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About LifeLine

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  • Birthday 03/17/1995

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    New York
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  1. Lmao me too. I was getting ready to accept the compliment on behalf of everyone.
  2. @Dodoster I have a similar filling when I meditate. I'm no expert but I will so much love and as I can take on anything today.
  3. BODY LANGUAGE. Is one thing you might want to look into.
  4. @Capethaz Skinny girls like you back
  5. •"The book of life" By I guess God (if he's a thing) •"Trial & error" By life experiences •"I'm sexy and I know it" by Lmfao These are very difficult books to read but very affordable. Enjoy
  6. No advice but YES!!! You did it, you got this. Everytime I quit a job I would just be so happy I did instead of being worried about what I'm gonna eat from now on lol. Which I'm not telling not to give a fuck anymore (Maybe I am) but hey did you what you wanted to. It's probably gonna suck a lot but good thing happiness is a state of mind not things or situations. I'll be your friend if you need one.
  7. @Gabriel Antonio I believe Facebook adds to the problem
  8. @Evilwave Heddy lmao, just brilliant.
  9. I don't think the whole deleting friends little by little is the way to go. Your still wasting your time on Facebook. Not only Facebook, all social media is designed to be addictive. Just leave it all together & fight thru your urges checking it. Anybody that you want in your life already have your phone number & you will probably get to see your friends in person more often. I am a 21 year old female that lives in New York, whose into fitness & modeling (I was the default girl on social media) I delete all my accounts & I didn't die, you'll be alright. It is a terrible huge time waster, invest the most valuable currency you have, which is time, on yourself. Not looking at other people's lives.
  10. @Old Soul Thank you. That answer even helped me
  11. @eskwire ohh I'm sorry lol it's was meditation not yoga.