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Everything posted by Wind

  1. I've done similar thing, but by changing all of my passwords to an affirmations. No more effects, than having a note on the door. Tattoos are definitely not the 20% of thing that will give you 80% of results.
  2. Check out Pat Flyn from Smart Passive Income ( - he's the first authentic business driven blog I've I discovered when I started learning about this. He has this series of blog posts called Niche Site Duel where he documented his process of creating a successful niche site - you can learn almost everything you need to know to create a successful business: Also, you can check Stefan James from Project Lifestyle Mastery.
  3. I see your point, but I'm talking about micro-process visualization rather than macro. Visualizing the process of a certain task or a particular day plan thoroughly has an incredibly positive effects on when you're actually executing as you've already "been there". It's really powerful. Yesterday I visualized myself preparing for my exam including the organizational process of what materials I'm going to be studying first and which topics are the most important to cover, as well as imagining myself persisting, feeling amazing at the end of the studying and how this is going to affect my life in a positive way. It made me motivated as hell.
  4. Models: How To Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson Best book on dating hands down. Shows how to attract women through personal development and self-awareness rather than using techniques and tactics. It focuses on emotional process of seduction rather than logical steps and how to create powerful connection with women rather than trying to impress them. Big theme on vulnerability and non-neediness. Covers how to develop yourself in three main pillars of seduction: honest living, honest action and honest communication. Focuses a lot on how to build your lifestyle in a way you're constantly surrounded by hot high-quality women that resonate with your values. Full of question-exercises helping to find own limiting beliefs and increase self-awareness to help create more authentic living, action and communication. Full of real life situational examples of the author. Great book. If was to start doing seduction from the begining, I would choose this book over all other materials as it gives the foundation of authentic non-delogical non-manipulative seduction.
  5. Visualize the process. I would say that's 20% that gives you 80% of the results that you want from visualization - achieving the goals visualized. Visualizing the outcomes alone is effective, but it's very easy to just think about the goals, feel good and then totally not do it. Visualizing how you overcome the challenges and how you feel throughout the process is what truly puts your mind on track.
  6. Dude, that's exactly how it felt like - sense of self split into countless small fractal pieces. You explained it so much better. How many times have you taken it and was other times slightly easier to deal with? Found some more pretty accurate demonstrations:
  7. I've done Salvia once and due to overestimation of how its hallucinogenic and delusional qualities, it was the most terrifying moment of my life. I didn't imagine it being so twisted and when the experience come up, everything changed and I started feeling as if I'm gonna die. My ego couldn't stay calm and resisted all the way through. However when I reflect to to the experience now, it gave me one of the most profound lesson. The moment I inhaled it and was about to lay down on my bed to enjoy the trip, boom. I appeared somewhere else, all my references vanished. I started feeling that my body is being sucked into the oneness with reality and I immediately jumped up panicking. Literally, I felt that my body is distorting and being wrapped into my room walls. It felt like sinking in the sinkhole quite literally. I had not only visual distortion, but a physical sensation of it too, making me think that's real. This "oneness" was somehow represented in my room walls. My walls seemed infinitely stretched out into the distance being made with something like lego pieces of former human beings that now look like a emotionless shamanic icons (picture added), that together formed a higher being (or maybe more advanced civilizations) that I didn't understand. It felt that life is kinda restarting, and I appeared in the "loading" room outside the matrix where everything became exposed. I felt like a game character, becoming conscious of the loading page outside the game itself, and realizing that it's all lie. And I thought that it's happening everywhere and for everyone. I though about my family and how they're experiencing the same. I started panicking, running around the room, jumping up and down, trying to find the way to stop it, but it seemed that despite of where I go, I would still be twisted into it. Also a lot of the panic was caused, because of the inability to talk (that's one of the salvia's side effects) which I didn't notice consciously, but was something that cause that confusion subconsciously. There was also my friends in the room who were sober, but they seemed like not my friends at all. They had the same bodies, but it seemed that they've already been converted, that they had been through the same already and allowed themselves being sucked into this void, and now became the part of this higher being. I came up to my friend and using all of my willpower started shouting at him "Why you are killing me? Why you are