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Everything posted by Vladz0r

  1. I haven't been able to follow my ideal routine, but this is what I always used to do in college. 6:30 - wake up 6:35-6:55 - 20 minute guided meditation 7:00-8:00 - Japanese studying 8:00 - shower 8:15 - light breakfast, music, go for walk 9:00 - go to class Just replace the Japanese studying with a productive activity, ideally something that's not involving going on your phone to go on youtube, but more like listening to an audiobook or reading something specific.
  2. It's cheaper and more convenient, tastier, arguably contains more of the amino acids and certain minerals, and works well with diets like keto. Some of the things can be produced sustainably as well. I think the jury is still out on veganism. When I went vegan I ballooned in weight and I never ate any candy or sugar, just high fiber fruits, vegetables, low glycemic carbs. I feel like maybe in the future I'd go like keto pescitarian at the most, and switch to consuming organic grass-fed pasteur raised produce, and lots of coconut milk, nuts, avacados, oils like olive oil, and then organic cream/cheese/etc. for my fat intake, followed by a lot of vegetables. It's just too crippling of a diet for me, especially financially, go keto and vegan. I'd drive myself insane eating nothing but this stuff all day (minus the dairy in that list). The only thing that's cheap, calorie dense, keto and vegan would be peanuts (which are awful for you), a portion of high fiber beans or split peas, and coconut milk. In fact if you exclude coconut milk and cooking oils on keto, and you're trying to go clean vegan keto, you're looking to spend like $5/day absolute minimum to meet your calorie requirements, and that's if you're eating straight up almonds all day to hit your calorie needs. If you're doing vegan non-keto, obviously it's way cheaper. Currently we spend maybe $40/week for 2 people doing mostly keto. But I think if I was living on my own, I would do it, and maybe just source some good supplements to keep from dying to vitamin/mineral deficiency from veganism. Really food science is such a joke when it comes to the micronutrients and effects of plant vs. animal diets, and the ratios. We don't even know whether an 80% plant 20% animal product diet is better or worse than a 50-50 or 100-0 diet, really, in the long term. Does adding things like green tea, honey, matcha, berries, probiotics, fish oil, and fiber to the diet balance out a diet where a quarter of your calories come from animal products? How about organic grassfed vs. conventional? I'd like to know what the "correct" answer to this is first, so I can make my diet more closely resemble that. As for moral qualms, I have none about meating meat. I don't think I ever will. Really though, as an example of a top diet, just copy off of the Japanese diet and habits, which are high starch, low carb, but contains a lot of probiotics in the form of miso, and seafood, and walking through the city instead of driving or going by bus as often. It has to mean something when the most overworked people on the planet are living the longest. Japanese food pyramid thing -
  3. "Late Stage Disney movies contain deeply disingenuous themes and a pale imitation of post-modernism that only jokingly mocks its own canon and deconstructs not to criticize but to defend itself from criticism of its own place in late stage capitalism." The stuff about capitalism is pretty true. It's an inevitable result of capitalism and companies basically becoming sellouts. Look at any video game company that got big for example. Nintendo continues to drop more of its intellectual properties and reduce the complexity of its games. AAA Video game companies favor graphics over gameplay and fail to innovate. Quality is never really the focus of mainstream media at this point. Movies and games used to have to be good AND market themselves well in order to become popular. Now the kids just play Fortnite and Call of Duty, and watch pumped out Marvel movies that are dumbed down and funded by the Chinese. There was really a time where deeper games got deep or thought-provoking, full of interesting culture and storytelling. Second wave feminism in the west is also kind of a joke, but I don't want to get into that. Just watch ShoeOnHead on youtube for that argument against the mainstream goofy western idea of feminism. Wait, do people think Disney is woke? Ok, the friendly millionaire thing is actually pretty wild, I have to say. I didn't notice that theme in the few late stage Disney movies I've seen.
