Be Yourself

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Everything posted by Be Yourself

  1. The reason why vegans don't eat eggs is because of the cruelty in the egg industry like debeaking, grinding male chiks alive, etc.. I'll let you see it for yourself. In terms of chocolate. No, vegans don't eat milk chocolate.
  2. Yes, it was very terrifying before the actual breakthrough. And I've done mushrooms before but in more recreational ways. This was the first serious trip on my own with the intention to see the truth.
  3. Are you sure it was pure ego death? I experienced Ego death 2 days ago while on mushrooms and it was the most profound, shocking, beautiful, and undescribable experience of my life. It lasted for about an hour (it's hard to say because i had no time awareness). For most of the time i was rolling in my bed and saying OMG OMG OMG. It was so beautiful and at the same time very simple. I was so big. I was everything. I released that I was never born and will never die. Before the actual ego death I had to experience so much terror, fear, and anxiety. I littaly thought I was gonna die and wanted this trip to end so bad. But then, I somehow accepted it as it is and surrounded to the experience. This is when the dissolution happened. Still processing it and trying to fit it into my life now. It's very very insightful. Thank you to mushrooms for showing me that I EXIST and that all that work that i'm doing with achieving enlightenment is not for nothing.
  4. Check out Mooji's Satsangs. People are literally waking up in real time there.
  5. Very inspiring to hear stories like this especially that I'm going to do a mushroom trip next week by myself. Psychedelics have been mostly about fun for me in the past but now I really wanna do them for self-growth and deep self-inquiry.
  6. @DawnOfReality Hey man, Awesome you're interested in eating more plant based. This is a big field with a lot of conflicting information sometimes. The best for you would be doing your own research, always listening to your body, and starting slow. But here are some of my favorite and trusted info that I've gathered over the years! Watch the movie "Forks Over Knives" Read books: "How not to die" By Michael Gregor, "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell Website: Science based channels: (more ethical but still have a lot of info on nutrition) (sometimes super scientific and not open to more spiritual aspects of the diet) Fitness/Gains: Inspirational channels: (Super inspirational and motivational. Mostly raw foods) Cooking: And remember! ALWAYS SOAK YOUR NUTS!!!!
  7. Been watching to live Satsangs by Mooji for the past week. It's given me a lot of insights and I recommend everyone who is self-inquiring. Mooji is very good at directing..
  8. I know it's not a song, just a sampled speech over a reggie beat but i really enjoy it
  9. @Azrael This so amazing man! Thank you for such detailed reports. I've read all of them starting from the mushrooms trip. I live in Vancouver, by the way. Let me know when you come here, I would be very happy to meet.
  10. @Leo Gura Great, awesome you're aware of him. And I'm actually in the middle of your life purpose course. Amazing stuff! Now i can see how everything slowly fits together.
  11. Hey Leo, Since you posted about this book it very much reminded me of channeling which involves communicating with extra terrestrial beings. Maybe you already know but if not I would recommend to search about "Bashar". You'll also need to have a good level of open mindedness here. But remember, it's not about the messenger it's about the message itself!