killing me?" (I don't know why I was able to talk this moment). And he said "calm down, everything will be fine." which he meant in a "trip is going to end soon" sense, but my mind interpreted it as "let go and allow to be sucked in, everything is going to be fine". And I resisted until the end when everything gradually diapered. Throughout the trip I felt that I have to let go and go inside, because that's reality, but I, my ego couldn't accept the fact that its gonna die, or become something else. And that's the main lesson that I've learned - I'm shit-scared of death. And therefore, there's so much to work on in terms of my ego. When you're facing death and it's real / or seems real, that's when you can truly see your deepest fear pattern. After the experience I was frosted. I would have never ever imagined that such reality distortion and hallucinations is possible before experiencing it myself. I started understanding people who claimed to have seen or meet "aliens", "jesus", "ghosts". Mind is very easily distortable. After this near-death-experience in a way, when I realized that it was not real, I started discussing my trip with my friends and my communication felt so real, so authentic, without any filters to protect me, without judgments, fully understanding my friends as the same experience we had connected us, at the same time understating every human being to its core, seeing just beauty and love in others. It took me almost a year to fully integrate this experience, but now I can see that it was really beautiful and profound experience. I'm thinking about trying salvia in some near future one more time to see if I'm able to let go this time and how experience is different when you already know what to expect. Estimate representation of how those emotionless shamanic icons looked like: Estimate representation how the infinite field of former human beings construct a higher being: Being wrapped into the walls, felt something like this: And this is amazing representation of what I felt is going to happen after I allow to be sucked it - my separate ego is going to become a holistic piece of the whole without having any boundary. That was scary, because allowing this to happen, means I'm not going to be the same.
  8. Haha it's funny, because I've read this article more than 2 years ago and been using it since then. But rather than setting a goal, I would set an affirmation or intention for my life as a whole. Doesn't do wonders, because after learning it subconsciously, it's my muscle memories that write down the password. Or maybe it does, but I haven't notice the subtle changes. But in any case, it is indeed a great bonus reminder.
  9. Cool, really looking forward. Hope it's gonna be this year :3
  10. Remembered Leo talking about this map of the path, but never really quite get it conceptually. Where could I read more about it? Because I don't really understand what the bull is referring to? Enlightenment? And after "riding" it for a while, you transcend even the idea of enlightenment? Or is it referring to the mind? If so, what is the source then?
  11. Hey. So I've done a summary of "Ten Bulls of Zen" (resource: and it's still really hard to conceptualize it as it's extremely subtle. @Leo Gura and others who are familiar with this map, could you look at my summary and check if I get the definitions of Man, Ox and The Source correctly as well as the meaning of stages? When does Enlightenment happens exactly? Does it happen in the Stage 6 or Stage 8, or in other? Here's how I understand it: Man - "You" (Later evolves to "Spiritual You", then "Nothingness", then "Buddha") ? Ox - The teachings and practices of Enlightenment ? Source - Life is serving itself ? 1. Seeking Ox: Ego searches for the escape out of suffering (a.k.a. for True Self), but it's lost, all paths seems to lead to an dead-end. 2. Seeing Traces: Ego finds the hints of it's True Self in teachings. The right direction has been found. All is one? Where is the True Self? Starts inquiry. 3. Finding Ox: True Self is encountered. Taste of Enlightenment. 4. Catching Ox: Chasing the experiences of Enlightenment. Strong discord between Illusion and Truth arises taking you to the very heights and to the very depths of your mind. Easy to get into old ways. 5.Taming Ox: Ego and True Self go together with little resistance. Switching back and forth? With the proper tending, True Self follows of it's own accord. It is confirmed that it's not something you do, but something you are. 6. Returning Home, Riding Ox: Ego and True Self goes together with ease. The suffering is over. Peace of mind has been acquired. In the beginning every path lead to a dead-end, now every path leads home. No turning back. 7. Ox Forgotten, Man Remains: The teachings and practices has been transcended. They're no longer serving the Spiritual Ego. You're one with all and always were. Your life becomes meditation. No conflicting truths. 8. Man and Ox Both Forgotten: Enlightenment? "Spiritual You" disappear. State of Nothingness. Nothing to do. 9. Return to Origin, Back at Source: Life is observing itself. Life naturally starts to expressing itself for compassion. 10. Entering Market with Open Hands: Selfless service without a though of following such tracks. Not even an intent of saving others - life serves itself naturally. Free to care no strings attached. Note: Do not hang up on the portrayal of the stages, they are arbitrary. Everyone must go through themselves, no two paths are the same. However, the depictions and description are helpful signposts to warn us along the Way.
