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Everything posted by Annoynymous

  1. @OBEler i don't know about that. In my personal experience, whenever i sleep less than 6 hours, generally i get tired and unmotivated for rest of the day.
  2. @Nickyy many says in order to attract girls and be in a relationship with them you have to drop neediness and desperation. So those who are successful at it, do they pretend it or they are all enlightened?
  3. @OBEler I think anything less than 6 hours/day sleep can bring sleepiness, boredom and headache. You should sleep atleast 6-7 hours at night and you will feel adequately energised to do work.
  4. @Nickyy are you enlightened? Can't we get rid of our neediness and desperation without being enlightened?
  5. Here, i am giving you some example of bad practices of my society which seems to me blue and orange ideas. 1.over disciplining father. Maybe he thinks that his way is the right way. I have hardly experienced any emotional connection with him. 2. Abusive dynamic between mother and father, where father has the last final say in family matters. Often ignores/disrespects/even abusively threatens mother in front of children. 3.Friends showing excessive compititive mentality & toxic masculinity. Bullying is also common. Hurting one's self respect in the name of fun is also common. 4. Strict Islamic beliefs are perpetuated by the school. Where things are taught like women should wear hijabs, why you should not lie or you will burn in hellfire for etetnity. Also punishing students verbally and physically. Basically brainwashing them by destroying their self confidence. 5. University teacher who is highly corrupted. Takes bribe, almost never takes class, allegedly sexually assaulted another teacher. 6. A culture of fear and suppressing the voice of students in a university. Dominating them mentally. Teachers are basically doing whatever they want. No (practical) authority to hold them accountable. These are some examples of the society i live in. I can list another 100... Maybe more.
  6. @ivankiss seems like you are quite giving and open-minded in relationships. Try practicing to receive also. When you are consistantly on the side of giving, you may ignore your own want and needs, thus creating a pattern of asymmetrical relationship. If you don"t know what you want and need from a relationship yet, try to find it out. Then you can find & recognise a partner who will be more compatible with you. Try to understand yourself, your level of development and try to find a person who is at/near your level. It will help you to build a harmonious and co-operative relationship. You can search youtube channel "Teal Swan" and see her video on relationship. I find them good and helpful. Maybe those can also give you some valuable insight. Lastly and most importantly, so much love for you, brother. Do not loose hope. I wish you all the very best
  7. @ivankiss thank you for your generous and kind suggestions brother
  8. I think jeremy corbyn can be a good choice as PM, but it seems that the media do not support him much. I don't know why this is the case. It will also be hard for him to get elected as the recent polls are showing that labour is 10+ points behind the conservatives. Still five more weeks to go before the election but personally, i don't think labour can get ahead of the conservative within the time. But i want labour and Corbyn to win.
  9. @Leo Gura suppose i am at green and a girl whom i date is blue. Will there be prblm in our relationship? If yes, what kind of problem can arise?
  10. Well i can see the point you are making, and you are right. Although i am not sure if being the victim is a blue thought or not. It doesn't matter. Anyway i am perpetuating the victim mentality. But how to change that? by changing environment? Or circumstances? I am not so sure about it....
  11. @Nickyy yeah, it can be the case....
  12. Well honestly, i don't consider myself solid green. I have some orange aspects too. But you missed my point. "Live and let live" is my motto and i don't have any problem with other blue and orange people doing whatever they want. In fact, this post is not about them! It is about me. I am trying to find likewise people, that is it. I think green hippies find companionship among hippis, not among some priests who blindly follows christianity. A green person won't mind the priest being in his way but at the same time, he/she won't make him their "hang around buddy". That is pretty obvious. And i would like to consider this : green is peace loving and it has love for the nature. Now, if a green person see women right is violated, they are frequently eve teased/raped and some people are justifying it by saying things like " women who wear revealing dresses and goes out night deserve it", would you, as a green person just say, it is allright and do let them what they do? I don't thing so, because as a green, you are there for equality and you believe in social justice. And being the change what i want doesn't mean everything will happen smoothly. Violence happens for a reason. You can not just sit around and be the change and expect everyone around you will change accordingly. And i worked out my previous blue values and most of orange values so i can see from where they are coming. But still, that does not mean as a green person, i can not get angry and frustrated some times.
  13. Well yeah, maybe i will leave the person whom i i would feel i don't get along even if i am having regular sex with her.but in first signal? I really doubt that. As i said, my country is deep blue. Relationships are also conservative type, and in this scenario if it is my married wife then it is more difficult to leave her. People don't view divorce positively here. Thinking about this and other so called restrictions of my society makes me feel sick. It feels like one way door to hell. You can enter the hell, but you can not exit. Disidentification may work. But that would take a lot of work. It is not easy to embody also.
  14. I can feel you bro... Thank you for responding @brugluiz
  15. @Average Investor Thank you for your suggestion. At this point of my life, i am also working on my career and life purpose, so yeah, i am also busy and might prefer to be alone for a while. But soon enough, i also want to find some people same to my level of development and have meaningful relationships.
  16. But it feels too painful to do that my friend. I don't always feel motivated. Sometimes i feel very vulnerable and weak. Sometimes i feel i don't have the energy to do the work, to follow my passion.
  17. @Leo Gura so according to you, what should one do if that's the case?should one just keep silence and let the girl face what is seemingly "inevitable"?
  18. Does anyone use/used sex toy for men like fleshlight? How does it feel to use them?
  19. Is trauma caused by fear? Does fear influences our personality? How to eliminate long term fear?
  20. What is the relation between Fear and Trauma? Will Trauma & other emotional Problems like Depression and Anxiety stop occuring if we remove Fear?
  21. Title is self explainatory. Please help me and contribute
  22. Seems like the right wing of Israel suffered a terrible loss.