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Everything posted by Nexeternity

  1. - I kind of see how everything happens by itself... its a weight off my shoulders. - Theres not that heavy rigidity that used to sorround my life purpose. I do it but there is less obsessing about it. - I demonize much less... I can see that whatever I am judging is something Im projecting. - I can really soak up life even though I dont have alot of money, not worried about status, sex, and money like before. I can really enjoy looking at the sky, birds, plants, running water, or whatever as cliche as this sounds. - I can hear my inner muse much better than before heh. - I tell the truth more and can more easily catch myself manipulating. This work is awesome. I felt like it brought up all my bullshit to the surface real quick so it could be purified. Still got my whole life to keep learning more and more though, but looking foward to it
  2. A thought is basically a distinction. As in something that is distinct from everything else that its not. The thing is since there are no real boundaries between things, and there are not even things technically heh, the distinction is illusory. Reality gets fragmented through thought in order for the human to navigate it and survive. And so what isnt a thought would be observation, or the nature of the thing itself... that self aware infinite nothingness people are always talking about Its a deep topic and hard to explain Read the Book of Not Knowing by Peter Ralston, it will help alot. He basically tells you the answers to these questions but also helps you contemplate them yourself so you can get the deep existential insight firsthand.
  3. My Reiki teacher recommended this channeled material to me. I started reading it and it reminded me alot of the Law of One. I ran a search on here and didnt find it mentioned so I thought I would share! Enjoy From what I found its by an Italian lady that was raised in Peru. Her name is Franca Rosa Canonico de Schramm.
  4. @Ranz Kafka I see the truth in what you are saying. I just hate to see that truth turned into a limiting belief that forces you to beat yourself up in honor of healing.
  5. There is this quote that I am reminded of from this master... "The only way to end the violence in yourself, in others, and in the world that sorrounds you is through inner faith, and inner meditation. Dont look for false doors to end the violence." Glad you are okay
  6. @Voyager It sounds a bit harsh to put yourself through so much in the name of healing and getting better. Maybe there can be lighter, softer, more loving ways to heal and grow than doing this if its causing you so much pain.
  7. Hehe I guess this is so people dont freak out like the last time this happened
  8. @Voyager I think a good foundational life purpose helps alot. For the fun of doing it, not for the meaning. That way you can enjoy your Being while you work out letting go of the negative meanings and Dark nights you get attached to. The life purpose can be your grounding, your balance, your temporary center as you keep cultivating Being. Read the enlightenment books on the book list, they really help too!
  9. The All free from words, purpose, and reason. Open beyond space and time. Filled impossibly full, extreme over extreme. Dimensionless yet infinite in its dimensions. Lacking ignorance, it seeks to experience limits. For Being without limits it thus has one limit. The limit of not having a limit. And so you are. Exploring yourself and tasting the limitless through limit. Creating form through the formless, dancing with a boundless body. Chancing through the chanceless. Searching through the searchless. Oneness basks in manyness. Oh joy. Such blessings. Playing for eternity.
  10. @Wes Thoughts Mmmm well I dont think anything new. But it has helped to bring abstract insights, concepts, "beliefs" into the body. Like it made me really aware how I disconnect from Being, how lack of consciousness creates negative emotions or negative meanings to things that dont really have them. It helped to get an overview of how my mind works, how existence works. Its hard to put into words, I think I need months to integrate all this. It kind of left me more in the zone of not knowing than of knowing. More humble I think. Oh I saw my roles really clearly somehow. How in the beggining I was kind of proud of myself being all centered and meditative and then kind of ashamed when the plant was kicking my ass. It kind of helped me see those roles and play with them but not believe in them as much.
  11. Hi guys, I wanted to share a bit of my trip with you. At first the experience was really beautiful, the pschedelic effects, the increased ability to contemplate, self enquire, just generally look inside. I tried not to distract myself too much looking at my hands changing and the infinite fractals that appeared. Then I went to get another shot from the shaman. And things got very dark. I felt like I was getting lost in the laberynth of my mind, my consciousness couldnt hold onto any coherent structure, all the beliefs where just falling away. I felt possesed and taken over by a demon kind of, and felt myself facing my own insanity. The plant was kicking my ass heh. Twisted as they say. Thankfully I had heard about that from Leos trip videos so I just kept trying to go back to self inquiring, letting go, accepting, becoming aware. The shaman helped me out, blew tabacco on me and had me reach up to hold his hand. I got a bit paranoid that I was being taken over by somebody else . Thankfully I came back fine, and it feels like a lot of tension was released. I can see things more clearly, I am not over thinking as much. Part of me wants people to do it, and another part of me feels that you really should do lots of research, meditation, find the right shaman, etc. Its scary to think that I could recommend this experience to somebody and they could get fucked up. Overall I feel much better than before. More calm, less overthinking. More intune, intuitive. Hopefully Ill be able to integrate the experience somehow and just keep practicing. I kept a pretty strict vegan diet, just a bit of cheese and yogurt, and some bread, but mostly fruits, vegetables, seeds, lentils, quinoa. I think thanks to that I only got a little naseaus but not much. I didnt throw up. Thanks guys for being here to share with.
