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Everything posted by ValiantSalvatore

  1. I fall into the same trap, that most painful and obvious solution is to embrace a creator/artists mindset and accept that there are obstacles and challenges and see it as growth opportunity. Setbacks are inevitable. This is in a nutshell my personal experience. I struggle with this also from time to time.
  2. The spiritual line is endless, so and all of this stuff is so complicated. You can most likely tell when to take the debate and not. I stopped arguing after seeing Leo's blog why debates don't work. Psychdelics for example are an Orange/Green phenomena and Green/Orange when reading about psychedelics it's nothing very new imo. Just to gather and harness the experiences of it is the new stuff. Most lack proper moral contemplations about all-beings and love for example which get's for me personally close to total ego dissolvement, altough. I do have issues at lower practical stages out of decisions I made and high goals/visions. I dunno at best reading and watching the videos doing the work. Meditation/Psychcedelics/Shadow Work etc. is all quiet rough. Also many are different. I have a strong stage green self-expressive drive that I need to take care of before I can self-actualize for example. That is why I journal a lot, a differnt form of art gives me more leverage to self-actualize. All of these theories build an AQAL building TOE's and AQAL's is highly important imo... otherwise you are not really TIER2. Everyone can be enlightened even at stage beige/red/blue/purple. As the spiritual line is endless. I meet enough drug lords to tell the difference till now . Leo even made an entire playlist: (1/11) Technical clarity is sort of an issue. As so much of this stuff is the same... This episode is especially good, even just as a small reminder etc. Many here now are legit imo here. Language for example is it's own game. etc. etc.
  3. Agree! I barely watch him as I don't like him personally as he does not push himself to Tier3 like most psychologits and westerners and for example Freud was afraid of eastern philosophy and stuff. I would not argue he is at full TQ as I feel a lot of rest/peace states personally when I feel like I am fully at TQ from a personal experience (TQ = turquoise..). I could watch and learn more from him, although I find Leo to be for example of higher development even with shadow etc. Sometimes I feel when I watched Schmachtenberger at the past, when all of this JP stuff happend he functioned more from a lean functional emotional self, that cares about epistomology and sharing of information and finding global solutions sort of. That was my impression I barely watch him, as have a lot of hickups in blue/orange stages. As I had a very very Green upbringing. This channel is also good for a direct practical explanation that shows sort of how "normal" teal is some of the members don't even think they are there, as it's so difficult to proove at and there is the steady bias of burden of proof.
  4. It's rare to have a forum that has potentially so many highly developed people, like compare from a lower perspective how many lower/earlier stages you meet. At best you find high Greens who are open and loving and might even excell at the emotional line at TQ, yet lack moral development at TQ. Where I also have issues as points of reference besides Wilber.
  5. When doing the courses, there are tell-tale signs although it's difficult to explain, when nobody does the courses, as there barely is any research and scientifc modern agenda, reduces most things to scientific studies. So there is always the burden of proof... Some are there and don't even know it. That is the joke. The bigger issue is integration and creating structures for growth. That is sort of the real work of Tier2 as well as many coaches/life coaches/software engineers work at Teal. Although with mostly low moral/emotional development.
