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Everything posted by Wind

  1. I hope you're sarcastic with you post As to OP question, the best place to meet women is simply outdoors - streets, parks, squares, bookstores, supermarkets, anywhere... That's that simple. There are limitless amount of girls you can talk to. More emotionally difficult to do that, but a lot of growth comes from too. However, if you're looking for more "indirect" way of meeting women, then join courses/classes that are aligned with you hobbies where you could expect to have a lot of women. As someone suggested already - yoga classes. Yoga classes are the best, because its demography usually consists of +70% women and a very healthy women as well. Other similar things you could join - dancing classes, like salsa, or bachata (+you're already being physical with girls), cooking lessons or volunteering work. Also, if you're planing to study any humanitarian/social subject, like psychology, you gonna find lots of girls there too. I'm assuming you're high school student, why you just don't talk with girls in your school though?
  2. It is and it's not depending on how you define it. When I approach a stranger girl on the street, because I thought she is attractive, I do it because I want to meet her, get to know her, to see if we resonate, and if we do, then get her number and see where it takes us. I don't see it as a pickup, I see it as a simply meeting women I find attractive, dating, learning to show my vulnerability, so we could maybe build meaningful relationship or at least have a romantic experience together. It's just word "pick up" has this negative connotation of "manipulating women" or "getting sex" to it. Look at it broadly. What Leo talks in his Rant Against Pick Up Communities is not that "pick up" is evil or toxic, but the dogmatic way you go about and selfish intentions you have when doing "pick up" is what toxic about it. For example, RSD is great, but it makes this mistake of implying attitudes. RSD gives tools, but some of those guys who use those tools start to become identified with those tools and other people from RSD. Where a guy should „find himself“ and then approach a situation from his perspective, but not from other guys perspective. If you want to learn how to be better with women in general, yes go and talk with women, learn about male vs female psychology, but just watch your intentions.- are you trying to impress her or are you trying to connect with her? Are you faking your behavior or are you showing your vulnerability? Read "Models" by Mark Manson and then you will have your answer on how to go about it.
  3. I'm setting financial and business goals right now. And I was doing it I noticed that I have a limiting belief which usually prevents me from succeeding. After watching a lot of advanced Leo's videos and realizing that with ego I'm never gonna be happy, I created this belief that I shouldn't want to be successful (seek business success and achievements), because I might build my identity around being successful. But on the other hand, while building value-generating business, you go through experiences and face challenges that humbles the ego. Have you ever had this? How to reconcile and re-frame this belief?
  4. I'm not sure. I think I knew what death is and that I will die one day, but it didn't seem scary as I was raised as catholic lol. But what I remember really well is that I would regularly have this deep existential wonder and confusion (usually just before falling asleep) of trying to grasp who I am, how can I exist without ever existed before, how can first person perspective even exist and why I am who I am and not somebody else. These have been really powerful, sad and beautiful experiences. And I think they were related to being afraid of death on some level. It's funny, now when I remember my childhood, I realize that I was so much closer to enlightenment that I'm now
  5. Heeeey Leo, I remember you've mentioned in one of your past videos that you're going to make a video on "Common Place Notebook" and the strategy and tips on how to use it that worked for you after long years of trial and error. For quite a long time, I've been trying to find the best strategy to keep my notes in a concise and easily-accessible way, but I always get lost in different possible ways of doing that. Right now, I have hundred of notes in my Evernote accumulated over the years, notes in different notebooks and pieces of paper. They are all over the place and I still can't find the best process of keeping my notes in one place. How to categorize them? How to reconcile between paper and electronics? I'm searching for the perfect way of keeping my notes, so perfectionism might be the thing that makes me trip. In any case, a video on strategies of how to organize, keep track, access and recall the knowledge, would be helpful for all of us!
  6. Hey. In one month I'm moving in a new flat which I'm gonna be renting with 2 new friends who are into personal development as well. It's going to be my first experience of living with flatmates who have similar goals which is going to be super productive. One friend is into fitness and this year he's going to focus on building his fitness brand, working out and picking up girls while working part or full-time in the gym or supplement shop. Other friend is going to mainly be focused on pick up and reading as he's aspiring Youtuber. And I'm going to be focused on building website in personal development niche and studying Psychology or English in Colledge, while working with pedicabs on weekends and talking with girls in between. So, we have very similar goals and want to make the most out of this year. Do you guys have any suggestion or tips of how to make ourselves accountable and what kind of weekly habits should we do together? If you are living with like-minded people, do you work separetely and then at the end of the day share what has been accomplished to each other? Or maybe do certain activities, like meditation or working out, together? Maybe make comittment statements to each other? What house rules should we implement? I feel like it's going to be uncomfortable doing this as I'm not really used to having transaprent discussions about each other goals and mistakes, but it's just a ego defence and I could see how it would give me the most growth.