  12. Remember Leo talking about, but never really quite get this map. Where could I read more about it? Because I don't really understand what the bull is referring to? Enlightenment? And after "riding" it for a while, you transcend even the idea of enlightenment? What is the source? In fact, I remember that there was a very similar one, but with a fox, wasn't there?
  13. Amazing. Thanks for sharing. I'm excitedly waiting to try it myself soon when I get my first batch. You said you've used Kola Nut. What is the purpose of it? Do you mix it with 5-MeO and snort it together to soften the consumption?
  14. This goes first for guys indeed, but for me high quality women is also a combination of good looks and fulfilling lifestyle a.k.a. high self-esteem.
  15. If I'm about to die, I will ask you to construct such machine for me too Maybe it could become a new hit - "epic body vaporizing machine"
  16. As quickly as possible. Preferably while sleeping. Although, if I was laying on my death bed and knew that I'm going to die soon, I would ask my family to give me LSD or 5-Meo
  17. Random traveler who has been to a South Pole:
  18. Few tips/advice: Most importantly, focus on having FUN and SOCIALIZING rather than GAME. Look at socializing like a main meal, and game just like a seasoning on top of that meal. In my case, that was a huge epiphany, because I was focusing all my effort on learning game, where my main problem was basic socialization which I lacked skill at. If you're cool, social, fun guy, comfortable in your environment, women are going to be attracted to you as a by product of that. Focus on EMOTIONS, FEELINGS and WORLDVIEWS rather than TECHNIQUES. Techniques are good, but they are really helpful if you're advanced and want to reach the maximum level. But when you're beginning, your main focus should be on emotions and worldviews - your core. Because you literally have to change your beliefs on this journey. Also, it's very easy to get stuck in your head by analyzing techniques too much and trying to reconcile paradoxes logically. Learn techniques, but don't get lost there. Game is all about emotions. Understand your MOTIVATIONS and INTENTIONS. Write down a list of all the reasons why you're doing it. Because that will keep you going and that's what gonna ensure you that you're on the right path. Your motivations and intentions will affect the kind of girls you're going to be attracting and the kind of relationships you're going to be building. Write infield reports which is basically a breakdown of your infield reference experience. It's CRUCIAL if you wan to become fast, because you have to interpret your experiences and find the things that you've done good and the things you need to change and improve at. Don't overestimate the power of infield reports. Look at experience as if it contributes 49% to your pick-up learning and field reports as 51%. Read MODELS by Mark Manson - hands down the best book on how to both attract women and maintain intimate relationships. There are so many gems there. I learned more from this one book, than from 2 years of watching RSD. Go out with somebody who's better than you are, so you could model him and learn from. Going out with your level and lower level friends is good too, but try to have some advanced friends in your social circle. Buy a product from a teacher you resonate the most if you're willing to spend money. That will cut down your learning curve tremendously. To the same, you will have a concrete action steps to follow and concrete exercise and drills to practice in one place which gonna make you motivated. It's very easy to get lost in the sea of "dating" advice. One I could highly recommend: "The Natural" by RSDMax (Don't say that you can't learn everything from a free content and practice, but it's just MUCH MUCH easier and focused that way.) Do NoFap challenge - gonna rocket your social motivation and sexual energy to the sky. Once you get macro momentum (e.g. seeing girls every day) don't loose it and try to keep it up, if that's your main focus). Intended to give you one advice, but then I got into it Good luck buddy