  6. For a good review check this: As well as you can buy the course on Integral life to go through all the stages. Tier2 mosty called Teal takes a lot of study and work to integrate. I've been listening for it and practicing it for years with even small courses on InsightTimer offered by Ken Wilber. Reading almost all Wilbers and doing the work. IMO even when I meet integral people at integral life who are TIER2. It's not easy to detect. For example I spiral down the most when I have physical and mental issues, when I exercise and work regularly and sleep regularly I function highly at TQ as an more symbol aware individual referencing a bit of snippet knowledge from Susan-Cook-Greuters Ego-Development Model. Leo has a video on this!!! Must watch almost!! I notice how important it is to study it in more detail. I did the full course on integral life and did every exercise besides the stage turqouise one and I notice for example. As the three main lines that dictate as far as I know full Tier2 are: cognitive line of development, emotional line of development and moral line of development. (check kosmic consciouness for a reference book/audiobook by Wilber). I for example struggle with a Yellow/Turqouise moral and emotional line as there are not many individual emobdying it. Values and Needs are even seperate... if you want to get technical. Although they are part of AQAL Schamchtenberge is a good example of fully TQ at the cognitive and moral line, I doubt his emotional development. Seen other masters who are way way above him see Peter Ralston for example as a fully living Tier 3 individual. As soon as you hit stream entry you basically are functioning at TIER3. Tier2 is pretty low of a devleopment imo, it's not that hard anymore. At least that is my opinion without studying it like a rigid academic, although I studied and did enough to tell. I am at Teal and sometimes broken Teal because of life circumstances. The two links above are a good reference. Most forget that all of the stages are online... so they only focus on ego instead of seeing through the ego! As Tier2 is not egoless it's highly ego-aware! That is an important distinction. Most here are most likely currently low-high Yellow as the rational "dogmatic/scientific reductionistic" oranges somehow left the forum. After years of beign here... check my profile I can tell mostly who is at a high functioning stage, although it get's confusing even after having done the courses. Ken Wilber is at Tier3 -> First ego-less stage coral/indigo + morals + emotional line = Full Tier3 according to Wilber criteria. No idea what Leo thinks about this topic... Obviously, appealing to authorities. Cook-Greuter is great in terms of making a scientific study of Tier1 and Tier2. Although my science is rather rusty currently... Even if you did the development it's revoke able to a degree according to Wilber at least. So when you did the work and fall of you horse, you can climb back up. There are regression within the model explained.. claiming anything is an issue. See how Leo reaches alien intelligence and the next one comes. OMFG I reached it too, trust people by their actions mostly.. not their words imo. I dunno how many people I corrected here about this topic.... Focusing on third3 would do better than focusing on Tier2. Tier2 is quiet shallow imo after meeting some and many of them as well as enlightend masters face to face. Leo is doing fantastic work, although it's extremely difficult to embody, and stuff changes all the time. My personal opinion I think Schmachtenberger is a pussy because he does not push himself to Tier3. and because he wears a German surname for a little bit of bias.
  7. I like it! Never read about him till now! It's similar to Ken Wilbers integral thinking and partial truth recognition in a more holonic sense I like it!
  8. 100% agree just skimming and listening to audiobooks etc. About western philosophy and hearing it in a nutshel, it's close to dead almost if there is not an integration of topics like matter and energy, that are excluded 99.9% of the time in academic topics. As it basically is a hot topic imo. I go to Wikipedia some philosophers and mathematicians even though I am not fluent in them. Like IIRC Euclid and Heracleitus are just insane sources of life philosophy imo. I like Marc Aurel also for example and Lao Tzu in terms of contemplating when I find the time to do it currently... Yeah, I feel this is missing and to be honest as a black/white person a lot of humans project this sort of hope towards me in Europe and even when I have psychdelic experiences, I'd be seen as a loon as most cohere to a fear moral instead of looking at this stuff from a couragous viewpoint with more positivity and practical implementation. Most dismiss and ridcule stuff like this, yet it also takes serious work. So I see the seemingly paradoxical nature... Same mystecism should be called philosohpy applied as for example an integrative practical approach imo! Yeah that sounds to me very holistic as I lack the conceptual framework of philosophies I tried for example on Wikipedia to remember all of the technical terms, and it was simply to much without serious study and then you can easily get lost. What would be cool is to have an array of concepts explained to contemplate about as many other majors are fundamentally lost in the chaos of survival. Then Leo says for example 1h of meditation or psychdelics/yoga/kriya yoga is way better than philosophy and I can see why, it takes thousands of hours to understand this even tiny bits and pieces. This is why I like for example Ralston and Alan Watts as they give you a living version of most of these philosohpies even when you never read them.
