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Today I'm talking about Dr. Christiane Northrup but I guess it could be a general question too about once trusted individuals. She's an author (previously unknown by me) whose work from Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom has been cited all over the place by people I quite respect. Knowing nothing about who she is now, I started reading her book and read about 30% of it. It was casually new-agey and nothing really shocked me or stood out as overtly alarming. In fact, I found a few parts quite helpful and was looking forward to finishing the book. But today I discovered that this lady whose (some) ideas I found helpful has apparently lost her mind. She's an anti-masker, far-right anti-vaxxer, thinks being around a vaccinated person is harmful, and believes a billion other nonsense that conspiracy theorists do. She's super active and preachy on social media and I think calls her followers "warriors?!" Naturally, I'm utterly turned off from ever touching her book again knowing who she has become. But at the same time, her insanity seems to be recent and maybe I shouldn't rule her previous work out completely? Can once-reliable people go cuckoo all of a sudden or they were never really reliable in the first place? I gravitate towards abandoning her work forever but not sure if that's the right way to go in situations like this. Of course my trust in her future work is forever lost but does that mean I should treat her past work the same way?
I've tackled all kinds of pleasures of life and tried to indulge in things that feel good but can't stay attracted to anything. This desire to tune into whatever the heck I'm here to do is above everything else and I can't enjoy things without having found this "element." It feels like I'm forcing myself to do almost everything in everyday life, waiting for something larger to click and consume me. I've crossed continents to find myself and this purpose but I'm as behind as ever. The only thing I know is that I can't last much longer without channeling this Thing and dedicating my life to it. I don't care about relationships, money, luxury, sex. I've used these things long enough as distractions to procrastinate tuning into myself but they've never been and never will be fulfilling if I don't find what I'm looking for. The most frustrating fact is that I've been chasing this Thing my entire life. I took the Life Purpose Course when I was 19, then again last year, at the age of 23. I have realized that my work needs to revolve around serving and helping others directly. I started studying psychology but thanks to our genius university systems, I'm as detached from the subject as students of accounting major are. It will take years for me to have actual experience with people in need. But I can't wait that much longer. I need something to wake up for now. I feel absolutely worthless in life and my self-value is so low that I struggle to even find a minimum wage shit job. It feels like something in me is trapped and if I don't release it in time, it'll explode and take me with it. The funny thing is that the world around me is in so much need for caring people and activities, yet, here I am, eager to put myself in service of others but somehow I'm so clumsy at life that I can't even get myself into a volunteering work. Everything is a huge challenge for me, everywhere I encounter competition, or that I'm not qualified or certified enough or whatnot. It's hard not to feel completely useless, especially when I still haven't realized in exactly what way I would like to help people. I'm really not sure how much longer I can bear this emptiness and being lost. I'm 24, which is not that old but I'm already noticing certain things about my personality/abilities decaying and if I don't do something soon, it will be impossible to change these patterns later on. I used to be full of life, creative. Loved arts and photography and always had some sort of projects going on. But ever since I went after exploring who I REALLY am and tried to find what was my real purpose in life, I lost every connection I had with these hobbies. Now I have nothing to show, no skill, no work. Just a student status to cover up how lost and off the path I actually am. Sometimes I ask myself if my mind is way too intoxicated already from enough "I can't"s and obstacles that I can never achieve the state of flow and purpose. Not exactly expecting anything here. But sometimes calling myself out openly makes me more accepting and helps slightly.
Kaity started following I love life so much but not having a purpose is unbearable
One night I was thinking about what would I do if let’s say my mom died. How would I cope with it? Naturally, I experienced immense fear, sadness, and resistance towards even imagining such a scenario. The ego-defense mechanism instantly activated the need to find some solutions and sparked up some thoughts. Personally, I've been so out of touch with the feeling of loss that I think it would be impossible to cope with it once I actually face the loved one's death for the first time in my adult life. From the biological perspective, the more you practice something the easier it gets, right? So could the coping muscles also be strengthened if one imagines their loved one's death many times and sort of pre-mourns the potential loss? Is this a petty inclination to have? On the other hand, I think this "practice" would actually be healing in a way that after you've almost made yourself believe your loved one's death, the next day you get a chance to interact with them again and treat them as "you should've."
@Apparition of Jack Oh no, I didn't really consider any conspiracy theories and calling it a "secret" was more of an exaggeration. I was just shocked that I had to specifically look for these sources as nothing would come up by default. It's just some social media influencers who try to bring awareness to the matter but the rest of the major media sources stay quiet. (At least for now, probably until #Prayforamazonia explodes)
I'm ashamed to learn about this catastrophe through an Instagram post, but then again, there's only a handful of news outlets that cover this topic. Why do we keep it a secret? Smoke from Burning Amazon Turns São Paulo Afternoon into Midnight Amazon fires: Record number burning in Brazil rainforest - space agency Parts of the Amazon rainforest are on fire — and smoke can be spotted from space
Kaity started following Why does media avoid talking about Amazon forest fires?
