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About JimmyAce777

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  1. Hypothetical situation, a child is born and this child has a rare ailment that completely limits the five perceptions that people have. No vision, hearing, taste, smell, sense of touch, and this child is kept alive by life support. Question 1.) Is the consciousness hiding anywhere? Is the consciousness just hanging out waiting for input from this being? My thinking is, this child would have nothingness in the mind and it would be as if it was never born. This same ailment also happens to a 40 year old person, this person looses all 5 perceptions and is kept alive by life support, in this case the person has thoughts, this persons mind is not a blank canvas because this person has perceived. Is perception the number one aspect of life, if we never perceived in life we would never really exist? Is perception and consciousness possibly the same thing? Maybe I’m reaching here for something that is obvious, but I think this is a deep thing.