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Everything posted by MellowEd

  1. In my search for truth I claimed to be nothing, everything, consciousness, and eventually God.. I read the books, did the work and consumed the mindbenders. Back then I even told people that death didn't scare me. In my blindness and therof lack of humbleness I began to search for truth in the occult. Turned out the diabolic realm is very real. The evil and seduction from theese beings can't even be comprehended by a human. The world is structered like an evil pyramide, and the entities spawned and worshiped at that time is still seducing and affecting mankind. In my arrogance I enden up with a knife to the heart. I got really hurt and thougth I was going to die early. In my hopelessness I cried out for God. Jesus healed my hearth smoothly, and has since then guided me with His mighty eye and showed me great and hidden things I did not know. All the psychadelics in the world is diminutive compared to God. His voice can make you tremble. I shiver just thinking about me claiming to be God. Now I want to die and enter paradise, but I enjoy being here learning His ways, and honour the holy calling He bestowed unto me.
  2. Mocking God and worshiping Satan will lead you to hell. The diabolic realm is very real. What is the self? And who created the elements? This guy got to experience what you are worshipping. Take a look 🙂
  3. The afterlife is very real. You are either with God or against God. The world does not come from nothing. Watch some NDE testimonies.
  4. each one of us shall give account of himself to God.
  5. Satan is very real. Sorcerers are being affected by the diabolic realm.
  6. Ask for mercy and eternal life. "Call to Me, and I will answer you. And I will show you great and wonderful things which you do not know."
  7. Hitler have to face God like the rest of us and hold account for himself.
  8. Not following Jesus would send one there. And it is forever. God is rightseouss. Either Jesus take it upon himself or onself has to suffer for for his or her transgressions against a holy God. He is the ultimate truth either one believe it or not.
  9. Thank you for sharing some of your story in search for truth and providing a list with honorable stories to be discussed. In my search for truth I claimed to be nothing, everything, consciousness, and eventually God.. I read the books, did the work and consumed the mindbenders. Back then I even told people that death didn't scare me. In my blindness and therof lack of humbleness I began to search for truth in the occult. Turned out the diabolic realm is very real. The evil and seduction from theese beings can't even be comprehended by a human. The world is structered like an evil pyramide, and the entities spawned and worshiped at that time is still seducing and affecting mankind. In my arrogance I enden up with a knife to the heart. I got really hurt and thougth I was going to die early. In my hopelessness I cried out for God. Jesus healed my hearth smoothly, and has since then guided me with His mighty eye and showed me great and hidden things I did not know. All the psychadelics in the world is diminutive compared to God. His voice can make you tremble. I shiver just thinking about me claiming to be God. Now I want to die and enter paradise, but I enjoy being here learning His ways, and honour the holy calling He bestowed unto me.
  10. You are not nothing. You are. Eternal. Ask for mercy and follow his ways for life. Call to God and He will tell you great and hidden things.
  11. "Shit in our psyche" dont explain why someone being tormented by an evil spirit start speaking fluent latin.
  12. I asked God what the pyramids was and He gave me a vision showing that humans used to possess themself in their foolishness and greed inside tombs. Later on they would ship these sarcophagus as idols around the world, like a business. In the vision egyptians sailed to the norwegian coast line to sell them as "gods". When they were opend destruction scattered around the area. Hence norse mythology and it's brutality. Society is also structured like an evil pyramid.
  13. What if "source" is only good and you have offended it by doing bad?