Blue is the sea

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Everything posted by Blue is the sea

  1. What this video is basically saying is that perception is not about seeing truth but about having kids. Our perceptions are not wrong, they do perfectly what they have to do : help us survive. We are wrong when we assume that perception is about seeing reality as it is. That's just not perceptions work.
  2. Anime series : The garden of sinners Movies : Personally i like Andrei Tarkowsky's movies, this video will give you a good introduction to his work Stanley Kubrick and Hayao Miyazaki are also great. I like to focus on the directors, their worldview and philosophy.
  3. What are your go to/ fauvorite/ most trusted recources on spiritual topics. Except of course
  4. @LaucherJunge yt videos are great and most important free . the most challenging part is embodying the information. yes i agree it looks like they are talking about the same things in different ways
  5. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj i just googled The End of Your World and the topic of it looks really interesting i will check the other teachers too thank you
  6. Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7 this verse reminds me that its not that we dont have the chance/possibility/luck but we simply dont want/search for it. normaly people would but things may happen to some people and make them derive from those needs of searching and knowing. first i want to say that no one can solve your problems but yourself. you could do many thing to help him but must realize your limitations . people can help him but its up to him to do the main work. I think you should try to find the reason/reasons behind his depression. when it all started and why ? inspiration and motivation works only for some time. but if the root cause is not adresed the symptoms will be back. ask him what does he thinks about most of the time? what makes him sad? what used to make him happy, why he dosent do those thing anymore?
  7. first time i listened to this ( 2 am ) i burst into tears. i feelt released, dont know of what, dont know why this song. but for sure the performance is excellent, deeply moving and full of emotions.
  8. POLONIUS My lord, I will give them all they deserve. HAMLET Good heavens, man, give them more than that! If you pay everyone what they deserve, would anyone ever escape a whipping? Treat them with honor and dignity. The less they deserve, the more your generosity is worth. Lead them inside. Act 2, Scene 2