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Everything posted by Psychonaut

  1. @bobbyward I use about 2-3ml per syringe. My 5-meo-dmt is not water soluble. It doesn't dissolve, there are basically 5-meo-dmt particles floating around in water. Maybe adding oil will help, something like coconut oil. But I rather stick to water then I can reuse the syringes and don't loose all the meo sticking to the inner side of the syringe. Last time I divided 30mg into 2 syringes. I use a small container similar in size of a shootglass to mix the liquids and then just suck it up with the syringe. I would advise using the syringe to add water to the powder. Otherwise you can easily add too much water. My method is far from perfect. I feel like I loose 5-10mg that sticks to the syringe or stays in the container I use to mix. But I don't give a shit. Literally. Plugging is much smoother and easier to relax. You can lie on the bed for the entire duration. I break through every time.
  2. @bobbyward I use 5ml oral needless syringes. Dissolve in water. Stick syringe up as far as it goes and shoot for infinity.
  3. Man how did it go? I have had quite positive experiences with plugging. It's a smoother ride and rather enjoyable.
  4. This mind-body-spirit complex has had an intuition about the ego. An analogy is best used to explain what is meant. Envision an onion with many protective layers. This is you. When you are around certain people like your parents, boss, girlfriend or random stranger layers might be added. This is either to protect you from saying something you shouldnt or prevent emotional pain in other selves. Can you see a self perpetuating cycle here? It is even built into the language that this mind-body-spirit complex is using to communicate with you. Once the desire to seek for truth and reunion with intelligent infinity what is referred to as the ego can be encountered and many properties are assigned to it. However the important thing based on this mind-body-spirit complexes experience with the ego is the following: There are many layers to an onion. If you have had any experience with real onions you might know that even if the outer layers are rotten the core remains fresh. These rotten layers might be the cause for the negative properties that you have assigned to the ego. The ego can be seen as the guardian of your onion which you refer to as "you". When layers are peeled away a backlash from the ego may be experienced. This is very common for the techniques and paths that have been devised to get to a non egoic experience of consciousness. This backlash can be very severe and this mind-body-spirit complex has had some experiences with this. In later stages, experiences that you might refer to as panic attacks or existential terror can be experienced. Whenever a strong backlash is experienced there might be a very strong urge to relieve the pain. This might be through sex, masturbation, food cravings, tv, videos or anything that can act as a distraction. In a sense what you refer to as ego is trying to grasp at anything to make it stay. It might do anything to convince you to hold on to your egoic onion. However once you have let go fully "you" can experience a completely impersonal experience of reality. This mind-body-spirit complex has had success with using the Wim Hof breathing technique to help relax at times of panic attacks. Any breathing techniques, referred to as pranayama in Hinduism might be useful. Meditation is useful to cultivate self control in the prefrontal cortex and provide some insight into the workings of the mind. Entheogens help to temporarily remove several layers of the onion. However too high doses might lead to panic attacks which this mind-body-spirit complex has experienced. These are some things that have helped this mind-body-spirit complex to accelerate it's growth: Open mindedness, self control, honesty (mainly with yourself), a practical approach (if it doesn't help discard it), the ability to let things)emotions/concepts/thoughts go (if it doesn't help you throw it away), acceptance of what is, acceptance of feelings, acceptance of other selves state of development...
  5. The ego has spoken. The ego is not a thing. It's egoic consciousness. It protects you. You just don't need that protection.
  6. It's difficult to tell if someone is enlightened based on some letters on a screen. People can put up a facade to hide their enlightenment as well.