Chakra Alert! I'm currently reading Anatomy of The Spirit, acquiring a better understanding of chakras. Through self-observation, research and some tentative online tests, I can take a guess that my 1st and 2nd chakras are blocked entirely. It's obvious that everything these chakras represent are absent in my life. On the other hand, I can more resonate with the upper 6th and 7th chakras that aren't so much about the material world. In fact, my daily life consists of putting more energy into the activities and thoughts that are associated with these energy levels. Now studying the first and second chakras, I see that I have no sense of groundedness, security, or feeling "at home," things that I don't think I ever had. The absence of those elements is exactly what I'm experiencing during most of my psychedelic/mystical experiences, which brings enormous fear and anxiety. A sense of being so ungrounded into anything that I feel like I might just snap into insanity. Now, please bear with my freshly-erupted theory: Since apparently blocked chakras force other "functioning" chakras work harder, could my extreme existential terror be related to my upper chakras overworking and inducing negative experiences? After all, my basic and most primitive needs aren't in place, so how can the spiritual aspect of me flourish fully? Could it be that let's say fixing my financial problems, getting adequate accommodation and getting involved with the community actually help the spiritual processes that aren't directly related to those things? Could these material things give me a sense of security that I could use to remove my existential fear of going insane and embrace psychedelic experiences more openly? In other words, should I get a life before daring to go with 4g of mushrooms?
Kaity started following Is this why I sometimes think I'm going crazy?
Throughout my childhood and for the past 2 years I've been having recurring panic and anxiety attacks here and there. I've become in peace with them and can't say that they bother me too much. However, every time I read/hear about someone describing the symptoms of panic, anxiety, trauma, it resonates with me so much that I break down in tears. It's hard to approach this objectively so maybe you guys can help me figure out what this could mean. I can't say that these crying episodes are negative. It's more like a mix of anger, self-pity, and joy of feeling "understood," all at the same time. Could there be a message I'm missing out on?
Not 100% sure what anxiety attacks feel like, but for someone who's been through a shit load of panic attacks, your symptoms don't really sound relatable. Only partially, and its mildness makes me assume it was more of an anxiety attack. Or I would say your body's natural response to actual stress. Panic attacks usually happen out of the blue
Kaity started following What Am I Experiencing, Is This a Panic Attack?
Kaity started following Hospital (Trip) Report - Irresponsible yet profound
Kaity replied to ivankiss's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@ivankiss I was reading your story before going to bed last night and all I was wondering was how great of a description you gave of your experience. I saw the both sides : "I was being stupid" and also "I learned something valuable." Honestly I was so impressed by this read that I'm kinda shocked after reading people's replies. I really don't get what the fuzz is about and wouldn't certainly expect such a closed-minded and immature approach from this community. (They're usually pretty open-minded and supportive) So I really can't see what's the problem here. It's not like you took mdma+mushrooms+alcohol because you heard leo talk about psychedelics Or it's not like anybody who's gonna read this will think : "Oh let me mix these substances and trip at a hospital too." At the end of the day, you learned the same lessons as anybody else does while tripping, just in a slightly more difficult way Thanks for sharing such a thorough report which was very consuming and entertaining to read. -
@XYZ I enjoyed reading these theories! At the end of the day I'm not taking it too personally even if someone actually tried to harass. I'm more interested in entertaining the idea of "sexual disgust" and "feeling violated" in both genders. Your points click for sure. More attractive a man is to a woman's eye, more trust and less fear she's likely to have towards him.
Being HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) comes with its blessings and curses. What would be the case in relation to psychedelics? Could it be that they get way more out of their trips, or tripping itself is a huge challenge, given how deeply they process information and how sensitive they are to any types of stimuli? After all, their brains are wired in a different way and it's logical to think they react on psychedelic substances different than other 80% of the population would. I can imagine how deep and blissful their trips could be, but at the same time how much panic and terror they'd have to initially go through before they reach this blissful state. So the question is, is it more of an advantage or disadvantage to be HSP when it comes to the psychedelic world?
@Shadowraix I've also tried to connect dots between these strangers and people in the past, but there seem to be absolutely no correlation between them. But in general i'm more interested in why do we experience disgust towards certain people when we envision them desiring us sexually? Why do we get offended by this idea? Why does it make us go "ew" and not get scared for example, or sad. Is this how we're biologically wired or we've just been programmed by society to do so?
Recently this question has been on my mind : What makes us FEEL sexually harassed? Please notice the word FEEL. Surely i'm not talking about instances where people (mostly women) have actually been harassed, physically or verbally. I'm talking about more subjective experience, where the "harasser" might've done nothing at all. I know that this is a rare case but it happens to me sometimes and other women (or some men) as well. For example, the other day I was walking out of the subway where I glanced a man walking towards my direction. We made an eye-contact for probably 2 seconds in total, but as soon as I glanced his eyes I instantly felt "abused." I know this sounds really strange and it sure is. After all, you feel harassed by a completely innocent man. This is probably my own projection on a total stranger but I'm really curios to find out what's behind this impulse. Sometimes the situation isn't so mild. It happens so that this stranger gives you a longer look and you clearly see some sort of attraction from his side, even if he doesn't particularly say or do anything. Technically, this person is fully innocent, yet, I instantly get this "ew" thought and feel as though he just grabbed my ass. At this point I've heard similar stories from many women so it makes me really curious to learn more about this occurrence. I tried to do a little google research but unfortunately all that comes up is Hotlines and campaigns against harassment. (Which is absolutely nice, but doesn't really answer my question) Are there any books or articles or research about the psychology behind harassment? Or is it too early/inconvenient to question "harassed" people?
@Equanimitize I've read some of Deida's books before and they served me as a great eye-openers and educators. But at the end of the day, it's the practice that brings results, which I haven't thought of doing until yesterday. Thanks for your encouraging feedback! Such a great support makes the beginning of this process way easier.
@Athena There are bunch of personality/core energy and "How masculine/feminine are you?" tests. Lot of them are silly, but you can still gain a certain understanding of where you stand. However, some research is also required about these polarities, which will help you strengthen your initial assumptions.