Mike Rivers

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About Mike Rivers

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  1. 1.) Q: What is the Intent for spirituality? A: To realize God. E: There is no greater thing to realize and invest “time” into. This is top priority. One cannot become enlightened, but only the realization of it can come about. Thus, the objective is to increase the percentages of this by putting time into the work which can serve as a catalyst. 2.) Q: Analysis and Gathering of intelligence? A: There are three stages to realization 1.) Neti-Neti: Process of elimination to break the false identification of the ego. 2.) Self Abidance: once the process of phenomenal elimination is finished, remain as what is left which itself is not an experience. It cannot be found, it can only be. 3.) Yeti-Yeti: This is the process of the realization of oneness with the entire phenomenal spectrum. There are no boundaries between awareness (God) and the entire spectrum of phenomenal experience. E: https://www.actualized.org/forum/topic/7587-list-of-enlightenment-exercises/ -Rupert Spira, Mooji, Adyashanti, Shinzen Young. 3.) Q: preparation of resources? A: time and intensity in solitude are the only resources needed. 4.) Q: Concentration of force? A: execute when the schedule says so. This is also the utmost priority. It is better if most of the free time is put into this. Friday and saturday after 5 can be used to hang with friends. After that, sundays are used to go to the gym and do enlightenment work in solitude. Furthermore, every night before going to sleep, taking time for enlightenment work. 5.) Q: execution? A: execute when the schedule says so. 6.) Q: Adaptability? A: just get it done. There maybe be short bursts of time when there is an emergency in the xy, but for the most part, most of the free time is invested in this. 7.) Q: Study of Principals? A: Refer to notes about these: actualized, Rupert Spira, books, adyashanti, neti neti, meditation, being. Books: - The Science of Enlightenment by Shinzen Young. - The Attention Revolution by Alan Wallace. - The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. -The book of not knowing. - Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle. Summary: Live a minimalist lifestyle and declutter mental and physical things in order to focus time and attention into what is most important. Have the breakthrough and use the insight to purify life and get rid of old mental and physical patterns/habits.
  2. hello! I also do the wim hof method. I suggest you treat it like lifting weights. you dont want to walk in the gym and bench press 315lbs right away for you will get hurt. Progressively overload the cold exposure and listen to your body accordingly without hurting your self. you can increase the time of you being exposed, as well as the temperature of the water. Only do this mondays through fridays, do not do cold exposure on the weekends in order to give your body an opportunity to recover and come back stronger. When your body is weak, (like when you are sick or have not slept well) take a break! in conclusion, take it easy. dont try to become sub zero from mortal combat. humans have not evolved to be exposed to the cold too much and you can definitely harm your body. Good luck brother!
  3. what is the relationship between kundalini and enlightenment and is it necessary.