  4. Dude is honestly a joke. This election is going to be a sh1tshow if the establishment doesn't feel the Bern.
  5. Does anyone actually know his current diet? This whole thread is so speculative.
  6. Gotta love how bad the statistics are looking for the US. So far we have like a 6% death rate, almost every other country has 3-5%. Not sure how the breakdown of % of elderly is impacting this statistic, and if the sample size it too low, but it's certainly not reassuring for our healthcare system. There are plenty of cases that have been undocumented, and likely people that have recovered. The big company that I'm working at (over 100k employees across the US) is doing drills for having entire staff groups work remotely, and I'm currently still a contractor so I won't be able to utilize this remote access. Schools and businesses that rely on social interaction are going to be a haven for the virus, so I'm starting to get just a bit anxious at a potential prolonged job suspension for the family here, as it creeps into our city day by day. The weekly healthcare cos ts won't go away for us during this period, so it can get pretty crappy. I already got us some prep gear, just need to stock up on packaged food like nuts, seeds, maybe even grains since there's cheap. Depends on if we'll ever hit China levels of being banned from going outside. I'd like to think some mandatory hand sanitizer and common courtesy check at the door of specific businesses would be a bit helpful. Not freaking out yet, but trying to plan ahead. I think we have to look and see what the people and governments on the west coast, specifically L.A. are doing in response to the virus, and plan from there.
  7. Sounds kinda like telling an American doctor you're doing keto. My doctors encourage all these high carb high protein diets that are what skyrocketed me to being endlessly hungry and 100 pounds heavier than I used to be. I can follow the FDA recommended diets to a T, eating plenty of pasta, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and lean meats. Curry with rice and beans and chicken breasts as a staple for a long time. I mean I got this big without even doing added sugar into my diet. The high carbs alone have me hungry after a 1500 calorie meal 2 hours later. I also had a similar experience with the god thing and was put in an institution, so yeah, stay level headed around other people. "Law 38: Think As You Like, But Behave Like Others"
  8. There are some stats to show that Bernie has outperformed on Super Tuesday and is closer than when vs. Hillary. There's some math on it I saw on leddit, where they think he could get 54% of the vote or something. Imo there are a lot of factors working for and against him. For: Bernie's national polling with African Americans is better than 2016, and with Latinos it's HUGELY better than 2016. In some states Bernie got over 80% of the Latino vote. In head to head polls, Bernie fares well against Biden More media coverage will inevitably happen when there's 2 candidates We have 3-4 months or so till the DNC, so there's potential for a momentum swing, debates between Bernie and Biden. I don't think Biden will accept many debates though, if any. Bernie is utilizing more lite attacks and Obama praises in his ads. Against: Turnout has been worse than 2016 No money for ads Potentail for insane establishment money thanks to more people dropping out Media coverage of Biden, positioning him as the frontrunner, will swing a lot of the moderates who may have defaulted to Bernie if Biden continued to do poor and Bernie cleaned up on Super Tuesday. More southern states left with older black vote will continue to gut Bernie's efforts. Better polling rural and even some suburban white areas this year than what Hillary vs. Bernie was Out of the next 10 states, Bernie lost 8 of them in 2016. Clean consolidation on the Establishment side with Pete and Mini Mike, with Elizabeth Warren staying neutral so she can unite the party or whatever later, kind of like Obama. Lite endorsement from Obama, if you look into the talks that have been going on recently between Obama and Biden, and with how Obama talked with Pete. The momentum swing is really going to be tough if Bernie can't improve the turnout this next Tuesday. Pennsylvania votes later on and could potentially swing the entire election, but without momentum I doubt it.
  9. The reason people think Biden is safer is because he's known. In reality, he'll crumble in the debate, and the young people won't come out to vote for him. Trump has been running rallies all throughout the year. It'll be a close one, for sure. We've never put Bernie in the mainstream spotlight where he would actually shine. If Bernie was the default nominee and started getting the same regular news coverage that any other delegate has ever gotten, he'd quickly start to click with more of those default voters. But then this kind of discounts the fact that there are a lot of corporate establishment democrats who will pump millions into Trump in the case of Bernie vs. Trump, and his electibility could quickly slip. In a Biden vs. Trump situation, there's kind of less of a reason to get involved. We already saw a case of a Big Oil PAC throwing ads against Bernie, and multiple other PACs drafting anti-Bernie ads. It could've easily ramped up towards the general election. I mean, up till now, Fox News has been more positive of Bernie than any other channel on TV. Period. It's hard to imagine people giving him the time of day. The electibility thing for Bernie would only work out he managed to swing the media and solidify a spot as the default democrat. What we'll likely see after Biden's nomination is a a mix of radio silence on politics in the media, with some occasional attacks on both sides. It's a win-win election for the establishment, so they'll just think Biden has it in the bag anyway, and it'll just be a repeat of 2016. @Husseinisdoingfine I'm with you, sick of the neoliberals. It's unfortunate Obama isn't called out for all the garbage he did, but with the two-party system, the Left generally avoids doing that. @Serotoninluv Yeah, I know lgbt pocs who are going to just default back to Biden now as well. People get go back to that lesser of two evils mentality. Bernie's never really won over the media. I feel like for a while this year, Bernie was actually getting some solid media coverage, especially in the weeks before Bloomberg's ads started rolling in.