  7. Have you ever lived with like-goal-oriented flatmates?
  8. Resonate. Everytime my dad would yell, it would trigger in me deep emotional response of angriness at his ego. His unconscious behaviour would make me unconscious too. But when I'm in peacuful state I would get really compassioned towards him and the pain that he is feeling. Staying mindful and breaking out of your own ego by hugging him, would probably do the most good. I know personaly that ego resists doing good for somebody who's acting inapropriate, but it's counter-intuitive. Also, talking deeply with your dad when he is conscious about how his behaviour is making you feel. If he doesn't try to change that, then tell him that this is the main reason you are moving out and move out. This would make him think. I moved from my family house two years ago and it's been peaceful since then. I strongly suggest doing that. Renting room with flatmates shouldn't cost that much depending on the city and location. But keep in mind that even if you move out, this trigger response still be there after you come back for holidays if nothing's change.
  9. Hello, guys. I'm about to start my Internet business journey and the first thing that I wanna do is to create a "meditation for beginners" ebook where I take all the unnecessary information and focus on explaining what is meditation, show what meditation can do for you, how to start without getting psyched out, and how to make it into consistent habit. I've noticed that the reason why most people don't start meditating, although they want to start meditating, is the lack of understanding of what meditation actually is (this is what Leo stresses as well). When asked what meditation is, the common answer is "it's sitting in peace". Or if asked why you don't meditate, the answers are "I need to learn more about the techniques of meditation" or "I can't calm down my mind". And here I've noticed that people don't see that meditation is a training process rather than being at peace. So, in this ebook, I want to clear out the air and set the right expectations and intentions for meditation practice, so any beginner who reads the ebook would have all tools to start and be motivated to meditate daily. At the end I'm even thinking about including a meditation plan. What I'm doing right now, I'm trying to validate my idea and find out what other struggles beginners face when it comes to meditation practice. So, what do you think about this idea? What are your main struggles with meditation as a beginner? If you're advanced, what do you think beginners should know and what information would have helped you when you were just starting? Lets discuss it here. I would be grateful if you help me - and respectively I will be able to help other people
  10. Thanks for your answer! So for you it would have been easier if you did your own research on the benefits of meditation when you first started? If there was a collection book of all scientific research about meditation it would something you would want as a newbie? But don't you think neurological studies/psychological studies would overwhelm a beginner? Maybe simple explanations of what the benefits are would be more digestible?
  11. From my view of thinking, yes. Consciousness evolves by becoming more and more aware of reality which includes your inner space (thoughts and emotions) and outer world (any sensation as we perceive outer world through our senses). And the way to increase you awareness is to hold your attention on body sensations to make them clearer while at the same time separating yourself from fictitious thoughts.
  12. Hello guys. I want to establish a sleeping habit that would fit with my current weekly routine. On Fridays and Saturdays I work night shift with Rickshaw. I leave my house to work at about 18:00 and come back at 7:00. But on other days I have free time and I want to establish a habit of waking up in the morning at 8:00, because otherwise I feel that the day is behind me already and this sucks the energy out of me. However, sometimes I get random bursts of productive energy at night before going to sleep, but I don't want to sleep throughout the day. How would you go about waking up in the morning on all weekdays, then suddenly shifting sleeping cycle 180 degree during FRI and SAT, and then shifting it back again on SUN? Do you think my body would get used to it? Any tips? How would you suggest to sleep on Friday and Sunday to soften the shift? Possible morning routine: MONDAY TO TUESDAY: Wake up: 8:00 (8h slept) > Do shit > Fall to bed: 00:00 (16h waken) FRIDAY: Wake up: 8:00 (8h sleept) > Start working 18:00 > SATURDAY: > Fall to bed: 7:00 (23h waken) > Wake up: 15:00 (8h sleep) > Start working: 18:00 SUN: Fall to bed: 8:00 (16h waken) > Wake up: 13:00 (5h sleept) / Fall to bed: 00:00 (10h slept) I hope it's understandable. I know I need to experiment, but if you have suggestions, let me know by editing the schedule above of how you would structure this kind of sleeping pattern for the best shifts. Maybe include doing 1h power nap on Saturday before work? Thank you for help.
  13. Thank you captain obvious But this is not going to happen overnight, therefore I have to adjust to what I'm doing right now. Nevertheless, this routine is what I want and the job is really good, because I socialize and exercise while at the same time earning full time income while working only 2 days a week which gives me a lot of free time for personal development. And this change in sleep cycle is unavoidable in any case. Even if I stop working, I would still be going out on weekends, or sometimes spend a night at friends' which would disturb my sleeping cycle. So, this will be relevant for me despise the lifestyle I have. So, if anybody is knowledgeable in "sleeping" or have similar routine, what tips you could give me for my routine?
