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Everything posted by Erlend

  1. Hey folks Does MDMA have potential in personal and spiritual growth? Or is it just a mindless drug that can't help? Ive heard different things from different sources, but would assume it has potential.
  2. Hey folkz Sometimes, often during meditation but also at random times during the day when my mind quiets down, this humming sound appears in the back of my head. Ive heard its common to get humming like this only to the extreme when one do DMT. Any correlation? Also, can anyone relate?
  3. The toughest thing was realising that the people I love, I have been loving from ego point of view. I got over that, talking to Martin Ball, extending that love I feel for those people to everyone(thing) else because it is all, of course, just me anyways <3
  4. @unknownworld okay man. awakening is reaching the experience of seeing reality as it is. However, with an awakening, this experience lasts only a period of time. when we say enlightenment, we refer to having that experience permanently. This is how we generally define these two terms in non-duality. But remember, words can be used to mean different things depending on person, setting and more - which is fine! But as I said, what I gave here is the general definition of the words.
  5. @Visionary I can also often feel like my brain is physically changing/moving/stirring around (lol)
  6. @Gopackgo Man, that's awesome! Your description of it fits how I experience it very well. I do do concentration practises. When it flexes (either by itself or from me doing it consciously) thought clears, I leave my made up "mind-reality" and become more instilled on what is real (the here-and-now and my immediate surroundings). Its like a frequently recurring refocus on real reality. What is cool is that this happens a lot during the day, so its like I'm working on enlightenment even when I'm not sitting down and doing a specific practise. Thanks for sharing that you too experience it, I'm glad.
  7. you gotta do stopping before you can stop doing lol
  8. its basically a complete stop yea. but you can't stop for real without having TRIED TO STOP for a while. counterintuitive fucking shit
  9. I think the average level of consciousness is rising; slowly but surely. In the end will all of us be "enlightened"? Maybe, but we'll probably die out as a species before that happens
  10. The same goes for me man! I actually made a post about only a couple days ago
  11. You can always meditate You do just that or do it while you do something else, as for example playing a game. Its just easier and (maybe) more effective to only meditate.
  12. Whats good people. As you do this type of personal and spiritual development work seriously for a while, your consciousness expands and grows and you get a bigger picture understanding of reality. And most people don't devote much time to this kind of deep, inner work. Like, I'm in no way an all-knowing, enlightened guru and I can have fun and enjoy to some degree the presence of most anyone, but after working hard on the type of work we do with for a couple years now, what I notice start happening more and more is that I'm having trouble relating to people on a meaningful level. As if I'm growing away from them and moving away from the population average consciousness, if I may word it like that haha. It just feels like I grow so much I don't fit in anymore and finding people I really like and can connect with is hard. I can imagine many of you guys feel the same way? What do you do? Find that one buddy who understands? Stop growing lol? (And no, I'm not trying to get validation or ego boost lolololol)
  13. I'm on the path as many of you and its exciting. Rocky but pretty amazing. I just wanted to know if anyone here is "enlightened" yet?
  14. So guys, where can you buy 5 meo? Cant seem to find it...