  7. What is going on here? Why are all these dogs yapping? I can't heat the birds chirping in my backyard anymore. @blazed Spirituality is here for the people that have realized that the material world is not satisfying. The egoic frameset is transferred into the spiritual world. The hope is to improve the everyday experience. To a certain extent you are right that you can't have an ecstatic experience without a crash. But we are not looking for the ecstatic experience of chemicals rushing through your brain. A kind of orgasmic state or a state of feeling at one with everything. The altered states of consciousness that entheogens provide or other states which can be achieved through manipulation of breath or meditation is not what we are looking for. All these states might be interesting. The problem is that they are not functional. You cannot live from these states. You don't want to life from these states. The main reason being that they are not balanced. The only truly balanced and beautiful state is the enlightened state which is achieved by dropping the egoic way of perceiving. While the egoic mindset is in the process of being let go it can happen that a strong attachment is developed to activities or things that have been perceived as being pleasurable in the past. These activities/experiences might even be the reason for the challenge of the egoic way of thinking. What can happen is that a strong attachment is developed. It can be to anything that will keep the "you" here. The "you" can go running around in circles forever. This is probably the main reason why people that are serious about spirituality renounce pleasurable things/activities like sex, drugs, good food, excitement or anything that is nice and fun. Because when the moment comes when you can become free the more things are there the more difficult it can be to finally let go. This state that some people are in reminds me of a hamster running in a spinning wheel. From the outside it seems ridiculous. But it is necessary. There is nothing you can tell the hamster that will make it stop running in the wheel. The hamster has to run the wheel itself. Try everything and see that nothing works. Eventually it will give up and fall of the wheel and be free of it. Until then you watch and hope it doesn't kill itself.
  8. From my interpretation it's not infinity, as I believe there is more. Saying it's infinity would imply that it's all there is. Implying it's the highest state. From my experience there is always more. Too often it has happened that I thought "This is it" and there is nothing more. Every time it goes even further. My highest dose was 50mg lol, but that was a while ago when I was not able to relax yet. I will probably go for 30mg plugged next time and continue to increase the dose.
  9. @Barna Man it's just a Samadhi state. Were you loose your sense of body and your mind shuts the fuck up.
  10. I really wonder which density of consciousness 5-meo produces. It's not 3rd density, it is higher as there is no sense of body anymore. It's not absolute infinity either, or God, it's a glimpse, probably only of 4th density. I guess that is why its such an effective tool in advancing in 3rd density. Because the difference between the current consciousness and the state of consciousness it produces (4th) is so high. It shows the potential for work to be done. I still wonder if it actually does anything by itself or it just shows what has to be done. I'm excited that there is much more to this than just enlightenment. The possibilities seem to be infinite hehe. What I'm getting from the book though is that enlightenment is enough. So we don't have to completely transcend the body and move to 4th density in this lifetime, which would end in premature death of this incarnation. I can still enjoy my life in 3rd density and raise my consciousness while I'm doing so. I also really like the concept of not forgetting when moving to 4th density. My motivation to do this consciousness work has moved away from the panicky "I'm going to die, I need to make the most of my life" to a more relaxed motivation of trying to move towards the source. The possibility of it not "All being for nothing and gone when dead" somehow has given me some peace. I have to say that overall the book has given me more peace than anything I have ever read before. I have been really closely observing myself. I'm weary that it's just my ego attaching to something. I have always dismissed reincarnation, but the more I think about it the more it makes sense. The body dies of course. But the thing/spirit/whatever that made it "alive" remains. The basic desire of everything is to return from finity to infinity. Basically to return to the source. When resisting this urge, not listening to intuition (potentially thoughts from higher density beings) things start to go wrong and the entity will experience suffering in this lifetime. When the entity lives his life on this plane to its fullest potential and has advanced as far as the entity was able to in this incarnation the life is great, joyful, happy and a success. This book raises lots of questions and possibilites that I have been pondering about for the last couple of days. I started reading book 2, I'm excited.
  11. I believe every single word of the Law of One. It's like my new bible. I have to find like minded people to spread the word and let others know about the truth. The book explains everything.
  12. I have to fully agree with Leo. Happiness is not found in material. We in the west are so focused on material things that we think the people in Africa are unhappy. We project ourselves onto them. If we would be in their position we would be quite unhappy. But that is not because we wouldn't have anything. It's just our mind that is fucked. I have been to South Africa and lots of people live in what we would call slums. Tbh they are still happier than most of us. They have nothing. But for them its fine and as long as people are not starving to death I don't really see a problem. Africa has many many challenges, mainly education and other nations that are intruding in the belief that they are "helping". In my opinion if you liberate yourself and become so radiant that you bring joy to the people in your direct vicinity you have already fulfilled your duty. The only thing we have to do in this world is to liberate ourselves, that's it.