  14. I'm posting this to bring this thread all the way up.
  15. Go to bed earlier - it's the key. Also try rehears your waking up action. Like, literally, lay on your bed just before going to sleep, close your eyes, relax, imagine you're in a deep sleep and then imagine that it's morning and your alarm clock wakes you up. What do you do? Get up, go up to the alarm clock, switch it off, go to bathroom. And, literally, do this 10x times before falling asleep. In the morning you will remember what have you done the night before and it's going to be easier. Hope it helps
  16. I think you can be successful at business even if you don't like it. The only thing you need to be passioned is the thing that business is around. If you don't like marketing side, you can start off by doing it all yourself, but later outsource everything and focus purely on the content and the thing you're selling. You could start by creating a niche site or a kindle book on any of your passions, fears and/or problems. If you create a business around your passion, fear and/or problem, you will definitely be excited enough to move forward. Check this out: - it's a post of a guy who made a successful niche site and documented all the process
  17. I look at your values in terms of spectrum that ranges from lower consciousness to higher consciousness. You want to value higher consciousness values, because aligning with them give you the best performance and highest quality of happiness in life. When you find yourself in the higher consciousness state, you write your higher-values down on the paper in order to remember them again and again every time you get pulled towards your lower-self tendencies. Then these higher-values become like an anchor that pulls you out the state of lower consciousness every time you find yourself in it. It's the eternal fight between two wolfs. Which wolf wins? The one you feed. (Or both. If you feed them right.) That's how I look at it. Hope it helps
  18. Just randomly thought about it and decided that I will create a topic for discussion. So, if a child was raised by enlightened parents, let's say somewhere in a village by monks, and they told him to meditate everyday, would he grow up and be enlightened by the time he's 10 or 20? Would it be easer for a child to become enlightened than it is for an adult who's ego is already reduced by experiences? If he was raised in a higher-vibration environment where all he know is peace, how would he react to a pain for the first time, if he went to western world for example? Would he snapped out of the enlightened state? What are your opinions?
  19. Have you started your YouTube channel yet? If you feel insecure, that's totally normal. I would suggest you to find a FB group called "365 day video challenge" ( and start recording one video every day. It's private group comprising people who're training their speaking skills as well, so it's very friendly and accepting environment for starting practicing and getting your first reference experiences of putting yourself out there. I actually haven't started this challenge yet myself, but will do in upcoming week. And I agree, authenticity and accepting yourself fully (e.g. you current level of competence (or incompetence :D)) is the most important thing when starting doing anything. Acceptance is the foundation of any development. I found that the hardest part for myself is to actually start recording and start putting myself out there, because I personally always have this pressure of "wanting to make it perfect" and it kills authenticity. So you have totally let go this vision of perfectionism and realize that "you don't need to be perfect to start, but you have to start to become perfect" as Zig Zigglar once said.
  20. Hey. It's unlikely that I'm going to be in Lithuania during summer. I will be working in Edinburgh and might visit London too
  21. Sound something like The Book of Life (
  22. I'm in very very similar situation bro. I haven't bought Life Purpose Course yet, but from what I see it has more than enough exercises to go deep. Values, personal strengths and purpose are the most difficult stuff to figure out.
  23. Get a job where you could work on your communication, writing and/or marketing skills. Synchronize.
  24. It depends, you see. It depends on the other habits one has already established and how their brain are wired. For some who have a shitty self-discipline it could be a really toxic habit that is disturbing them on a daily basis from the work that they should be doing or the goals that they want to be achieving, and use it as an escape stimuli, the same way, for instance, junk food, television or purposeless browsing could be used. You find yourself in a difficult situation that requires your persistence (e.g. in the middle of assignment) and then procrastinate it by fapping which then might trigger other bad habits that get your work unfinished. But in most cases, guys are using "no fap" as a vehicle to start going out, meeting women, "pulling the trigger" (a.k.a. kiss the girl, touch, pull) or getting a girlfriend. This is case, because if you're a guy who doesn't have much experience with women and are addicted to fapping (more than once per day), you will not have enough motivation and sexual energy to do any of those things, because your libido will be satisfied. So, "no fap" as I've noticed is used for guys who are in this kind of situation. However, for guys who don't have any of these problems, who do their work, meet women regularly or have a girlfriend, gets sex, this "no fap" thing might look weird and is irrelevant as in your case. And I agree with you that to get erection regularly is very important, but if it's an obsession/addiction and kills productivity, then you need to moderate it and use it as a reward mechanism, or go "cold turkey", because the first one sometimes is too difficult at the beginning.