Be Yourself

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Everything posted by Be Yourself

  1. @elias Already been shared in this thread
  2. Interesting stuff man! I'm excited to meet you in Vancouver and talk about it
  3. @Dizzy So agree with the Leo's insight too. Doing psychedelics alone has been of the best things I've done for myself. Start with low doses and build yourself up. Also, make sure to create a good set and setting before a trip (comfortable place to trip like your home, some encouraging videos like spiritual talks or satsangs, chill music playlist, fruits, etc.)
  4. @Taavi It maybe very shocking and disorienting at first but let it be as the inspiration for you to awaken. Once you've seen it, it can be very hard to come back to your previous ways of thinking and living. Keep discovering yourself because it's really worth it . A teacher can definitely help on the "journey", and you will know when it's time for one. I would recommend the great book by Adushanti "End of your world".
  5. Holly shit guys! I just did 22 mg HCI. That was so powerful and completely knocked me off. It sort of removed my ego and but I couldn't fully let go. I think it's because of a smaller dose. Next time i'm doing 30. The experience literally was like dying. I had so much terror at first but after I surrendered it was so beautiful and joyful and i was laughing so hard. Then back to my ego again. Then beauty again. It's like on and off. Fighting with my ego a lot and then back to reality again. Very scary and beautiful experience. It also depleted my energy so much that I shaveled 3 big mangoes into my face after. Pranayama helped in restoring the energy too. Now, I'm still so overwhelmed but very happy at the same time, even thought, i couldn't fully breakthrough. This thing is very powerful! Wow!
  6. What a great episode by Martin Ball:
  7. @Shanmugam Great explanation! Thank you
  8. @The White Belt Perhaps, some people have more psychopathic brains or stronger egos than others. But really, the only thing why they are killing us is because we believe in those thoughts. We are so used to identify with those thoughts that we think it's who we are. Although, I don't know what happens to people with mental illnesses. Maybe there is something wrong with their brain and it makes them to identify with it even more strongly.. I don't know..
  9. @The White Belt My theory is that thoughts do come from the brain and by doing self-inquiry or meditation we start somehow rewiring it. That way, with more practice, we able to train the brain so much that it opens up..
  10. @outlandish Good to hear! Hahaha, imagine Trump takes acid! That would be very interesting to see
  11. It's very good but I'm waiting though, when scientists, themselves, will start taking psychedelics instead of using them on other people . That would be a progress for sure!
  12. @Azrael Awesome!! Looking forward to meeting you man
  13. @zikzak @Barna Can you vaporize HCI? Does the purity of the product affect the experience? If it's 95% for example?
  14. @Leo Gura I'm confused. Are HCL and HCI the same? Snorting only? Also, some online vendors that sell 5-meo don't say anything about it. It just says 5-meo dmt. Does it mean it's freebase?
  15. @pluto Also, fermented foods are very good for B vitamins. Coconut kefir, fermented vegetables etc
  16. @Visionary I already gave this info to someone on the forum. So here it is again. Maybe you will find something that you like And remember! ALWAYS SOAK YOUR NUTS!!!! Movie "Forks Over Knives" Books: "How not to die" By Michael Gregor, "Whole" by T. Colin Campbell Website: Science based channels: (more ethical but still have a lot of info on nutrition) (sometimes super scientific and not open to more spiritual aspects of the diet) Fitness/Gains: Inspirational channels: (Super inspirational and motivational. Mostly raw foods) Cooking:
  17. @Ry4n Start with even 1 gram and build from there. Try acid too because it's more controllable than mushrooms.
  18. @Ry4n Still, it's better to start from less powerful stuff. Get yourself familiar with psychedelics and then do 5meo, especially if you are very young. You can still get very deep and profound trips on mushrooms or acid if you put a right intention and knowing what you want to get from those trips.
  19. @Ry4n I would start from less powerful psychedelics first like mushrooms or acid. Have you done any at all?
  20. Oh nice! Seattle is close, I go there sometimes. No worries, being shy is normal. Let the shyness in you be the drive to meet people . It's like that quote "Feel the fear but do it anyway"
  21. Let's keep in touch and maybe some day when I'll be in Bordeaux we will meet
  22. @AlwaysBeNice Thank you for sharing! Tomorrow I'm actually going for the first session with a teacher that I met 2 weeks ago. I'm very much looking forward to that!