Be Yourself

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Everything posted by Be Yourself

  1. Vancouver, Canada
  2. @Snick-The ThinkTank Glad you like the idea! No worries man, no off topic. Vancouver is great! It's very beautiful and I feel very lucky to be living here. With all this nature around it really makes it a beautiful place and maybe even a spiritual place :). A lot of people say that Vancouver is a boring city, that apart from nature and beautiful buildings it's really nothing much. I disagree. I feel it all depends of who you are inside and what you project into the world around you. If Vancouver is boring to you, then you're probably boring yourself. And what is boring really? You know what I mean :). So, everyone can find what they like/dislike about Vancouver in different ways but definitely for nature lovers it's a great place to be. Yes, a lot of people here are into yoga, spirituality, plant based, etc. Maybe it's something has to do with some kind of energy here, I don't know. Or maybe it's because we don't add fluoride into our tap water since I've heard it affects your pineal gland lol.
  3. I wish we could meet too but maybe some day we will. At least we leave in the same country
  4. I feel the deeper I get into the enlightenment work the more I realize how scary this enlightenment thing to the ego. It can be very disorientating after you've seen the Truth to live "normally" in the world. I'm loosing interested in many things that I used to enjoy. Not interested in seeing some of my friends or going out anymore. Loosing interested in achieving my life purpose. I feel that my life purpose now is to awaken. I really want to get deeper into that and to let go of many things but scared how I'll be functioning in the world after. How will I be going to work? How will I be interacting with my family or friends? I get it, it's all ego. In the ultimate reality all those things don't exist but it's just very painful sometimes to experience it on the level of the ego.
  5. @username If you don't have anyone who can trip sit with you then just start alone. Start with very small doses and build from it. There is really nothing scary if you prepare everything ahead of the trip. Set and setting are very important: music, mood, intention, spiritual videos to watch while tripping. Create a a comfortable environment for yourself and everything will be fine. Bu remember to start small
  6. @Snick-The ThinkTank Man, there is really nothing to talk about until you have the direct experience. It's all just mind talk. Just do some 5meo already
  7. @username I gained the knowledge from doing them. Haven't really studied anything expect watching some Terence Mckenna and reading Wikipedia. I used to do them in more recreational ways first, like at parties and friends. Then, when I started getting more interested in spirituality I became more comfortable doing them by myself. It doesn't mean you'll have to do the same. Maybe since you're already interested in enlightenment and spirituality it'll be a different story for you. But I would still recommend to have your first trip with someone who has tripped before and knows what's up. Good you're watching Psyched Substance, he is very good for harm reduction and how to trip right.
  8. 21 is a good age. Start with a minimum mushrooms or acid dose and then see how you like it.
  9. Absolutely! It's just so nice to be alone with your Being. To just be
  10. Ok, you just confused me a bit by saying "Should I just wait for enlightenment". Enlightenment itself is awakening but a permanent one. There are also awakening experiences that can happen but don't stay permanent. Usually, after an awakening experience there is no way back. Once you've seen the ultimate reality it's really hard to unseen it. So yeah, it's about embracing, surrendering, and letting go.
  11. We need a full psychedelic forum!!! Leo please create one
  12. Exactly the same was happening to me some time ago. It happens to many people and I feel like it's a some type of a stage in your ego adjustment. The book "End of your world" by Adushanti really helped me to stay on track.
  13. Here are the reviews from the well trusted electronic music blogs: I personally don't do mdma anymore because it makes me feel very sick but I would try this one since it's more natural..
  14. Have you guys heard of this plant based mdma? It's been getting more and more popular lately.
  15. Maybe a better way to say would be "not everyone is ready for this". I bet if you give it to someone who doesn't even have an intilectual understanding of this it would freak the hell out of him/her.
  16. These words resonated with me so much. Almost everything that you described I'm going thought as well. Very inspiring and moving <3
  17. This is so true. Thank you for this! For 2 days I didn't want to share it with anyone and I don't know why I decided to share it now. I guess it's just me playing with my ego and trying to get some kind of approval from others. Or to feel that I'm not alone who is going thought this. Mooji is right, what I saw is too precious to sprinkle about.
  18. Guys, I don't even know how to explain this. I just feel the need to share it with other like minded people because I need support and my friends are not on that level yet. It's very hard to communicate it to people who didn't have the direct experience of Truth. My life is going through so many changes right now and there is no way back. I saw the Truth and it was the most beautiful, shocking, real, and simple realization. For the past month I've been experimenting with psychedelics with the intention to see the Truth. I'm not new to psychedelics but I used to do them in more recreational ways with friends, parties, etc. Now, I do them alone at my place. I self-inquire while watching spiritual videos (mostly Mooji, Rupert Spira, Adushanti). There is a real benefit when you put an intention on Truth and listen to Mooji or any other spiritual teacher who you resonate with. They can really help you to breakthrough (at least for me). My first breakthrough happened about 3 weeks ago while on mushrooms. It was so shocking and quick that I couldn't fully integrate it even thought I knew intuitively it was the experience of Truth. And I wanted to try again but this time with acid because I know that acid is more controllable and clear compared to mushrooms. Mushrooms are known to be very twisting and confusing. So, 2 days ago I took acid alone at my place while watching Mooji's Satsang. The breakthrough happened again but in more clear and understanding way. Omg guys! Omg! Everything that we think is real is just a dream. It's all just a dream. Absolutely everything is made by me. I created all this dream state so I can experience myself as a separate entity. This realization is so shocking and profound that there is no words to describe it. I'm unlimited. I WAS NEVER BORN AND I WILL NEVER DIE! I was full of tears from this realization of true self. It was so true and real and even typing this right now makes me cry. Now I understand, what Leo was saying in his 5meo video, is that, the direct experience of Truth is infinite times more profound than going to space or absolutely anything you can imagine in your dream reality. The reason why we don't see it's because we believe our mind. In particular, we believe in a thought that we are this person, that we are separate from everyone. Yes, I'm back to my ego self but I could see how my ego self was coming back and I could clearly see how I started believing in a thought. Now, looking at this reality and knowing that it's all just a dream makes me happy and sad at the same time. I just don't know how to live in this reality after knowing all of this! I know it's all my mind trying to make sense of all that. Because when you're in your natural state there are no questions, no fears, no desires, no doubts. Everything is just how it is. I just felt sharing this. Is anyone going thought something similar?
  19. Even thought it's simple it still can be hard to realize. I've watched so many video by Mooji and just had an intellectual understanding but acid kind of opened my mind to a different degree where I could clearly see my delusions. I'm so grateful psychedelics exist. Who knows how long it would take me to get it..
  20. Thank you for this! Yes, I really feel there is no way back. I just need to accept and continue the path. Don't fight with the ego..
  21. I understand what you mean and your signature makes me feel better for sure
  22. I guess now to just let it unfold without resisting it. I'm enjoying it even thought i'm not in that state anymore. The ego came back. Also, I'm a DJ/Producer and my dream has always been to make it in the music industry. I even bought Leo's Life Purpose course. But since I started getting very deeply into spirituality and especially after direct experiences of Truth I feel that I'm loosing interested in achieving something in music. I'm so fascinated/passionate to know the Truth. It's something that feels so real to me. Now, it's like i'm stuck between 2 worlds. Kind of confused and feeling lost. I had no idea the truth is so different from what I thought. It makes me completely rethink my life and what i really want to do. Enlightenment can be scary to the ego.