  9. Sounds almost like me . It's not holistic enough, there are a few professors who give you a sense of holism after watching Leo's video about holism, and they interconnect stuff, although this was at a polytechnic... now it's way to open and most of them don't make an effort like Lex Fridman and/or Huberman to share their research for consumers and create a plattform to be more integrative and functional at Yellow, so to speak and value discussions and sharing information highly as lean and functional as possible even with long videos. A lecture has so much technical depth. Also the pressure to not develop yourself and just offer stuff, it's a huge circle jerk of development. For example we have great offers, yet it's not easy to support yourself financially and then take part in that offer, for example Yoga/Meditation/Research programm etc. Then billions of distractions, most are to nihilistic and a nihilistic sort of postmodern thinking is pervasive in academia it has advantages of not taking stuff and failure so seriously and move on with life, yet it lacks meaning. I miss a Prof. like Leo that I had similar, as he was more practically concerned... and a perv... with the fundamental integration of knowledge into ones life. Most yearn for comfort/security and emotional support and higher earnings, so philosophy itself is quiet exotic imo. Although I feel there is space. There is a misunderstanding of the individual functioning as a paradigm. I'd stll like to know even now besides Leo's pure philosophy, which is way to advanced to beginn with. What is practical philosophy and how can it help me for example make practical steps in my life that produce comfort/security/financial freedom. It's fine having partial truths and making mistakes, this is what I dislike partially about academia most are so hyper-focused on their personal absolute truths. I dunno it's tricky I don't know a solution besides chopping philosohpy down to an applied version of it and to share and life by itself. Usually the critiques imo are good for example reading about anarchy gave me insights into how stage purple societies work. I also find it odd, that usually only 90% of philosohpy is attributed to the west and not the east and there barely is anyone integrating both like Daosim etc. similar to Alan Watts and or even Shinzen Young in their own works. For example I prefer Alan Watts as an applied philosopher even if his personal life was quiet odd, he gives a lot of pointers. Most westernes are stuck in their heads and the east is adopting that attittude of survival imo. There is no spirit in philosophy which sort of sucks. I am not an expert this is my opinion. For example we have a toasmasters programm for 13€ which is cheap... most don't see the value of personal development imo and only care about survival. So everything goes and communication flies out of the window as it's often my way or the highway at one point even though there is more community etc. Anyway this is my opinion...
  10. Without diving into 10x detail I appreciate the rant lol, when talking so some Artist and A.I art the aesthetic of intelligence and beauty is certainly trainable. So I can see why you'd rate it lower. I was simply blown away by IT's harmonic halo type holonic seeming expression. I don't know all to many art concepts and I only like highly-modernized tech art and steampunk stuff, can be very cool. I hope A.I can be used to deconstruct and! create new ways in which higher needs and intuitions are valued. I am also tired of the narccecism in media. It is slowly fällig spart imo, with a lot of game changer spiritual people displaying healthy "narccism" as narccism itself is not as bad, yet the clinical compulsion is. An artist/creator world is certainly painful. I am more optimistic that we can use this with artistic concepts and create a way to emperically integrate socital changes and represent an accurate reflection. So ppl reflect about existence and think for themselves. Applying some holistic optimism(Trust mehr it's not easy lol) and focusing on providing better and more options for self-transendence and causing less toxic viruses and pip dreams is important. Especially waking up the masses to higher levels of reality is and seems daunting! 100%! I certainly enjoy Midjourney style if this is a thing. Typing from phone, sorry for typos.
  11. No, omg I wanna see it . If you can share I'd appreciate it. Just made an account here, no idea what can be done in the near future. Way to complicated right now to do it as a beginner .
  12. There are tests for neoteny features as far as I know where you can detect if a person regardless of male/female is attracted to people with neoteny features aka also a lot of female survival. IIRC this was from an audiobook sex at dawn and some cultures orgistically stimulate their children because they think it's healthy and or was healthy for mentioning the source of my information. Might be a dark and taboo topic, yet it's crazy when you consider it with just open-mindedness etc. Although this requires legit science and not whacko research without any responsibillity so to speak, as these topics get easily abused and out of hand. I was suprised to learn of this and this is sort of from loose ends of my memory. features were said to,attractive in cross-cultural studies. The point is without AQAL it's not easy to discuss these things as it's morally wrong to sleep with minors. I mean hell as far as I know men can be attracted to an hourglass silhouette on the wall.
