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Everything posted by Annoynymous

  1. You guy's might wanna look into it Seems like @Leo Gura is predicting right.
  2. Is it worthwhile to read it?
  3. I have recently bumped into this video Does these technique work? Does anyone have any experience on this? I am very interested in learning tantra. Any advise on this is welcomed
  4. @bmcnicho did she have previous relationships? If yes, how much time ago did she break up with her last bf?
  5. @Serotoninluv i can understand your point. I though have a slight different viewpoint in this topic. What i have learned from reading international news media such as BBC, there is a high chance of trump getting re-elected. His supporters are somehow seems aggressive and strongly supports trump. On the other hand, democrats seems to be divided. On one hand, centered democrat like Biden and on the other hand, progressive like Bernie and Warren. But the thing is although i think it will be great if progressives win but America seems not ready yet for that. Biden is currently leading the polls among democrats and by that i assume most democrat supporters are centrists like Biden. So he has more chance to win the primary. And if he wins, i think then trump will definately get re-elected. Because i don't see Biden any near charismatic and appealing like Trump. Even if any progressive win the primary, i highly doubt they will get the electoral college that needed to win the presidency. America is just not ready for the progressive and they wont elect someone who hold those ideology. Maybe another four years from trump and the suffering that he will create for Americans would force them to think outside of the box and bid for progressivism.
  6. @Serotoninluv @Leo Gura i believe both of you live in the US. So what do you think about 2020 election? What is the possibility trump getting reelected? Does the people of America realize now what an evil person Trump is?
  7. At first, i would like to thank you. It was an wonderful video and it hit me like a thunder. It was amazing. Specially the 1+1=3 example. However, i have some question. 1.I still don't understand how i imagined how i was born and how i am imagining i am going to die. What caused me to imagine it actually? 2. Is ego part of relative truth? If i transcend ego, will still there be relative truth? 3. "No "I" was born, no "I" is gonna die. Because "I"is ego. "I"does not exist. Yet it exists as absolute truth. Hense it was born and it is gonna die." - what do you think about this statement? 4. What is mind? Is our mind also part of absolute truth? And how we imagined "mind"?
  8. @Leo Gura if i realize absolute love, and embody it, will it improve my ability of lowercase love? Or these are two separate thing?
  9. @Leo Gura you have always talked about truth with the small t and Truth with the capital T, then i guess there must be love with the small l and Love with the capital L. Can you describe the difference between love and Love? I know one is relative but another is absolute. But what are the features of these? How can one recognise love and Love?
  10. This is a documentary which unveils a Christian Group Called "The Family", an organization that works under the shadow and influencing US politics and global politics to fulfil their agenda For Nearly 70 years. This is an amazing 5 part documentary series which illuminates Stage Blue- Orange wrongdoings and how they are corrupting The US and Global Political syestem.
  11. @Leo Gura psychedelics are not available in my country Will other practice help?
  12. @Natasha can yiu give a link of john gray's yt channel?
  13. It is documentary on male and female sexual expressions and how they are pressured around sex culturally. it is classic stage orange work related to toxic masculinity, body shaming, peer pressure, bulling around sex. I think people can learn a lot from it.
  14. @Leo Gura do you think forum can become such conformist group if things go out of the hand? And why people conform to such idea's like 'the family'? Because of their own self bias & unconsciousness?
  15. @Leo Gura & all, i think self bias is the hardest thing to see. Really, to me, i am an angel, sometimes i try to ask myself, where am i deluding myself, where am i being evil, but no concrete answers come and everything seems hollow. But when i ask about others, tons of answer comes about other's self bias, evilness and on and on. It's really very difficult to self-reflect honestly. And see, how "the family" took it to a grand level and made it look like a big empire. These shows how one as an individual and collective can take their unconscious and self bias to this gigantic level.
  16. @Leo Gura thank you But one question arised in my mind. Those who are the "Godfathers" of this organisations and their minions (i mean influential member of the organization), do they understand how much evil they are doing to the world or just they are unconscious to that fact? Another way to say is that are they that much naive or that much deliberate conscious devil?
  17. @Leo Gura i have seen four episodes, absolutely STUNNED how they corrupt everything! And they are very very organised and manipulative.
  18. @Leo Gura comparing to you i am just a bum who lives in the street
  19. I agree with you. Violence was always part of the equation when society gets transitioned from one position to another position. It happened in the past and it will be happening in the future. Question : What is the price of Progress? Answer : Blood
  20. @Leo Gura i understand your point. But wasn't slavery part of many cultures too? I think we can expect gun culture to change. But it will take maybe a century or so.
  21. @Leo Gura i live in a third world country and even in my country, these sort of mass shooting are a rare thing. We dont have access to own guns on a mass level like US has. But it feels weird to see so many mass shootings happening in the US in every year and i think like despite of having so many problems in my country, atleast we have better situation than advance country like US in terms of mass shooting. Don't you think having so many guns on a private level is creating this problem? And as far as i know, most of the advance countries do not allow this in their own country.
  22. Well, i got to know who was jordan peterson from Leo, before that, i did not even know who he was and what does he do. After listening to Leo, i got to know how toxic he is and how he preaches his ideology. But sometimes when i see from some random posts on fb where jordan peterson is talking and that video is appriciated, i feel uncomfortableness inside of me. One part of me says that i should watch the video and keep an open minded about him and the other part says dont watch him because if you watch, you are gonna go deep into his toxicism and never gonna get out. Then i dont watch the video and ignore it. But something inside of me tells me that it is not a right approach. Am i missing something by doing this? It feels like i am not being openminded and fearful. I would like to hear your opinion about it guys.
  23. @Matt8800 yeah i agree with you. Maybe i am being close minded and fearful. I feel if i listen to him, it will confuse me and give some strong emotional reaction against his stance.