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About blacksapp

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  • Birthday 02/10/1995

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  1. @bejapuskas That's really true, as the better I get, more I can get people closer...thank you for the words! I'm trying to be consistent in those things...sometimes I know theory but lacks of practice makes me going in the wrong directions but I'll work hard to get better everyday! @Jack River It is a kind of cold way to think but I guess boils up to this if you look straight up...but in the moment I guess I'll have to absorb things a little less critical in a way to process it all... but thank to the advice as well!
  2. @Shin I'm trying to, but I'm in the lower consciousness spectrum right now... The only way I can see by now is this: Approach -> Build Trust -> Strength the relationship-> Relationship But I'm not sure if it is the best way
  3. Thanks @SFRL, I will check them out! @Awomanaware Thank you too... It is kinda hard for me to practice it, but probably is the reason I can't properly relate to people and more specific to girls aswell... Sometimes I get myself absorving labels that is given, what turns to get hard to 'unlink' the label to what I believe of myself...
  4. I mean, I was watching Leo's video "How to be a strategic motherfucker" and a doubt came to me... As a person with difficult in relating and reaching to love and stuff, is there any strategy to really get to know someone, 'cause I never can reach the real point to get engaged (like getting a girlfriend), its like I miss the point even in normal relationships with friends and stuff. Is there any "strategy" to love?
  5. Heya, @Andreas! Leo shoot a video talking about this: If you haven't seen it yet, its pretty good tho. Helped me a lot
  6. Would you have as a Girlfriend / Boyfriend someone who confessed to you that still like someone else? I mean like, still like someone else (like 10%) and wanna have you as a bf/gf...would you?
  7. @Dan Arnautu Thanks Dan, I'll do that! Probably I'll sent you in DM. Thanks again.
  8. Hey Dan! First of all, thanks for the iniciative...I think it helped a lot of us for understanding a little bit better ourselves. Well, I don't want to be too long so I'll try to resume it. In my 15's I lost a lot of friends (new people around kinda stole them), got depressed and had no one to care about...parents too busy. Since then, I'm not able to make friends, hate socializing and got stuck in porn and video-games to satisfy that sadness within. Everybody make laugh at me because the way I walk, the way I talk...l've been trying to get better but is so frustrating to be in a place the you are "a clown". The biggest problem is that I couldnt see the problema 'till now. Today, I'm actually single, have basically no friends, I have a job but wish to have a better one but no able to find. I'm christian and it does not allow me to go even to pickups to get better with girls...I feel like I'm in a cave and I'm trapped. Really don't know what to do. Thanks
  9. @Shin Well, I feel comfortable by myself, so yes is that what I want. It seems to me that I like being alone its the best choice, instead of being with other people (since looks like nobody care's if I'm there or not). And I feel so commum to be treated like a robot...When I have some use, people approach me, but in a daily basis just being ignored. People around me seems abusive and I don't feel like involing myself. What do you think?
  10. I mean, these days I've been feeling really solitary and I do not like to going out. I don't like to be around another people...I can do it for a while but it gets annoying and uninteresting. Even my family I don't feel connections anymore. I feel like I'm a total stranger anywhere. Is it possible to be in completely solitude? (excluding in my job and places that I've to work or do something).
  11. I did the same thing last week during my exams and I felt the same way! I think that the concentration used got us on a "Flow" state that made us just want to do it more and more. Perhaps it is the feeling of doing something with the much effort that I can "until I burn out"...using our maximum potential! The feeling that we can really "do something good" with the much effort that we can...maybe is the feeling that we have when we reach our life porpouse! Thats some things that I tought. What you think?
  12. I mean, I've broke up with my ex it's almost a year and there's some things that still trigger me emotionally. What should I consciently do, to get over it? When I say triggers I mean by musics, I can't stand hear some bands or some kind of atitudes / words. Would anyone have some words to help?
  13. My cognitive style is: PRAGMATIC My organization style is: FLEXIBLE My energy style is: INTROVERTED My stress management level is: REACTIVE My interpersonal style is: COLLABORATIVE Openness Traits: Imagination - HIGH Artist Interests - ABOUT AVERAGE Emotionality - HIGH Adventurousness - LOW Intellectual Interest - LOW Liberalism - LOW Conscientiousness Traits: Self Efficacy - LOW Orderliness - HIGH Dutifulness - ABOUT AVERAGE Achievement striving - LOW Cautiousness - LOW Extraversion Traits: Friendliness - LOW Gregariousness - LOW Assertiveness - LOW Activity Level - LOW Excitement seeking - ABOUT AVERAGE Cheerfulness - LOW Neuroticism Traits: Anxiety - HIGH Anger - HIGH Depression - HIGH Self Consciousness - HIGH Immoderation - ABOUT AVERAGE Vulnerability - HIGH Agreeableness Traits Trust - ABOUT AVERAGE Honesty - ABOUT AVERAGE Altruism - LOW Co-operation - ABOUT AVERAGE Modesty - HIGH Sympathy - HIGH
  14. @Nahm I will try that! I've seen that most of my mind-sets are cripling and negatives...I drag me down by myself >: But I'll give a step at a time and try to build this positive thoughts about myself and what I see Thank you!