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Everything posted by Annoynymous

  1. @Leo Gura don't you think that it will be tough to be on spiritual journey without much support from the environment we live in? I am talking about family and relationship support. If my family and my gf is does not understand what i do, there can be possibility of conflict.
  2. @Leo Gura I follow your responds for a long time. U have mentioned about shadow work a lot of times. But we have not seen any videos from you regarding this topic. It will be very helpful for us if u could release a video on this topic.
  3. @Sam Lee Thank you for sharing your experience. Besides that, i want to know how much do u make on an average per month through freelancing? (if it is not personal)
  4. @Anton Rogachevski You said you were depressed for a long time. How did you fare with your life being in that state for so long and kept your faith in?
  5. @Anton Rogachevski Can you describe your story elaborately? It sounds illuminating and fascinating.
  6. @bejapuskas I find your statement way too arrogant and ignorant as i can clearly see you havent read my responds carefully in this thread. It is not about belief and belief can only work when you have enough first hand experience and becoming dogmatic about it, which i dont have with teal's teaching as i mentioned through my response. What i am doing is fact checking about teal, which now i find irrevelant after seeing responses. I feel most people are here only taking sides blindly. Be careful about your projections and prejudices without knowing things.
  7. I am amazed to see how a thread that meant to open for sharing insight can easily turn into a platform of debate and demonization. Its also amazing to see how devil works. Nonetheless, i have decided to follow my intuition which is telling me to stick with Teal's teaching. And i will continue to do it until my intuition tells me to do otherwise. And i want this thread to be closeda as i believe debate is a complete waste of time. @Nahm @Serotoninluv @Charlotte plz close this thread.
  8. @Emerald Appriciating your view.
  9. @DocHoliday I will keep that in mind.
  10. @DocHoliday To be honest, i found her contents interesting and i do wanna watch those in future. But now i am getting confused after reading all these allegations against her.
  11. @Leo Gura What will you advice me then? I am just getting familiar with teal's work and now hearing lots of negative things about her. Should i continue to see her contents or just be done with it?
  12. @DocHoliday I think that would be a subtle manipulation from her part. Yet reality is tricky, as you mentioned in ur previous post that if it is not in my first hand experience, it is not true for me. I am not so familiar with Teal's work yet, i guess i need to go through that process at first. What resist me is that my fear of falling into a trap and accidentally hurt myself.
  13. @DocHoliday Thank you for your wise words
  14. @Jed Vassallo sounds horrible. Anyways, i have seen many of her videos and those looks like containing some good knowledge.
  15. @pluto @Elisabeth What i fear is wasting my time and falling into a trap. I have fallen into traps for many times and i think this forum is a wonderful place where i can verify.
  16. @Elisabeth can you explain elaborately about 'careful' part?
  17. @Salvijus Yes i can understand that. But my question is what value can i expect from her teachings?
  18. Also, if you believe it, then why do you believe it? And again, if you don't believe it, why don't you believe it?
  19. Do you guys follow this channel? What are your thoughts on this channel's content? I find them mostly unique, but what leads me into doubt is that it has got videos like 'How jordan peterson wins an arguement'. Since leo made a lot of skeptical points about jp, it leads me to have doubt in my mind about this channel. Will appreciate your response. Thank you.
  20. What is the dark night of the soul? How to recognise this? What to do when it happens? How to become spiritually more developed through this?
  21. @Leo Gura can meditation improve focus?
  22. @winterknight I have five questions for you. 1. What is feeling? 2. What is rationality? 3. What is opinion? 4. What is judgement? 5. What is ego's ultimate agenda?
  23. @Leo Gura so according to you, what is judgement and what is opinion?
  24. @ajasatya why is it a trap?