it or not, we even get to see red in our society also. Specially in local politics, killing, raping, sexual harassment, corruption is common phenomena in many areas of the country. In my country, You can see red thugs, blue fanatics and now a days you can see orange materialist also! There is so little room for green here. I mostly consider myself as green, so think how days are becoming hard for me here to live with my values. Comparing to that, western countries like UK USA Germany etc has green friendly or at least Green tolerating society. From social and political point of view, i think more about going from blue to orange. Green is still a long away from my country.
  6. I meant a lot of thing. If you watched leo's spiral dynamics series you would know about stage yellow. It implies that understanding is a complex thing. That's why yellow is about systems thinking to understand and therefore to solve. Clarity resembles with why you want to voice for vulnerable, who is vulnerable according to you, why they are like that and why social system led them to be vulnerable etc. You have to question what you want to do to its rock bottom. Its self inquiry. You have to gather knowledge. Direct experience. I have told you earlier, it's complex.
  7. You have got many sources. Actualize. Org is the biggest source that i have found in my life when i was confused. Still i am confused but in a bit better state. Start with leo's video. Listen to them and try to contemplate. Do it for hours. That's how i started. Still studying.
  8. @TomDashingPornstar Projection or not that i don't know but her writing reminds me of Leo's stage yellow video.
  9. Now a days i listen to Sadhguru, whom i knew from Leo's stage turquoise video. He said something like this 'Confidence without clarity is a recipe for disaster' Understanding is important, otherwise any work perceived as 'noble' can easily destroy or create disaster. So before doing any kind of activism, seek clarity first. I think it will help you in two ways : 1. You will not fall for ideology trap. 2. Your activism will truly serve others. @Charlotte
  10. @Emerald I have just read your reply and preparing myself to read again. It's quite complex writing! I have never thought of this issue in the way you described. It has opened some new perspectives to me. I assume that you are at stage yellow. Lovely to read
  11. Pardon me for my about average language efficiency, i am not a native english speaker. I will contemplate your point though. It's an interesting observation from you. My journey towards self actualization is a difficult one. I am a Bangladeshi. Its a country of south asia. Most of the people here are not that much open minded Culturally speaking. They are mostly stuck at stage blue. As i am trying to evolve, i am finding it difficult to do due to traditional and judgemental social structure of the nation. Wish me luck! Thank you.
  12. Maybe my notion of 'Peaceful' revolution has derived from stage green thinking. At the same time, as i am trying to evolve from green to yellow, i can see some of the complexity of human nature or system. Like leo mentioned about 60s revolution and its green essence. Need to study about that more. But without much deep thinking, i can say that it was 'peaceful', if you compare it with french revolution, an orange one. Comparing only to understand, not to demonize. Certain transition needs certain measures. Both violence and peace are necessary and part of reality, although the existential nature of both is unique. I think all revolution are just recipe for transformation. The question is, what is the nature of that recipe. French revolution was full of violence done by both parties (revolutionaries and oppressors)
  13. @CreamCat What makes you think that stage green people are not careful about their financial state? As far as i can understand, is that every stage at tier -1 has their own unique ways to address their survival issues. Finance is also a survival issue. I think you have got more to study deeply about spiral dynamics because your assumption of 'being green but revert to orange due to financial constraints' seems untrue.
  14. It's intriguing to see some insightful discussion that is going on here. But maybe we are loosing sight of the actual topic here. I mean this topic is not for judging or blaming a particular stage. It's for understanding situations which triggers transition of stage and knowing features of it from spiral dynamic point of view. I think this discussion can also be utilized as knowing one's own stage. As leo said in his videos that we shouldn't judge too much of a particular stage because the main goal of all of us should be focusing on master the current stage in which we are in and transcend into the next. Don't get lost into debates. Its a trap.
  15. I used to be very analytical at one point in my life. Trust me, It hurts to be like that all the time. It feels awesome when i let go of my analysis and enjoy just being with myself
  16. For those who are visiting this post and participating while sharing their view, i would like to share my spirial dynamics status (according to my observation). It will help you to see where i am leaning while sharing my opinion. I consider myself 15% blue, 30% orange, 50% green and 5% yellow. Kinda mixed up!!
  17. Well i have known about the french revolution by reading a book by Charles Dickens called 'A tale of two cities'. It was a historical fiction, nonetheless i think one can actually resonate with the real event by reading that book. According to Leo, it's blue transiting to orange. I agree with him. But what i think that if every stage can have its 'revolution' within it or while transiting into another, then the nature of each revolution of each stage will be different and unique. For example, Maybe when society will truly revolutionize from orange to green it will be different in nature when it revolutionized from blue to orange. The main point that i am trying to illustrate is that concepts of revolution is so so so unique that we may have to use different words in describing transition period instead of using the word 'Revolution'. Because it will be hard to even resonate. Maybe when green will try to change the orange infrastructure in society, it will do in a unique peaceful manner unlike orange did with blue society. Well it will be great then better then firing at your enemy then to 'hug' the way to peace
  18. Can every sort of revolution be described as 'Blue to Orange' transition? or every revolution has its own spiral dynamic nature?