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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. I have this one app on my phone called Liberation Unleashed Quotes Highly recommend it
  2. Maybe the question is "Why do negatives thoughts have so much "I"?? 0.o well thats interesting
  3. Do people who follow Leo take full responsiblity as they follow him
  4. You're probably doing it while sleeping. You need to be awake while doing it.
  5. @Truth Seekah Yup, if I had to only choose one artist, it would be Eminem
  6. This gives me an excuse not to put too much work on this journey.
  7. It's nice to see someone becoming 'Non-dual' from time to time, with such 'Non-dual' way of thinking. Probably better if you add references to all these, like according to Swami this Swami that, page 293 blah blah blah
  8. #24 "It's a complete assumption. There's nothing that proves that you are located somewhere. Literally, none of you can offer me any proof that you are located somewhere"
  9. Why do you have the desire to not be angry? If anger comes to the point of bursting why not let it. It's an energy. You are blocking it with your so called "mindfulness meditation" which the sole purpose is to repress it or make anger go away? No. Mediation does not make anger go away. What you resist persists. Why not love your anger? Just let the anger become intense, let it move through your body, through your chest even to the point of becoming rage. Accept it embrace it comepletely fully.
  10. @Dodo My thoughts/perception about reality (facts vs theory) is the true reality. And I will hereby protect my precious beliefs and enforce it on others. I will therefore tell you that you are wrong, regardless of what you say as long as it contradicts to what my beliefs and perception of reality is. Even if it means arguing with you over the internet, I will by all means do so.
  11. @Dodo We all live in a world of either fact or theory. Get use to it bro. You got to know what is real and what is not.
  12. #23 "You turn back, and see that there is no Gate, there is no crossing, there is no you. And there never was"
  13. What is a thought in direct experience? Another thought. A better answer is that it doesnt matter what the fuck it is
  14. @Spacious Wow, so lucky of you. In my local Non Duality Store an Enlightenment package for one person would cost me $89.50 for freakin' 20 DAYS.. Yes that much for one person... Brutal I know
  15. I was once a Christian too. I use to believe in hell, until I realized I am already in it.
  16. @egoless What part are you talking about? All these are based on my personal assumption. @Ether It's crazy stuffs I know.
  17. My assumption is that Jesus was a real person. He was indeed crucified. Jesus did not really die. He went back to the east. He died at old age buried in Kashmir. Some say he was a yogic master and he poses psychic abilities. I believe this is true since the Bible seems to show us that he is spiritually awakened. Becoming enlightened really does tune a person's energy therefore making acess psychic abilities much easier. All of healing miracles are true Walk on water is true. Resurrecting a person from death is true Catching fishes miracle is true The one miracle I wasnt quite sure to be true is multiplying bread and fish
  18. In terms of self improvenmnent yes it works. In terms of psychic ability also yes. In terms of manipulation of the universe and its events I'd put a maybe on that.
  19. I had similar experiences back then while doing Astral Projection. You probably also felt heavy and almost physically paralyzed. It's like ur body is asleep, your mind is partially asleep. There's still a little part that's awake.