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Everything posted by Sage_Elias

  1. His ignorance is soo deep that you can drown in it by just being around him.
  2. Become so inspired and busy with your life's mission that you no longer have time for playing video games
  3. He teaches from the position of an SRF student, his videos are good for beginners and those taking the SRF path. If you read the 'book' you see that the SRF has corrupted the techniques. @YogiLogan Not necessarily...I have a feeling that Yogananda gave the advanced techniques to his close disciples while giving the more basic techniques to the general public through the SRF organization. Ryan's techniques are from a direct disciple of Yogananda so I wouldnt just assume that his techniques are not powerful
  4. This teacher definitely understands the nuances of spirituality. His teachings are very practical when it comes to being a seeker in our modern world. If you resonate with Leo then chances are you might resonate with Ryan Kurczak...if Leo was a Kriya master, he would most likely sound like Ryan :) least thats what I think. Here is a basic description of Ryan: for the past 18 years he has been practicing intently in a chair. He doesnt overemphasize the need to sit cross legged. He was a married man for over a decade before his wife passed away and feels that intimate relationships can be apart of our spiritual life. When Ryan is not teaching Kriya yoga he is a musician, "foul mouth card player" and he enjoys hiking. He's also a vedic astrologer and has many videos on that Also, he eats meat occasionally if it is served to him and doesnt make a big deal about it. He gets about 9hrs of sleep per night he's quite fine with need to force yourself to be like the "sleepless saint" mentioned in Yogananda's autobiography If he's not busy, he sometimes watches a movie on Netflix while eating his lunch. Ryan is not into the whole idea of joining spiritual organizations and he feels that the path of a Kriya yogi is a solo one. As a matter of fact, his wife was a kriya yogi as well and they didnt even meditate together or talk much about spirituality. He meditates on his own time while she does the same. They didnt even read the same books...she read the ones that she wanted to and he did the same. He was raised as a Catholic and hates going to Church to this very day ... Here you have a person who has gone deeply into the practice of Kriya Yoga and he doesnt try to mimic saints and sages but rather tries to find a healthy middle path in a modern way. Also, authenticity is heavily emphasized in his teachings... the "just do what works best for you" kinda attitude. I definitely resonate with him and you might or might not. Here is one of his youtube videos: ps. I dont know if his techniques are "watered down" but other than that...most of his insights are truly helpful.
  5. @Aimblack Are Ryan's techniques legit? I'm asking Because I know that Ryan learnt them from a direct disciple of Yogananda and he didnt get his techniques from the SRF...which was the organization responsible for teaching the techniques to the public at large. I can now see why Yogananda would have made the techniques for the general public to be very basic and 'watered down'. In the 1940s yoga was still a taboo subject and subjects like chakras and kundalini energy would scare people off. Yogananda must have realized this and just kept things very simple when teaching the general public. But he may have given the more powerful techniques to his direct of whom taught Ryan Kurczak.
  6. Why do people say this ? I feel really drawn to an online Teacher named Ryan Kurczak and his Kriya Yoga techniques are from Yogananda's lineage. So why is it said that Yogananda didn't teach Kriya Yoga properly ?
  7. lol you guys !!
  8. Hey...I'm 20 and I experienced the same thing about a year ago so maybe I can help...I didnt do psychedelics but rather I was watching Leo's videos and his content just melted my mind, heart and my entire way of living. I was in high school at the time and reacted to "truth" just as your friend is doing now. What I can say is that he will need time to integrate all that he has learnt. He feels like this because he has realized how misaligned his life really is (at least thats how I felt). Try not to let him do anything too extreme that he may regret later on when he is in a more balanced state. peace and love
  9. thanks bro...gonna watch
  10. It is said that a person who observes celibacy in thought, word and deed will have large amounts of life energy stored up within his system. This practice of conserving our sexual energy and then channeling this energy towards our spiritual life of meditation is called Brahmacharya. Many spiritual teachers disagree on what Brahmacharya means and how we ought to practice it. Some teachers say we should strive to conserve ALL OF OUR SEXUAL ENERGY LIKE THE MONKS AND NUNS. Eg. Swami Sivananda, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Ramakrishna, Sadhguru, Gandhi and others. On the other hand, other teachers say we should have copulation only for the sake of having children...and after this deed is done then we must not repeat the act. Some teachers even say that sex is not a big concern because it is a natural bodily process and so long as our spiritual practice is the central thing in our life then an occasional copulation is no big deal. Im a young man with raging hormones and I have read many books and articles on this topic and still I am confused about the topic of Brahmacharya. So how can a westerner like myself practice a healthy form of Brahmacharya ?
