Principium Nexus

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Everything posted by Principium Nexus

  2. @mudita Account is private but you can always tag me @mrfaab ?
  3. Could this be how non-duality or the one expresses itself into the many or the duality? Very interesting to read!
  4. @mudita You may add my art if you want It's on the first page.
  5. @egoeimai If it's genuine, seeing other people smile or happy then makes you feel good too. If you don't know what to say it always a good opener for conversation. You can't really do anything wrong by complimenting others, they like it, you start interaction and from there you learn
  6. Making compliments about other people works great for increasing self-esteem
  7. @Prabhaker Excellent writing! Thanks.
  8. You guys are right, I was only looking at the deidentifcation aspect. Living in anxiety and complete dissociation with surroundings is not really someone is looking for. I just keep the thought in my mind i'm ultimately not an ego, but like to play a character that gives me joy and wander around for the time being alive .
  9. @Sevi Oh no don't feel sorry haha! I think I might have misunderstand things. But I did not lie about telling my name, occupation and most difficult thing to do. Or are you refering to that depersonalisation is okay to have, that this would be a false assumption? Still don't get it C'mon guys lifting the veil that people know who you are isn't a bad thing. People can try to understand you and accept you for who you are or dislike you but then you wouldn't want to be working for them in the first place.
  10. @Sevi So why would I be lying?
  11. The feeling of being judged is probably the root of all my anxiety and unconfortableness. Large part could be that i'm just misinterpreting things and probably isn't that bad. Now I meanly deal with it by ignoring it or knowing that I have my own story and if I follow my heart nothing should be wrong with that.
  12. Sure, why not! My name is Fabian and currently 21 years old. I'm a university student and make a living with trading cryptocurrency. The most emotion difficult thing for me is to not feel judged by others. This is exactly what is still holding me back to fully express myself and do the things I like. Making good progress though EDIT: Removed my last name just for the sake of privacy then
  13. Exactly what I was thinking, this is exactly where enlightenment is after. The thing is that we think we have a real fixed personality but that it actually doesn't exist. So when we see the truth and experience this first hand we might get shocked, feeling being thrown over a cliff and everybody else would tell you that's not okay since they hold onto their own identity so strongly. Anything that obstructs you in a bad way can be called a disease, but what if our mindset towards these mental illnesses are wrong? What if we learn to function with meaning within these extra ordinary states, they could even be empowering. I'm not saying it's fun when your diagnosed with DP and have a lot of trouble of getting your old "self" back, but maybe seeing it in a different light would turn things around DP is experiencing reality more to its true essence than thinking you are some absolute fixed person with a real personality.
  14. Can relate, I even hear it now and make it more prominent when I focus on it. Could be brainwaves, or ear receptors recharging making this static white noise. I think both this humming and visual snow are cognitive limits you have become aware of. I did some research once because my dad got a tinnitus and sometimes this is caused not by any physical damage but the brain being stuck in firing patterns. Tinnitus can lead to depression and regarding the previous sentence you can understand why. There are some treatments which use electrical stimulation or just sound that is specifically modified to disrupt those patterns that are stuck. Theres some mathmatical science behind it with resonance, feedback etc. What could be the correlation to DMT or other psychedelics then? This could be due loops, the brain can become highly focused on one thought making many iterations on the same thing. For that moment you loop in the same moment over and over again but actually feel some forward progress, its very weird. Now these loops happen at many different levels of awareness, even for some things your unconcious off. Since I experience visual snow and some humming myself I experimented with some techniques and looked how it influenced it. Both visual snow and humming can be very appearent but most of the time they are almost non existent for me. From my experience pure white noise, void of any useful stimulation where the brain can make sense of, can silence the mind very well. The static white noise acts as a silent room absorbing all intentions to grasp and convert stimuli into useful concepts. It can get trippy after a while but it very relaxing if you let it be. Because your brain stops making sense of what it receives you temporarly break your loop, the longer you get acustomed to this state the more you can distance your brains thinking from its loops If it doesnt make any sense, try to experiment with white noise or other forms of sensory deprivation/damping and you will see