  19. @Babybat It's not about "faking behavior" in order to manipulate women into having sex with them - it's an old outdated mainstream notion. And yes, there are "pick up teachers" and "pick up practitioners" who perform from this outdated place. That's what Leo talked about in his rant video. There is nothing wrong with approaching a girl, speaking with her, flirting with her and having sex with her. They key is in HOW and WHY you do it. The new wave of "seduction" is totally different. It's focused on finding ways to become more attractive as a man, so that you can then attract women as a by product of that. It focuses on how to become attractive man based not on trick, tactics, games or techniques, but on self-development, inner change. It's goal is to create powerful connection with women instead of trying to impress them. What pick up has taught me? Exactly what you're promoting. You just can't see it, because "pick up" as negative connotation to you. To me a bit as well, because it's the closest connection to the first notion. Let's call it, "learning attraction/dating" then. So what did I learned from learning attraction/dating? It taught me how to express myself vulnerably without fear and how to connect with women, emotionally, intimately and sexually. It taught me to be more invested in my perception of myself than other's perception of myself. It helped me to start looking at each attractive women, not as the goddess that I could never get into a relationship with, but as a girl who just wants to be loved, and the girl I could come and talk with and see if we resonate. If yes, then create beautiful experience or even meaningful relationship, if no, then feel comfortable with it. And most importantly that my attraction to women and the quality of my relationships are proportional to 1) authentic and enriching lifestyle, 2) overcoming my anxiety around socializing, intimacy and sexuality and 3) expression of my emotions and communicating fluently. And if you're a guy and you're lacking in any of these pillars, by improving them, you're directly improving your intimate relationships and romantic life. The healthy way you do "pick up" is different from the other unhealthy way you can do "pick up". In this period of our cultural development, we're living in the time when these both connotations are mixed together. And all I see people focusing on the old connotation while totally ignoring the new one. There are many teachers who teach the healthy way of meeting women. Just to name few: Mark Manson (has a great book called: Models: Attract Women Through honesty) or The Natural Lifestyles or even RSD. To add to your other questions: I don't really get the first question. In terms of the second one. Of course. Right now I'm in my first open relationship with a super cool girl who I love and I'm totally open with her about other girls I'm dating and the "game", and she's open as well. I even watch videos with her and we discuss this topic in an open-minded way. And she finds it very interesting. I'm not ashamed of sharing the fact that I go and talk with girls, because I my intentions and motivations are pure.
  20. Those who think pick-up is "predatory", read this post:
  21. Just watched new Leo's video on Pre-mortem and it's perfect as I'm starting my business which is going to be my main focus this year, my ONE thing. However, there's a lot of other habits and little projects that I want to focus on to make things more interesting and develop in different areas of life simultaneously. And I know that focusing on different projects, even though they are small, could overwhelm. So my #1 questions is, should I a) have ONE main project (e.g. business) and other small projects on top of that kinda spread throughout the year (e.g. learning handstand, reading book a month, dating once a week, graduating college course with an A, completing Life Purpose Course, organizing/decluttering documents,, etc.)? b) or have ONE main project (e.g. business) and then look at other smaller projects, not as projects, but simply as either additional goals or maintaining actions? c) or have ONE main project (e.g. business) which is in the area of finances/career, and then simply trying to maintain other areas (social/relationships, health, education) as they are without focusing on improving them, however, trusting that by focusing on ONE main project, they gonna improve by itself? d) or have ONE main and big project in one area (finances) and then have one small project for each other area (like social/relationships, health, education)? #2 What's the good way to think about projects and reconcile them with goals? #3 @Leo Gura what do you think is good amount of project to focus per year? And is it good idea to have ONE main project and have other small for-fun projects that you kinda spread over the year? How many projects do you keep in your brain bandwidth? Thanks
  22. It was in the beginning of the "positive thinking" video. Funny that you've mentioned it, because it got stuck with me as well and I always remember it when faced with a negatively perceived reality.
  23. 1. Suicide is selfish. Think about the pain that you would cause to your parents. 2.