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Everything posted by Vingger

  1. is totally graspable from my actual level of conciousness and i don`t even meditate. And he is not even convincing me, i KNOW that he is me and what he is saying is true. If you want to grow Stop labeling white Leo
  2. @Mikael89 Yeah, he refers to the god that need to be believe on for it to exist
  3. Yeah, actually all the complexity of the human mind is mean to support us the way we experience things like relationships, just to maintain us alive
  4. Advertising is useful when you have a great amount of viewers, Leo's business is different, he will always deliver things for the individual.
  5. turquoise is mean to see the big picture of those many systems
  6. Inquiry: What happens if i am deeply wrong? realize that the key is the deepness
  7. What would be the ancient 5meodmt equivalent?
  8. @Salvijus Why would karma appear the first time? create a thread for me pls
  9. Meditation arrise by itself in silence, here two doors: Yoga for the Body. and Concentration / self inquiry / Contemplation for the mind. I would recommend get into the concentration state first, experience it, remember, is like giving a job to the mind so is not meditation, no mind is a vertical capacity and concentration is yet a horizontal capacity.
  10. It's you who is creating the energy bubble Try this, instead of saying i'm frustrated, simply said it in a way you understand that is yourself which is creating it, not awareness which is complete and has no problems
  11. @Leo Gura A video on this will be just gold