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Everything posted by Jedd

  1. Knowing what my values are and how to go about finding them etc.
  2. Why is it that I have such a hard time saying no to people then dwell on it afterwards?
  3. Mostly myself @Ayla I say yes too much and end up in situations that I don't want to be in... for example starting jobs I don't like then pull away and dwell on it.
  4. I feel stuck with this conflict between getting tattoos and employment as I want the majority of my body to be tattooed like alot of my rolemodels. My love is for the health and fitness industry but I feel stuck because I'm unsure about how I will be perceived and the impact that could have on me financially if I'm unemployed etc. Do I follow my desire to get all the tattoos I want and believe thing will work out employment/business wise or am I falling into some sort of trap?
  5. Have a vision for your fitness journey and hold yourself 100% accountable to that. Nobody else can do the pushups for you its about YOU taking massive fucking action to get yourself to the gym day in and day out. By the way YOU are both the marble and the sculptor.