  15. I would like to adress this topic since we are all on the same boat. It doesn't matter where you are from, who you are, 'successful' or 'a failure', fully enlightened or still wandering in complete samsara. I myself have been through very happy moments in my life but also have been through the deepest depression. During my depression I learned that meaning is the most valuable thing we have. You can have many things around you that would normally seem fullfilling but they can leave you complety cold. I think depression is not an illness, personally I think it's a psychological phase of reflection where one tries to find meaning again between all that is already given. It sharpens your compas if you allow it to and clears away the superficial/false illusions of hapiness. Instant gratification is one of the traps that lies in any form of depression, quickly filling a gap with some short lasting feelings. When those leave your again with empty hands. It learned me that long lasting things are the most valuable and these are something you can build on. Be it disciplined in sports/relationships/eating habits, those all give a good feeling on being on the right track So to come back to my initial definition, I would say we all derive meaning between both opposites. The game doesn't work without the light fighting the darkness. Destruction and creation, good or bad, low and high, they are all needed to be at this exact point in space and time. Embracing all there is, or letting go of all attachment of wanting something to be different is the key to enlightenment. There possibily is no deeper insight I ever had that applies to everything there is. Working from this ground of mind there is nothing that can beat you down. Hope you guys find this useful or might want to add something yourself. Together we derive some meaning and make the journey a little more magical
  16. Naughty guru's? Never heard of that ?
  17. @Leo Gura Being tempted is okay, but then staying in control over ones actions is the mastery. You probably meant the same
  18. @SOUL What do you expect before any unlimited potentional manifests? The void, since none of these potentials have been realized until then. Emptyness is the infinite potentional, it's the ultimate calmness before something arises. All things arise continously and don't pop into existence, thats why nothing is the shared starting point of all. They all share this as their absolute origin. The void is a paradox, its so empty its full of all possibilities ?
  19. Think about this, are you still the same person like several years ago? Do you think you will be the same person within 10 or 20 years? The answer is probably no, we all develop into new persons all the time. Learn lessons, face problems and success. If you change, so would your ideal perspective of "the one". Thus, it's not fixated. If you begin to see that your one is formless, he/she could be anyone as long as you are going for it. You have to be willing to go all the way, only a completely open relationship will enable you to grow close to each others soul The one is not fixing all problems that you might experienced with others, this is the moment you realize its all part of being human and you both want to go for the best in any period you go through. Would you be able to do that? Most are afraid to truely open their heart, thats why you have to communicate a lot!
  20. @SOUL It's the void, which is undefined thus limitless/infinite I think conciousness does come in form, or atleast it tends to increase in more complex systems. In the end this is not discrete, but a continious increase. For example we acknowledge that some objects are more conciouss that other things; living organisms. Now the complexer these object tend to become the higher the density of conciousness and more obvious it is to tell it behaves in an intelligent manner. So does intelligence equal conciousness? Because this is the act to understand the environment in a more complete/in-depth way than the ones with less awareness.
  21. @Maxx I think it is everywhere at all time, but contracts and expands. When density is high the perspective from that point is very focused and gives a clear picture of feelings/thoughts/sensations. If density becomes lower it spreads in your body and you preceive a more non-biased sensation not relative to any other perspective/body part. Expansion and Contraction are key in defining each other and make the flow of awareness possible.
  22. Better question would be, how does conciousness stay?
  23. @SOUL Too late got poop on my hands
  24. @Loreena Thanks for your advice/response! I think the physical absense is the hardest, but communicating/sharing alot can help a great deal. You have experience with LDR yourself?
  25. I'm in the situation of being in a long distance relationship and sometimes it's hard. I want to be with her and she with me and talking about feelings, future plans and other things we want to do sometimes feel lacking. Now most people dont have LDR's but might know how it is to deal when someone is away for a longer time. How do you deal with this? Are there tricks or new things you apply or make things more interesting? Being in love showed me how words can be so lacking.. Some things just leave you speechless.