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Everything posted by MellowEd

  1. Christ fulfilled over 300 prophecies !!
  2. Here are some videos on the topic by a range of people that describe observing similar torments taking place in the inferno.
  3. Hell is very real. You should work on your salvation with fear and tremble. God is good.
  4. Anton Lavey founded the church of satan and wrote the satanic bible. He died in 1997. His last words… on his death bed were, “Oh my, oh my, what have I done?!”
  5. The torment on earth wouldn't even register compared to hell.
  6. God is good so He is righteous. If I were to inflict evil unto a higher being and refuse to plea for mercy justice would be good.
  7. The torments on earth wouldn't even register in hell and it is for ever. You have a soul inside your body far more valuable than your eyes.
  8. She has free will to commit adultery. God did not intend this for her. We are to obey and do what is good as we are made in his image. God gave me a visions of what He have saved me from. Hell is designed according to your own transgressions against a holy God. I would not wish it upon my worst enemy. There are no blessings down there and it is forever. Even your wildest hellish nightmare wouldn't even detect down in the pit. The terror happening on earth pale compared to hell. Stealing something, even if it's small has a huge ripple effect.
  9. What god are you talking about that allow sexual exploitation without consequences?
  10. I have seen an angel but never an alien. What do they look like?
  11. Did nothing create everything? Are you willing to die in your belief in nothing instead of God? What if nothing dosen't exist ?
  12. What is the connection between levitating monks and levitation during an excorsism? Why do you think He who formed the mouth can't speak? Are you expecting God to kneel before you? Who created the elements? To die is a gain.
  13. In my search for truth I claimed to be nothing, everything, consciousness, and eventually God.. I read the books, did the work and consumed the mindbenders. Back then I even told people that death didn't scare me. In my blindness and therof lack of humbleness I began to search for truth in the occult. Turned out the diabolic realm is very real. The evil and seduction from theese beings can't even be comprehended by a human. The world is structered like an evil pyramide, and the entities spawned and worshiped at that time is still seducing and affecting mankind. In my arrogance I enden up with a knife to the heart. I got really hurt and thougth I was going to die early. In my hopelessness I cried out for God. Jesus healed my hearth smoothly, and has since then guided me with His mighty eye and showed me great and hidden things I did not know. All the psychadelics in the world is diminutive compared to God. His voice can make you tremble. I shiver just thinking about me claiming to be God. Now I want to die and enter paradise, but I enjoy being here learning His ways, and honour the holy calling He bestowed unto me.