  13. No idea what happend it was intersting to me that he interviewed pornstars (Mr Giri) and to see their psyche as he seemed like a guy interested in mental things and mindsets, I think he had XXXTentacion also on there or some podcasts if I am not confusing. So for some dark-media shit it was kinda cool, no idea some "fear virgins" just spam report out of hate. I dunno don't like the idea that he is beign cancled as he seemed like a "low profanity sort interested in the depth of the jungle" kinda guy. In a sense it's a form of snobery and classism lol. imo
  14. Is there a good way to use the endocannabinoid system? I just read an article today that it's also in our ANS and not only in the brain receptors? What are natural agonists for BDNF and NGF? I would eat more nuts now and natural sugars, as I seem to be able to withstand a lot of sugar without receiving drawbacks. I love apples for example blueberries, strawberries, cashews, honey, hazelnut etc. I bought an audiobook about alkaline foods, so I'd like to go more into that direction for now. I could listen to it, when I fall asleep.... Any good foods for studying long-hours I can instantly integrate into my diet? I eat a lot of bio creme cheese and salmon and I have no idea what other fishs for example are good besides Tuna, as I am a newb at eating see creatures lol.
  15. I found a more natural solution to clearing symptoms of depression like exercises and eating whole-grained foods and taking care of my dopamine levels, although some of my lectures currently are so hard, I am drinking loads of coffee. As I still have some issues with suicidal feelings and I noticed that healthy eating (although can be fking expensive), is one key aspect to staying mentally healthy. How can I naturally create a more phasic dopamine drive? Is coffee that bad when it keeps me of suicidal feelings, as this is neccessary otherwise so much trauma is coming up I sometimes can't focus and the tonic dopamine drives. I sometimes crave sugar and heavy dopamine giving substances like coffee and marijuhana although I cold turkey quitted marijuhana, I can use music as a dopamine drive and I usually dance a bit in my room, although it feels embarrassing as I often have a camera on and I never danced in my room to my music. To create some phasic dopamine drive, just beign "hardcore" and doing push-ups etc. can be boring. Any idea on what foods I can use in my diet? I have a larger cooking arsenal now and some ideas around health any input is appreciated! I never thought dopamine would play such a huge role. TLDR; Questions: I believe I have a low base dopamine drive (I crave it a lot) How can I appreciate my tonic dopamine drives more? How can I naturally create a more phasic dopamine drive? How can I prevent dopamine craves, as I often crave huge surges of dopamine and then crash, what can I do including ideas for exercise? Any ideas for studying? I am using a 7 blend mushroom coffee for some BDNF and NGF factors, I am not an expert yet at biology, I appreciate any health tip as well as technical advice! What I eat mostly organic brands: Whole-grained everything! Cream-cheese Salmon Chicken of any sorts(higher quality) Apples Bio-Yoghurt Nuts: Cashew mostly Spinnach (from freezer) Legmues/Vegetables: also from freezer (high quality etc.) Chicken Blueberries Strawberries I have the issue of beign injured and boredom. Can food counter-act boredom lol, I really do not like eating. Any mindset tips that helped you to appreciate food more and you stayed with your health goals etc? Mineralwater seems to help me a lot sometimes, any tips with drinks besides drinking water?
  16. @Michael569 Yeah, I can eat a lot and usually I exercise and I would approx eat 4-5 meals a day (3 "big meals" ideally), which can be bothersome to others, as I seem like a glutton although my body.(more vatta-dosha-dosha-vatta in case these papers interest you fire/wind mesmomorphic for a bit of armchair philosohpy with science I bet) I dunno I have issues with my sex drive as when I exercise everything is healthy as I naturally crave sex a lot and I sort of feel it's energy mostly in a meditative way as long as it does not bother others to much, yet I cancled my gym membership and foused on buying utensiles for studying, so I have to wait. As I am changing gyms. I never thought I have to go through such hell and I am still stuck, needing to operate my knee. So my goal was to focus on eating joint friendly food. Yes, I avoid negative feelings partially with coffee as my bodies ANS is triggered heavily because of my scar basically at every in and out breath. For example during a panic attack I cried for my mother and remembered stuff, where I was in the hospital as a child as I was operated at birth, and I had to go ther for post-examinations. It was one of the top clinics. Even now when I breath normally I feel a lot of love my mother has provided my during that age and it makes me cry and remember a lot of good "inner child" experiences... The rush in dopamine definitely helps with suicidal feelings and I simply can't exercise as much as I crave intense exercise. I do some push-ups here and there. So I notice what feels good! Doing my best definitely going to push some now! Subjectively I feel more resillent when I drink mushroom coffee and mix it in my food and, especially when I mix it (did it once so far) I notice how sort of the placebo effects kicks in I dunno I tested some supplements, I like organic mushroom powders so far. With Lions mane, reishi and other mushrooms that are typically common, although they are farmed organically. As far as I can tell. I wrote down my goal in a holistic health book to feel more whole and to train