  12. @Leo Gura Ok touche. Just wanted to argue against focusing on personal inner growth to the exclusion of helping others, or helping others to the exclusion of personal inner growth. They feed off each other... I think that limiting inner growth limits the help you can give to others and limiting the help you give to others also limits inner growth. That they should go together and be balanced.
  13. @Leo Gura @The White Belt I think trying to put one as a priority over the other is a trap. The work should create change in both yourself and others around you simultaneously, as a system. Trying to save yourself and forgetting the suffering of others or save the world and not working on yourself are two false choices that limit the potential transformation to both the person and the sorrounding community. So basically its both, not either/or, not prioritizing one over the other.
  14. Hi guys. I wanted to share a couple books and links on here that have been very profound for me. They are written by a guy nick named Silo who started a humanist movement in Argentina which has spread to many parts of the world. There are a couple of "reflection and study parks" in the states and several small communities too. I really liked them because the people I have met seem very grounded, undogmatic, and very focused on doing practical inner work. Anyways Ill post some links down below for any that might be curious. use subtitles for the videoíguez_Cobos
  15. I think you should find a way to make ends meet and find a way to get laid every once in a while. But give yourself some time to get those two things figured out. Once you have those needs met you will be able to focus on your life purpose better. On the other hand your life purpose can help you get laid. There is something very attractive about someone that is passionate about something and is pursuing it. I have this ideal that life purpose, an intimate relationship, and enlightenment/spirituality/conection to existence can be three things that synergize each other. Each of those three things seperately can be pretty intense sources of happiness and so in that happier state going after the other two is easier I feel.
  16. I love this post! - Seeing everyone in the subway with their serious and gloomy faces and thinking how beautiful everyone is. - Seeing a disabled kid ride a bike with training weels and his father tell him "Make sure to swallow and look foward!" - Seeing and hearing a mom sing to her baby. - Guy helping a blind man cross the street. - Staring at my girlfriend (now ex) and just feeling so much love. - Improving on the violin. Kinda feels sometimes like angels are helping me. - Seeing special needs kids having fun and how their teachers help them. I wrote this poem in spanish talking about the beauty of consciousness. Ill try to translate it here... Beauty The brightness of color, the sharpness of sound. How can I describe the transparency? A world made out of glass. To know that things cant be grabbed, and are made out of nothing. Miraculous, magical, mystical sensations. Humid eyes contemplate such power. Looking for yourself and finding you are all. Letting go and transforming into the moon. How rich and without luxury. Beauty of consciousness.
  17. I especially love the first one with the asian lady hehe
  18. This is similar to Excercise 5 but it has you looking for the opposite. Exercise: Looking for seperation Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience. Ask yourself, "What is seperating me from anything I am aware of?" Where is the seperation between one thing and another thing that I am aware of? Where is the seperation I make between things and myself in my awareness? Where is the seperation I make between myself and my awareness? Try to become deeply conscious that you cant find anything seperating anything else.
  19. Nothingness must exist exercise Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience. Notice that Nothing must exist for you to be aware of something. Notice in your visual field that there has to be Nothing in front of the thing you actually see for you to see it. If there was "something" in front of the thing you were seeing you would see that "something" and not the something that you do actually see. Notice that In your audio field there must be Nothing for you to hear what you actually hear. If there was "something" you would hear that "something" instead of the something you do actually hear. When hearing silence there must also be Nothing for you to be aware of it. Notice that in your body Nothing must pervade and filter through all the sensations you feel or else if "something" pervaded and filtered through what you were feeling you would feel that "something" instead of what you actually feel. Finally, notice that in your mind, in that dimension in which you are aware of thoughts, that there must also be Nothing for you to be aware of the thoughts you are actually aware of, or else if there was "something" you would observe that "something" instead of the thought you do actually observe. Nothingness must exist for us to be aware of anything at all.
  20. @Leo Gura Leo ive heard you say there are límits to reality, though much less than what the naive realist imagines. Técnically speaking there shouldnt be any limits no? I get that in practice there are but tecnically there arent right?
  21. No free will massage excercise Sit comfortably and quietly, still your mind, and become aware of direct experience. Look at one of your hands and forearms. Massage them with your other hand in a slow free flowing manner. Notice that it feels like you are doing this. Notice however that its imposible to know the exact moment when you would begin the massage. Notice that you dont know exactly how the massage will be, the pressure you will use, what áreas you stay longer massaging. Notice that its impossible to know the exact moment when you will end the massage. The massage is really happening by itself, there is no you doing it, any sense of control is illusory.