  10. I think this is a major takeaway here. We do all these dumb polls every election with Bernie, where we take some sample of young or college educated people and say like "Do you support medicare for all" or "Do you support free healthcare" or something like that, and go "Hey look, see! A majority prefer medicare for all! We're progressive!" I mean, yes, obviously if you lay it out and/or tell it to the people that understand, it will make sense. I explained the healthcare system to my senior citizen stepdad through analogies and examples, and he'd vote Bernie if he was the nominee, but he'll just vote Biden as default like every other regular democrat voter in November. If you paid every person in America a higher wage under the condition they vote for Bernie to enact the policeis that would reap them those savings, of course a lot of people would vote. It's right in front of them at that point. There is no primetime progressive news. There is no coverage of policies in politics. The social consciousness is not there. It's like that generational replacement thing Leo mentioned in a video or post, that would need to happen first. Maybe another decade or two is requires for a country like the US. It seems rigged to leftists because the platforms progressive use and flock to have a different demographic. It's like saying that financial advice on TV is rigged against people because it's not as progressive as YouTube. Well, obviously it is generally rigged. The audience is boomers who have been stuck believing the same old nonsense from 80s TV. Boomer generations still think that they'll have lower credit scores if they pay off their credit cards in full. If proper advice was given, might actually lose some of their audience due to the dissonance. More importantly, they might start to see slower returns on their investments! I always have trouble engaging with older people on socioeconomic issues because their whole foundation is just off from what my generation sees as more accurate. You kinda just have to be that shining example that people come to for advice way after the fact, change your living situation, do whatever you can do within your means. I'm super salty but I kind of expected this establishment gang up inevitably as soon as I saw how the national polls were divided between the establishment and the left-wing.
  11. This would imply that our people weren't braindead and actually cared about policy. If you forced the American public to watch the debates and examine the records of all politicians, Bernie would win in a landslide.
  12. Don't be so quick to call out the entire Chinese government. They don't enact the same food regulations in Wuhan that are in other places in China. They're trying to get ahold of their territory. The bigger issues stem from the their lack of free speech under totalitarian government. We've been theorizing what type of next virus there'd be. You're probably a lot safer going to China and getting good healthcare than staying in the US, honestly, if you're like 50+ and have that higher rate of fatality from the virus. If you think the United States would ever send in Military doctors into California and New York to try and protect their people, you're sorely mistaken. On our end, we're looking to privatize the coronavirus cure and yield a nice profit from it, so now would be the time to invest some stocks into big pharama. And yes, not only the unhealthy are gonna die. All it'll take is a kid spreading it to his entire school, and thus the adults and their families. On average, a kid's parent is going to be 10-20x as likely to die from it than the kids themselves. In US public schools the kids will probably make a joke or a game out of spreading the coronavirus to each other.
  13. Bloomberg just dropped out and endorsed Biden. I guess all we need now is for Warren to drop out and endorse Biden as well so we can forget about politics for the next 4 years. *edit* Someone else posted it, but yeah. Ggwp.