holistically, I skimmed the book. Let's say I presume my neurons can draw more loose ends and tie them? As I think mushrooms are more brain focused and nervous system focused. My vision is consistently alternating, so I don't have a fixed position currently, as I don't find a functional way to create and even print out my vision and correct some mistakes. I definitely avoid hard work, as I noticed not having a wu-wei mindset doing what you love can kill you with burn-out I love working a lot up to 12h a day even, if you include exercises and I do breaks and chill and stuff, the point is my life is sort of dwindling because of injuries and mental health issues. Coffee I drink it a lot as hunger subsides, buying a lot of crackers and snacks that are healthy and whole, I feel over-stimulated as I am not stimulated enough and I notice the drawbacks hard from dropping coffee, even marijuhana currently. With exercise this stuff get's out of my pheremon system?... quiet quickly if my intution is correct. Walking meditation is great to enjoy more tonic dopamine drives, I crave and yearn for knowing a lot and I like meditating on headphones. As a trigger practice, so I am unsure sometimes. Yeah, this is painful although my ears are bombared with music in the gym mostly, in nature it's a bit harder as I like to train outside sometimes without headphones and I focus, my workouts are usally also faster done. In that seems I seem to be doing good, sometimes I am to good at self-deception it seems... found some new ideas also in my holistic health book! Thanks for answering! Yes, a have a variable type diet (equatorial and polar are the other) so I usually feel apparently a lot what I eat, eating salmon/tuna/(chicken if good meat), cheese without pastorized milk. I often am in a caloric deficiet, as I could eat for 50€ a day with my body size, and it's annyoing I already eat whole grains and mix breed into my morning eggs with salmon to have more glykogen? and glucose? available... eating fruits and yoghurt in between can be an issue, so I would need some ideas, although I have to structurally integrate some stuff first I think. Hope this semi-confused post is okay, for example I ate two hands full of whole grain spaghetti with cheese and pork, as sometimes eating pork? Somehow feels good? I dunno I feel more calm and satiated. Red meat I somehow don't like that much anymore. I seem to have issues with my electromagnetic field if we can get "wu-wu" like that, yet I dunno. I leave the post at that ?, hope there is some possible feedback for this still not integrated fully information&data hell.
  17. @Space That is interesting would a share a source, where I could find cool a.i art? For wallpapers and stuff, I looked today and saw some "juicers" so to speak, yet I don't currently have a good link that would show me some new A.I art, somehow this helps me to keep sane and gives me inspiration. I love the portal and the sort of zooming in effect it has on the background, hopefully I can take some art classes. The only concept I know is negative space and this seems impressionistic to me, although I have no clue about art itself lol. I just appreciate it a lot.
  18. That is true, I mean how can I deny that when he is a professor and even teaches black engineers so to speak? Even if there are a few? The question then remains? What is this plattform even about? I like it that Lex appreciates art although these conversations are so heated, it would be better if he invites Cornel West if he is legit intersted in issues of black people, that is what I partially mean with 0 dignity. It just somehow does not feel right. I mean Kanye not educating himself about this is his own fault, because these topics are quiet complicated. They could have civilly discussed Jim's Crows laws etc. Although how much trauma the black community has endured in America, I also frankly sometimes just can't care about someone like Lex. I dunno just invite someone with more knowledge and don't grab nasty-views if you already have a fully healthy socially intact life? Altough I am speculating. In a sense it's two clowns talking at least for me.
  19. Maybe I am blind what did he say anti-semetically, it's the same thing in Germany with artist they express themselves freely and get blamed for it, even though it's art? Then how can you judge? I don't know what exactly was offensive. If he wants to aid the idea of black engineers beign present in engineering that is great, yet creating a black company only with black engineers is questionable, although through the effects of segreation and the total historically mistreament and socio-political projections that can occure, such a sterotype threatening and also for example studies showing black women having higher misscarriges based on some type of scientific stereotype threatening, I can understand his feelings partially. I am just unsure how true all of this is, as these studies have been mentioned in videos, I did not read them personally. I dunno my black family on facebook is complaining about historically documents beign burned and they have no way besides gaining a D.N.A test nowadyas to confirm even their historical national idenity. I find this quiet disgusting personally. I don't even like to engage in these conversations as they make me so angry I can't be very objective at times, because it already is quiet traumatic. The bigger question is what is his agenda? The black company thing that is happening in Atlanta and black business owners investing in black businesses only, because they don't even partially use the same products for even skincare, hair etc. It's odd to contemplate that this is partially neccessary because of a lack of interest.
