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Everything posted by Nexeternity

  1. Yes! Except its not pickup anymore hehe. Throw away the seduction, throw away the games, the sexy looks lol. Not to say you cant play or be sexy but you are not trying to do it, if it happens it happens. Its like... you know how you can share coffee or an icecream, or an afternoon at the park with a friend? Its like if you could also share your sexuality, or your body with a girl. With no weirdness, no shame, no lies... just being open with people and eventually matching up, two people being attracted to each other as they are, imperfect, normal, innocently, happily celebrating life together. I know it sounds like some fantasy, some ideal scenario disconnected from reality but... its possible, its something that can be constructed little by little between all of us heh.
  2. @d0ornokey Yes it is!! Its unbelievable. I knew it was possible but until it happened to me I didnt believe it either. The thing is though, if you are still "trying to get the girl" or "gaming" you are operating from orange, trying to achieve something. When you can drop that and just share yourself with others, actually interested in friendship, in the fraternal bond you have between yourself and all others, then you will naturally cross paths with cool, friendly girls, resonate with them, and yea, share yourself, including your sexuality with some of them. Its like you got to connect more with your heart than with your dick hehe. Most of us dont realize what a cool, fun, loving, and attractive person we are deep inside when we throw away all manipulation and inauthenticity.
  3. @JustinS @Truth Yes exactly, green girls love that you can express your problems and emotions. But yea, it helps to have a baseline of joy and fun that you can also share with the girl. Maybe being able to laugh and joke about your problems. Its not really about needing opinion or help with them, its just that you are not really hiding them, and naturally in convesation they come up and you express them, but you can also move on and not overly dwell on them.
  4. @Truth Yes! What you say happened to me alot. But eventually I started meeting very developed greener girls who didnt judge me, and you start healing your wounds. With less wounds, less insecurities and problems, and now you are actually more attractive authentically without having to put up a front. Truth eventually dismantles all your fears and problems... its so cool how that happens.
  5. Hi guys! I work with some amazing green guys. They are loving, caring, empathetic, just all around great dudes. Only one problem. They get crazy aggressive with orange, blue, and red. They think the US government and military should all die. They are happy when soldiers die in Iraq and come back with PTSD. They think the right wing in their country should all be killed, Obviously murderers and pedophiles, should be shot on the spot. No mercy, no sympathy, no compassion. They are terribly resentful towards the rich. Sometimes I try to sneak in my perspective, that people do the best they can with their level of conciousness, that violence will never be a solution, that "bad" people can grow and change and that love can help with that. That in a certain sense people cant help how they act and everything is as it should be. That hatred and violence always back fires and hurts you. That these "bad" people dont live happy lives, that they suffer tremendously from their evil so it would be better to see them with pity rather than anger or hatred. They mostly think I am justifying or legitimizing "evil" ... I mostly stay quiet, sometimes I make a comment but kinda scary to face the reactions. Not sure exactly what to do, I know staying totally quiet is not authentic, but neither is talking too much. Trying to find the balance.
  6. @Dovahkiin Hey there! I like your analysis. Just need to add these guys are very green, they are the nicest people, and I dont think they would actually hurt anybody if it came down to it, but who knows. They do love to vent out their anger and say preposterous things sometimes, but overall they dont act on this hate by hurting anyone. Just needed to clear that up. I never feel any threat of physical violence going down when I am around these people and I have alot of trust in them, they are good friends. Just the harsh comments pushed me to write these posts.
  7. @JustinS Nope, die hard atheists, rationalist, materialists. They think spirituality, shamanism, meditation retreats is a "hippy" wastes of time. They think psyheledics just give you a nifty experience in your "brain". They think shamans are just manipulative people out for the money. They think regular self help is that way too, people manipualting you to take your money. When I speak of non duality and the illusion of self and ego they can kind of accept the illusiory nature of life and reality but they dont really get how investigating that can "change things in the real world" When I get existential on them they pretty much brush it off as pointless chatter... one time one of them said life just is, and the point of it is to be happy., well that was pretty spot on heh. Its strange... they are all artists so they are in touch with their muse... but they just think that intuition, intelligence, and creativity are just functions of the brain and its evolution.
  8. @Leo Gura haha thanks! i will try that... not sure they will take
  9. really amazing book, read it for 12 hours straight lol, binged on it, then had to read it again and highlight it hehe lots of little sadhanas in there and great basic info... you are going to feel like you are in the mind of a genius you are going to love it
  10. its funny, my violin teacher told me once that a great composer was in the last few years of his life, kind of sick and dying but he kept getting flooded with new and more beautiful compositions to write... heh must have tapped into that infinite well of intelligence
  11. Best list ever! Only downside... I kinda miss reading fantasy, sci-fi and novels in general sometimes haha... Thanks for the update!
  12. Awesome man!!!! So beautiful. I loved this part "The only way to relate to other beings without creating suffering is the way of utter vulnerability. Like if you literally would lay you naked body in the arms of another person, exhale your last breath and say: You can have everything! My entire existence, it's yours!" This kind of surrender is the exact same surrender that is needed for enlightenment." I think this happens when you fall in love with someone. The trick would be to fall in love with reality, Truth, existence and be able to stay in love forever... Great stuff.
  13. Hey guys!!! I discovered something really amazing for those who want to learn to dance and meet people. Its called contact improvisation!! It has alot of people that are into spirituality, meditation and stuff. Kind of an underground thing, its not very mainstream. Anyways just wanted to share!! Here are some cool videos!
  14. @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj Sadhguru talks about yogis who need to be taken care of cause they are in samadhi ecstasy and can't function. Must be the same thing heh
  15. Good old pure mdma. The first time is unbelievable but it starts losing its magic real fast.
  16. lol i actually qualify, spiritual élite is a funny term i wouldnt mess around with other people like that. You can just talk about your experiences openly without trying to manipulate and push your agenda. if they want to try they will. dont worry about "saving" people or showing them the light... It's usually a distraction from looking inward.
  17. You gotta be the type of friend to others that you want for yourself... and then I think you start feeling people out, you start getting a sense of what they are about. After a while you can tell how egoic someone is and if they will vibe with you. I try and stay away from drama and people that are too critical in general. Its just hard to deal with.
  18. @Leo Gura See you on the other side of infinity!
  19. Happy bday! Plug that nose candy
  20. this made me laugh but then... yea its pretty creepy actually This whole killing the ego is the biggest mind fuck
  21. Ive been going up and down lately... um... its really weird. When I am good, I am really good and it seems like it cant go away. Then stuff will surface that really shakes me up for a while and it also seems it wont go away. Up and down, up and down. Would be nice to maintain the clarity.
  22. Medicina, medicinaaaaaa, cura, cura, mis amigos Nice man!