  11. @Viking lol thats a good question ! @Leo Gura actually...from what I've read, the saints are aware that repression or supression of our sexual desire is a dangerous thing to do. They say that this is the wrong attitude towards brahmacharya. Instead, they suggest that we approach the practice with an attitude of gaining something (positive motivation) rather than an attitude of avoiding something (negative motivation). Check out what Sadhguru has to say:
  12. @Prabhaker lol okay... then why do so many saints are adamant that we should be celibate ?
  13. I think this was an interesting post by @blazed...guys please stop to arguing
  14. I have done both...and I decided to do the one I felt was right for me. I have been a workaholic for many years and thus I naturally resonated with the "Do-Nothing" meditation since it requires a letting go of all effort and control and decision making. Try both and see which one you resonate with
  15. Read up about sex transmutation Gopal-Krishna-Greatly-Inspiring-Brahmacharya-Celibacy-Quotes.pdf
  16. Everything you need to know about Jehova's Witnesses in 5 Minutes
  17. No need to watch the entire thing (although you might want to...the first 5mins says it all) please leave your comments...
  18. @luckieluuke lol yes cults also interest amazes me how blindly the followers submit to the ideas and beliefs of the ccult leader(s). As a matter of fact...I was in a cult myself and I was led to true spirituality when I broke out. I was a Jehova's Witness. The cult leaders for this group are known as the Governing Body. Jehova's Witnesses believe that the Governing Body has a special relationship with Jehova and they decide how the organization interprets the bible.
  19. @Etagnwo @luckieluuke @Freethinking Guru @Martin123 @Arman lol okay leme give some background infor on the group. They are known as Melanation and it its a tribe of people who left society (babylon) to go back into nature. Their leader goes by the name 'Master Teacher' and his core belief is that we should return to Nature and live a natural life; a life in accordance with nature. For example: homosexuality is seen in and thus Master Teacher is accepting of homosexuals.The tribe lives in the tropics and they Some more of their beliefs and customs: 1. Astrology and the study of our natal chart is valuable knowledge to underatand your higher and lower selves. 2. A man is allowed to have multiple wives and a woman should submit to her husband. 3. Veganism and healthy eating is apart of their regime. 4. Master Teacher is the sole dispenser of knowledge and his insights are not objected. 5. Mindfulness is not practiced and there is no use of psychedelics. 6. Creativity is encourage and each person uses their skills and talents to help "spread God's message" Honestly there are two main concerns that I have regarding Melanation. Firstly, little to no emphasis placed on awareness and spiritual purification. He only understands spiritually conceptually. No meditation or psychedelics are done. As a result, despite the leader's good intentions, he has not done the heavy lifting necessary to purify himself; he still has a big ego. He demands that his tribe call him "Master Teacher" and ExMelanation members (his former wife) have testified about his jealousy, anger and selfishness. Secondly...not because something is in nature, or apart of nature, means that we humans should adopt it. If we look in nature we also see theft, deception, violence, incest and other animal qualities. We have been blessed with discernment and this allows us to cherry pick from nature the things which are helpful to us and to leave behind those that are holding us back. We can choose to pick the rose and leave the thornes. We can choose to eat almonds instead of poison ivy. We can use our judgement to be done with incest as it no longer serves us. ?
  20. @Durka_Durka I'm getting into Mycology...something thats truly exciting to me Mycology is the art of mushroom cultivation. I'll be supplying Gourmet Mushrooms to Hotels and Health Food stores around the country and Magic Mushrooms to fellow psychonauts Mycology is all about being sterile and patient and having the know-how to grow the heavy lifting involved and it pays well In the future I plan to open my own Clinic where people can come in and experience the beauty of Magic Mushrooms
  21. This is hands down one of the best videos I've ever watched...soo deep...soo graphic but yet soo concise