  20. I mean he at least has a point about black engineering jobs and historically they have been denied for black people to have access to these jobs. So to push that agenda with a bit of historical awarness it's, I mean it's obvious when a group of people are the victim of slavery, that such high-paying jobs have been denied historically. With a little bit of prudency? Considering what segreation did historically is one of the worst crimes to humanity and to the group of people affected by it. Personally watching the entire thing sober, I thought Lex had 0 dignity. Almost felt honorless.
  21. @Danioover9000 I usually think underlining stuff helps for you, as I question functionality. I mean I can start with the classism. In the U.K they were offended by my abillity to subliminate language. Although I prefer a more pragmatic approach to language . Symbols do help. Unfort-tuna-tely. Apparently to this guys worldview I communicate like this —◡◡. I am unsure what I am supposed to say when he burns the books lol. Like how can this guy even survive without his discriminatory behaviour? Does he even notice it? Am I rude? I am beign ironic I stopped reading and learning, as I legit go above&beyond for these people I don't what to call this dude besides. Disgust and yeah intellectual humility is hard. I do like irony and sarcasm, maybe he can teach me sexology and I get rid of the cambodian in-group references, about dactyl booty attraction . I am unsure what is genetics& D.N.A he did not even explain any chemical inferences you could include, because he seems so myopic about science, and his culture is illustrated in "my books" as holistic and I see this "chad". Acting like a hyper-incel on clean air. Purity beautiful. What happend to humour? Is there a scientific explanation for that? Sorry I think this guy is very funny. Also about grammar I don't think people as myopic as him understand the impact of bias, and why academia and people are revolting against such stupid agendas. Like openly admitting to fake papers about such a hot topics. Is beyond stupid in my opinion, yet he trust his science brothers and sisters. So who knows. To address him as human with a public personality on a public forum is quiet intersting to observe simulated behaviour already, through tipping? Maybe he can explain solipsism also, yet now I am making fun of him. His F1 seems to be functioning quiet well, to negate negative input. Happy Happy. Nobody can escape the drama&maya. I wonder which kayak he is driving . Sorry I really don't like it that the guy is allowed to do science that way. Wonder what he did to scared to show his paper and results?
  22. I don't know I am practicing my intellectual humility as much as I can while reading about genetics and health factors. When did we become human? Can you explain? Assuming you can handle a simple question and the abillity to remain unassuming? Any opinions on theory of mind? Or this to expansive of a conversation for you? I do find you interesting. The best thing though is when you destroy and hide sources, and purport exoteric ad hoc scientific racism, you are beautiful . Maybe you can pay me to buy these journals my Institute is better most likely and still has not as much money as yours . Might as well burn it, I do like your hair color. I still don't think this guy has common sense and I bet he likes incel forums. I visted one today for the first time out of recommendation from a friend, reminded me of you . Sorry for these associations. I don't like toxic hyper-masculinity and denial.
  23. @Bobby_2021 Wow as credible as you. You are a think-tank. What woke values? What happend to liberty? You have an explanation?
  24. @Carl-Richard Just by looking at what I am doing I don't think you need to have the patience to deal with this person and credibillity is questionable at least where I would do science, but okay. This should be a self-study and there certainly is effort involved in studying biology and looking at paradigms within biology and asking biologists lol. Maybe it helps him again, thank you for having the patience to discuss this subject with the guy and letting me chime in with my two cents . Speaking from a psychologists perspective I think the guy has some issues being a predator and he is asking his prey for an innocent discussion in his favour. I wonder if he eats vegetables. For some irony. Which cluster of genes cause high IQ and how do you modulate that tell me? With this I mean everyone included in this conversation. It is an optimization problem lol. What about creativity ideas and diversity?