  14. I've always found it counterproductive to think of things in terms of willpower. I especially dislike some people's notion that willpower being something you "deplete" each day. It's another self-fulling prophecy. I like to think of it in terms of building small habits, and building continual interest in the activity concsciously and subconsciously. If you're trying to program or learn languages, watch videos on that process. Look at videos in the language (or programming language) you're trying to learn. Hit up the Discord chats. Throw some podcasts onto your phone with interesting content. Put youtube on in the background, etc. Yeah it does take some initial willpower for this type of setup, because it means you have to choose to do this instead of watching cat videos and memes on youtube, or listen to music during commutes and such. For me though, I find most of the effort to be in the initial setup to kickstart everything, and I try to build a semi-routine by just getting an influx of media towards whatever I'm interested in. Whether it's going to the gym or doing a diet, learning about business or investing, etc. For @Flowerfaeiry for business, I would start with subscribing to youtube channels that look good, either based specifically on your type of business, and/or for generalized business things. I'd check reddit to see if they have recommendations on this. Then I'd fill my phone with several audiobooks and start listening to them. I have a repository of audiobooks I can share or recommend through things like audible trials and whatnot, if you need any one specifically. Leo's book list is pretty solid for this. I'd check out: So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Mastery by Robert Greene, and maybe "Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future" I haven't read a lot of business-specific books, but I think working on some fundamental things to build up attraction and mastery is important for rapid improvement, for a lot of business design. This will help you seek out business partners and outsource from legitimate people more easily, I feel.
  15. I actually started listening to this book, got a few hours into it. I feel like the core message of this book can be summed up easily if you already know about Mastery and Skill Transfer. Basically you get good at one or two things, and then everything else will start to become more easy. Bill Gates refers to this phenomenom as building mental models and frameworks. For example, you can watch videos or read things about 1800-2020 US History to get a sense of a timeline first. Then you can go more specifically into individual wars, presidents, global issues in that timeline. Then you can read biographies and get even more specialized info that helps to solidify that mental model. I feel like Leo's life purpose course and audiobook recommendations kind of spoiled me with my current understanding of mastery, so I didn't get a whole lot out of what I read from Epstein's book. I'd check out Mastery by Robert Greene. There are other versions like George Leonard's that Leo mentions, but I've always liked Greene's over George Leonard's, due to the relatability of the anecdotes.
  16. Well, if Biden's the nominee, expect a high chance of another Trump presidency. At best, I'm hoping that the cuts to social security, the repeal of federal programs like student loan forgiveness, and Medicare may possibly lead to slight increases in wages or a reduction in taxes. Social Security might make it tight for my parents, but maybe it'll encourage them to save like I've been telling them for the past decade. Honestly I'd be more worried of an Establishment democrat who can "get things done" as in make it worse for the middle class over someone like Trump. Domestically I don't even feel like most of what Trump has done has been as disastrous as what Obamacare has done. Obamacare is like a USSR communist approach with capitalism at its core for the private insurance industry. It'd be like if everyone got a free government car, and then they forced the auto industry to recoop those losses at every dealership, and then banned secondhand sale of cars. That's essentially what they did with how insurance prices hiked. Unfortunately now that we've gotten used to paying the higher prices, I can't see them going down, or employee wages going up for people that have health insurance covered, even if they cut or repeal Obamacare. Internationally, all the war involvement under Obama and Hillary under secretary of state looks worse than even what Trump's done. Trump and Biden both have a history of sub-par or bad trade policies, but Biden would really just be an Establishment puppet working in the shadows, simultaneously having no idea what he's doing in public, and just signing off whateve crooked deals the blues and reds want him to sign in. Bernie or bust for me. I'll proudly vote Trump in the general, even if he says some people in my ethnicity should "go back to Mexico or the Middle East" even though they were born here. Biden supporters are worse race traitors and socioeconomic policy traitors, and really just worse traitors of democracy itself.
  17. I attempted to "get over" the "addiction". I definitely feel like I'm not as attached to the habit anymore, even though I enjoy it more than ever. It doesn't seem like an issue or anything that gets in the way of my focus or anything now, whereas in the past it kind of used to. I feel like there's a self-fulling prophecy effect, though, where all these videos and nofap and terminology will make you think the condition is way worse than it is. "PMO, addiction, relapse, spilled my seed, etc." Unhook from those negative attitudes towards it. For me, nofap past a week made me more lethargic and tired than anything else. I kind of just self-regulate now. I mean if you're going at it like twice a day or more and stockpiling the stuff, you might have an issue. If your testosterone is low or you feel extremely lethargic when you use porn, and then energized when you stop for days or weeks at a time, that might mean you could use some supplements and implement more balance in your life. Ironically for me, stockpiling good material wound up making the process pretty quick and enjoyable when I do use the stuff. It's part of what got rid of the compulsiveness and franticness of the whole activity, I think. Being open about the activity itself is also useful. Talking with friends and online friends and whatnot can help. I try to celebrate the activity a bit, like going out to eat at a good restaurant.
