Be Yourself

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Everything posted by Be Yourself

  1. Thank you. Good to know
  2. Can 5-meo go out of date? I have some HCI that I bought 2 years ago. It changed the color even. Is it safe to do it?
  3. Am I the only one who shares the art here? Lol
  4. @Adilbek Very brave you went straight for 5-MeO without even trying other psychedelics. Have fun and update us more on how it goes
  5. @Gladius I'm in the same situation! Working at the job that is not related to my LP. But it kinda motivates me to work on my LP even harder so I can get out of this job.
  6. Probably the best video we've done! Enjoy the chill vibes
  7. Our new "super spiritual" creation
  8. My beautiful creation as a DJ mix with visuals.
  9. @VioletFlame Well done! Love your voice. Nice jazzy vibe !
  10. @Serotoninluv Thank you! Cool you noticed
  11. Hey guys! Wanted to share with you my passion that I've been working for a few month now. We are building an audio/visual YouTube channel called LeakyBliss that connects to spirituality, awareness, nature, beauty, humor, and all those funky things about life :). We just released the new 1 hour mix with visuals. Great for tripping, chilling, relaxing or just having as a background for any party. Everything is nicely flows to the music. Open for any feedback
  12. Beautiful psychedelic visuals with chill music!
  13. @Key Elements Exactly! The important thing is to start and let the universe to do the rest. I haven't been so inspired for a while and it feels so good when you do something that you love. It comes from a deeper place in me for sure. It's not even me who is doing it. Something is doing it and putting so much work into it Enjoy our latest work:
  14. Hello my fellow beings! I would like to share with you what me and my friend have been so passionate about for the past month. It's our YouTube project called LeakyBliss. My friend shoots videos of his balcony and I sync them to my favorite music. What's created is beautiful videos with good music. It's real, peaceful, calm, pretty, and simple. We feel these videos bring you closer to your Being. Enjoy and share if you like <3
  15. Hello my fellow beings! I would like to share with you what me and my friend have been so passionate about for the past month. It's our YouTube project called LeakyBliss. My friend shoots videos of his balcony and I sync them to my favorite music. What's created is beautiful videos with good music. It's real, peaceful, calm, pretty, and simple. We feel these videos bring you closer to your Being. Enjoy and share if you like <3
  16. Hello my fellow actualizers! I would like to share with you what me and my friend have been so passionate about for the past month. It's our YouTube project called LeakyBliss. My friend shoots videos of his balcony and I sync them to my favorite music. What's created is beautiful videos with good music. It's real, peaceful, calm, pretty, and simple. We feel these videos bring you closer to your Being. Enjoy and share if you like <3
  17. @Max_V I felt the same way, then, I realized I was rushing too much. Accept yourself fully as you are at this moment. Awakening is embracing everything. It's the human life itself. Maybe you're not ready to fully leave in this emptiness. And it's fine. Let it be where you are. It takes time to let go of everything. Don't judge yourself for this. Enjoy and accept your life fully at his moment!
  18. Don't cut out on everything. If you enjoy eating whole grain bread, then eat it. Maybe your body actually needs something from it. Just make sure you buy good quality bread and make sure to eat more fruit and vegetables with you meals. Remember to eat enough! Plant foods are low in calories than meats. This is why you need to eat a little bit more than you used to. From years of experimenting I realized that it's all about balance. Eat a balance of carbs, fats, and proteins. If it's whole foods, don't be afraid to eat them as much as you want. With time, you will find what works for you, what you like, and what foods give you energy. It all depends on your lifestyle and your physical goals. Here are my examples: I always start my day with a smoothie. My very simple and easy smoothie recipe: almond milk (Silk brand is the best), 1-2 bananas, blueberries or strawberries, a lot of greens (spinach, kale, or spring mix), hemp seeds, flax seeds (sometimes substitute for chia seeds). Sometimes I add chlorella or some green powder but now I bought chlorella capsules and take them with food. Then, I usually like eating avocado on a rice cake with a bunch of greens or sprouts on top. Sometimes I make it into guacamole too. Soups. My favorites: curry lentil, creamy butternut squash, simple vegetable soup, borsh. I make a big pot for a few days. I make curries with mostly ancient grains like buckwheat, millet, quinoa. I really notice the difference in my energy and clear mind when I consume sea weeds or other greens in powder or liquid forms. Chlorella, E3-Live blue green algae, barley grass juice powder, moringa leaf. I recommend looking into that. Here is the good video to check out:
  19. @Quader Look up on youtube: Jon Venus, Brian Turner, Vegan Hustle TV. They are specifically into bodybuilding. I'm not into bodybuilding myself and I feel they will be better to answer your questions.
  20. Actually, building muscle on a plan based died is exactly the same thing, if not even better. Look up vegan bodybuilders on youtube.