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About Wind

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  • Birthday March 3

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  1. The most horrifying moment of my life At the bottom of my heart My inner child is crying, scared, shouting, Shocked Deep and hidden fears are unlocked My childhood My loved ones My entire life... All is being lost I am living my death This is the way we feel Death here on earth But the vision is changing We are evolving Realize... We have linked Emotions, thoughts and feelings To our physical shape, of flesh and bones Temporal, limited, perishable Perceptible invisible forces That belong to the immortal spirit Your energetic shape Transcending time and space Extension of the source So much dark around this step So much fear... Ignorance... The humankind Filthens it. We have been instructed Hypnotized during our life Instilling in us That life ends with death A new horizon A clear and healed vision We are sons of the omnipresence The experience of feeling There's no end to life... Never-ending Is being real Release yourself "Physical spirits Remember birth is the opposite Of death Your life is an ageless path" It's time to Face my death Liberate myself from Samsara I transcend this spiritual step Losing my being, my ego To live only present I enjoy the learning on Earth And consciously, happy Living in my soul I return back home I detach from my body It's not what I really am It's not what really lives I know I'm an eternal soul Quitting and leaving the matter I join the spiritual world The invisible kingdom Where I belong Oh... Great reality The Heart of the universe The source of all life I let myself go...
  2. It is an evil substance indeed. How is your nicotine use now?
  3. Recommend this whole album. Lyrically, a path.
  4. My friend shared this video with me yesterday which made me wonder. In this segment, Ram Dass shares that he tried psychedelic path for 5 years and he mentions that he noticed that it affected his brain (building psychic toxicity in his medula) making his full awakening slower and harder at the advanced level. "They don't allow you to become a possibility. They only show you the possibility" What's your thoughts in this? And any psychedelic neuroscientists here who could explain the function of medula and the potential relationship it has with the use of psychedelics?
  5. I personally fast almost everyday by eating 1 or 2 meals in the 4 hour window. I find generally more connected to the sensitivity of life by not eating. And if I fast for longer, 3-7 days it starts feeling trippy in itself ? So when I trip I naturally tend to do it on an empty stomach and find that the trips tend to be more sensitive, deeper. I think the most important thing is to feel "clean" which means that it is more important to eat "clean" and "light" than to just fast, but fasting is the ultimate cleanse. Food can help you get grounded. If you want to get high, fast. If you feel you need to feel more grounded, for example during or after the trip, eating berries and fruits is amazing. Experiment. Try it out eating, then fasting, and see what feels better for you.
  6. Kadampa Tradition Temples for World Peace: I was volunteering at Ulverston, UK for 3 weeks and the experience was great. I am not the biggest fan of the tradition as there is some dogma, but it's amazing place and great people to make friends for life.
  7. What is the difference between Do Nothing Technique and Free Monitoring Meditation (unusually contrasted with focused meditation) or are they the same?
  8. Linkėjimai iš Škotijos I am about to do tripping with my buddy soon who has never tried LSD (altough tried some mushrooms). Only a year ago he resisted the idea, but recently after realizing the depths and significance of nonduality, he himself told me that he feels ready and wants to try it with me. Since he has strong understanding in awareness I know it's going to be easy with him. I was thinking about what we could do while tripping, but then realized that no matter what we think of doing, it boils down to the INTENTION (exploring nondual nature of consciousness) and then surrendering, surrendering, surrendering to the experience. And the way this exploration of consciousness would manifest is really out of our mind control, altough depends on the awareness of the moment of tripping itself. I find it best to just set the intention and flow seeing where it takes it. I've done quite few trips, both with friends and solo, so what I'm thinking with my friend is to just flow in the authentic direction of my trip, doing the usual - meditating, listening guided meditations, exploring objects and talking. Do the trip for YOU first and foremost, and as already mentioned by someone in the thread, this will be an example for others who are tripping with you. Listening to this while peaking can be one hell of an insightful and enlightening moments for your friends (if they are open to it):
  9. My philosophy teacher shared with me this sonnet by Pablo Neruda: He noted how the structure of this sonnet (the dual way the last two paragraphs are connected) conveys the meaning of the sonnet - the "nondual unconditional love".
  10. Mastery if you refer to self-mastery, I think, yes.
  11. The Natural Lifestyles Valentino Kohen ‎David Tee Saul Tee
  12. Solo vs with people? Close friend who does it with you? What about ceremonic/shamanic setting? If solo indoor on thr couch or outdoor in nature? Preparation? Setting positive intentions/priming for letting go before the hit? What your first timer was?
  13. I practice mostly Anapana right now, which is the same as concentration practice with breath as meditation object. I sometimes would just "do nothing", and recently started experimenting with different guided and visualized meditations/self-inquiry to familiarize with different methods and styles out there, and find the most powerful ones. Guided meditations also come handy when I resist to meditate as it gives more 'novelty'. In terms of self-inquiry it's pretty much 24/7 on.
  14. It's finny that you mentioned this book, because I'm currently reading it haha. Thanks