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Everything posted by Vingger

  1. Only when i'm jerking off
  2. you still have to get actualized
  3. I think i got your point so, let's say that quimicals in the brain are not a context in the dream, still what you are experiencing is not brain or those procceses , you are experiencing the results of these, you ever only will experiece life, only yourself, so what these psychedelics or meditation experience are showing you is more profound that only a molecule somewhere, Neo
  4. To begin with "brain" is a model, is constructed the same way that Andromeda or milk way or a outer world, Yes, meditation and self-inquiry can help you throwing believes, No, you can't really confuse imagination with waking reallity ,but preconceptions affects on your behavior and mood, Psychedelics will don't care about your believe system but those will affect your trip, be careful about it, if you are not prepare can slape you in the face and scared you..
  5. There you go, another
  6. meditate so you can include these experiences more properly and not lose them in the air...
  7. Beware, you inherited the physical paradigm from Europa's culture... if you were living five thousands years ago with the native americans, or relative Svear, you ain't gonna be thinking about ego and suffering games, your life would have been dancing around the bonfire singing intelegible words to your small community thanking sun-god for taking care of yourself and providing everything you need and care in nature. suffering perspective is based on european-era-ego-perspective, people who went through a lot of wars and divisions... anyway, it's just illusory, the moment you get enlightened will be like never happened, just games that your mind played on you
  8. By definition is not compatible Science studies phenomenons using methods and reason, and consciousness is not a phenomenon is where the phenomena occur, is made of nothing, a mystery can't grasp it Philosophy can't grasp it either, because is not base on experience also again, uses reason which is useless (any story in the dream will be only a context in the dream)
  9. to be you is to be infinity and you can realize it now, the problem is you being hand thinking you are a finger, hand includes fingers but can't grasp himself, the fingers are not the hand but can trick you, two fingers can grasp one finger haha
  10. i'm already enlightened (image with no correlation)
  11. If you go to lizard land and speak to a wise entity called Leozilla, What would this one said to you about the nature of dreams? all appearances in consciousness are dreams there is no point of it, any reason will be a context of the dream the more you believe is real the more appears to be real! can i desintegrate myself? body is key to dreams and psychedelics are like credit cards in nonsense shopping dreaming someone outside it can kill your body and you will enter to singularity of death but can someone outside waking reality kill your meta body?
  12. By identifying with that patterns of thoughts or contemplating certain low vibrational state, Meditate on this, If the truth is true, it must be present here and now
  13. argue you bastards (? i include people's ego as a part of me that i can't see by myself, "other" have to show me, that's why you deal world's demons
  14. People still have ego right? or is the idea of a colective enlightenment ? (which I had no knowledge of until now )
  15. Is a joke, he laugh respectfully at the end of the phrase, means that enlightenment is right here right now
  16. Can be now, or comeback ten years later -Eckhart Tolle
  17. I learned letting your creativity flow puts you directly beyond ego life is not so serious, why truth will be so Beware of getting stuck in one paradigm and incapable of seeing all posibilities. However is Good as i read from you somehow, go straight one way, very deeply, at least to realizing wrong at the end
  18. I better go cry to my third world bathroom --- edit Damn you do not have this precious in yours damn watch me being so andale andale andale to lavarme el orto (wash my ass, thank you all)
  19. I don't think so... Youtube only delete content with copyright and for sure Leo has a backup of all of his work... if "the cops "finds cocaine in the trunk of the car" of Leo" we know what to do... haha
  20. You waste the trip on that cycle, however this experiences make you mature,, now you learned how your ego fools you with thoughts, next time it won't be so easy, you want experience truth so do this research before you start
  21. Because he speaks spanish like me, but he has a few videos in your language, why is relevant, he went through the suffering way to enlightenment so the point where he starts speaking is very very human and slowly slowly takes you to a common space of consciousness... ... video that you will not understand