  18. If anyone but Bernie comes out on top from this I'm getting the crap outta this country ASAP. Like honestly this situation is such a joke. Plenty of my 1st world problems would be resolved quickly if I was in a different country. Looking at Japan, China, Denmark, maybe even Spain right now. But honestly, what Obamacare's half-assed approach to healthcare, catering to the for-profit insurance companies did to the middle class is arguably worse than most of what Trump has done, in terms of policies that affect me directly. The bombings under Obama and Hillary are crazy as well. Obviously having poor relationships with Korea, the Middle East, Russia, and China aren't too good on Trump's part, but it's more the lack of infrastructure investments that I'm concerned with. Cut social security and federal student debt relief all you want, I just won't teach and I'll support my family a bit more I guess.
  19. came here to post this, verbatim
  20. Vegan Gains lmao... Still can't get over his hilariously bad online girlfriend relationship I hate the way this guy talks though, honestly, but there's some humor in this before he goes into vegan shilling.
  21. I mean, I'm not really worried about the actual chance of dying. I'm in the younger age bracket so my chances of fatality as 0.2%. For my parents though it's closer to 2-4%, so 10-20x mine. Some estimates are saying coronavirus could hit 40-70% of the population. I'm not really concerned with the virus itself or getting it, just more about a potential state of emergency, food shortages or scalping in my area, and government shutdown type of situation. I mean I would hope that our means of production and ways of buying direct from Walmart or Amazon will continue to hold up strong during this whole situation. It could also continue slowly increase in the coming months, booming a bit in the spring/fall due to everyone being out in the good weather, drop off a bit in the summer due to heat and lack of schools being open, and then progressing as the winter months come back, kids go back to school, colder weather promotes weaker immune health, etc. Sure, the coronavirus won't kill the kids who are spreading it, but it's going to be pretty bad for older teachers and adults who have a 20x chance of fatality. More schools are going to continue to close nationwide, so that may curb the spread. I got like $300 of those supplies I mentioned, mostly so I can at least power my stuff outside in the yard if there's any outages here in the suburbs, and we're stocking up on supplies for stuff we already use, just to avoid scalping. My Chinese friend's parents have been stocking up as well, and I've seen a youtuber or two I subscribe to starting to stock up, though they're in the west coast. I kind of want it to just run its course, whatever that may entail.
  22. I'm sorry but I find this absolutely hilarious, regardless of what the führer has done. I like how he treats these events like a comedy routine. He's gotta improve his Crazy Bernie routine, but the mini Mike and Pocahontas ones are quite enjoyable.
  23. You're still a baby. Brain hasn't matured yet so you're still not balanced out in the risk vs. reward yet. Just find 1 interesting productive hobby to work on, learn about mastery (Mastery by Robert Greene, Ted Talks, Leo videos), and undo some neuroticism through reflection, awareness, self-actualization work, meditation. Keep up like 2 basic habits of doing that, and really just spend more time doing that each day. Put Leo's audio version videos on your phone or something to listen to, run it in the background, whatever. I feel like the hard part is penetrating the subconscious mind, and for that you really need a lot of input (Stephen Krashen's Input Hypothesis) and low anxiety (Noam Chomsky on his language acquisition device and Krashen on the filter). Whatever you lsiten to a lot of each day, you'll slowly gravitate towards. All those type of goals like doing the vision board, doing a journal, etc. can be good but you need a core foundation of inputting a lot to have the concepts down, and 1 productive hobby to actualize those. It could be language learning, exercise, piano, whatever. Then you can apply it to the rest of your life. I found that the journaling and vision board stuff gave me paralysis by analysis. I do a lot of notes using Google Keep with ideas and my todolists, and from watching more of Leo's videos, I found this to be a better use of my time. Not to knock it, but you have to create habits that are easy first, and give you that feeling of "I just need to show up, and it's a free win." For me, this means I listen to Leo, audiobooks, political ideas, and focus on my language learning, go to the daily meat grinder and keep writing down ideas for when I can escape the capitalism wage cuckery.
  24. It's like not even true though. Trump is a memer
  25. I just explained the threshold thing in my post. Good to know Amy dropped out.