  13. I just had an idea considering killing animals if I follow the thought of the law of one. As animals have second density consciousness killing them prematurely would rob them of the possibility of reaching 3rd density in their life time? So it's probably better to let them live? Ra said it's very unlikely for them to reach 3rd density, but it's possible if they are pets. My dog sometimes almost seems human to me, the facial expressions and range of expressed emotions is astounding. Law of One is not a book about liberation. It's about what follows afterwards. There is just so much more to come. It never stops. I can't believe this. When will it ever end? Hahaha. It's infinite. Never. Bahahahahahahahahaha OMG
  14. Here is a video just for you. Sit down, meditate, fuck the shitty pointers. I fully agree. Them Buddhist texts have left me delusional more often than not.
  15. I am about 2/3 through the first book. This is some profound stuff. It is highly logical and I haven't found any flaws as of yet. The language becomes complicated af and at times I don't understand a word. But I think its not that important then. I like the core messages. Some concepts I am familiar with from other spiritual books are rephrased in a unique way. I'm enjoying this book. It's different. Not the usual stuff I have heard too often already. It raises many topics of investigation though. I will have to have to do quite a lot of reading but then at least I have something to do in 2017.
  16. @Siim Land I'm vegetarian and I'm wondering how to fit enough food into my stomach to last a day? What does your meal look like?
  17. @Elzhi I think Trump is pretty funny. No need to freak out about one guy that is a nutcase. There are thousands that are even more lost than Trump. Just because a comedian is running the country there is no reason to freak out.
  18. @Vanish Acetone, that stuff is toxic and if it will go up you nose you really don't want any residue. Don't do it. There has to be an easier way.
  19. Why is it that when you allow yourself to have some pleasure that it feels much better when you have worked for it? When you believe that you deserve it? Why can't I have pleasure without needing to earn it first? You probably know this feeling of doing something you really like doing after a hard days of work and it feels great. Then you do the same thing for a couple of days and its just meh.
  20. But removing the stick and leaving the carrot doesn't seem to solve it either.
  21. They are happier than you ever could be.
  22. @Barna I never said that I didn't like the pain , but where can I get that 5$ oil burner? I don't quite know what that is either. @Leo Gura God's enema, cracks me up man, hahaha
  23. A follow up on plugging. I tried it for the second time. Must have been about 25mg. I was lying in my bed on my back in relaxed fashion. If I wanted to impress you I would say I was in savasana most of the time. About 1hour. For me plugging 5-meo hurts my ass. It is different kind of pain than sticking something up there or being fucked in the ass. To me it feels just like the pain in my nose but its in my ass. It also feels different from washing out your butthole with an enema which I did before. When the water is up in there I can feel a pressure and that it wants to get out. I feel the same thing when I plug 5-meo. The difference is just that the enema shoots about 200ml water up there and plugging 5-meo was only 2ml. I shouldn't be able to feel that at all. But at the beginning I can feel it straight away. Like my butt is screaming "Nooooo" and I want to shit it out. It might be an extra challenge to relax for some people. For me it is easier as I can lie on my back and am naturally and energetically in a more relaxed pose. I would not recommend this ROA for beginners, especially not if you have never stuck up anything your butt. If you use this prepare for your sexuality to be challenged. Especially if you are a "masculine" male. It will hurt. In your butt. Sex only becomes rape if you resist it. If you surrender it is just sex. If you think you might have problems to relax start with snorting. You also need much more gear for plugging...
  24. I tried plugging 20mg 5. It works rather well actually. But it is quite an effort, I think it might still be worth it. I'm going to plug it the next few times. Compared to snorting it it feels smoother and easier. I liked that I didn't have to worry about meo running down my nose and could just lie down and relax. When snorted I spend the first 10-15 minutes rubbing it in and sit leaning forward. When plugged I could just relax and lie down. I also didn't have to worry about passing out and breaking a glass bong when smoking.