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About Amadeusz

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  1. Real people are ten times more fun for me than bots. I never play against bots.
  2. @Leo Gura So you don't plan to have a girlfriend at all?
  3. Poland here as well Google Pixel 6 Pro user.
  4. What about 2021 when US withdrawn troops from Middle East. Then he attacked in 2022. He's been given the room and still attacked. Seems like it didn't work.
  5. With all respect but as a Pole I find it quite offensive ;d Poland is one of the fastest growing economy in region, we work hard and wisely. We've got some innovative companies like CD Project. What do you mean no ambition?
  6. This is a huge thing in Poland, after 8 years of nationalist party (PiS) which started to corrupt media and supreme court finally we have pro-European party (KO, Polska2050 - with Donald Tusk and others). I consider this a huge win for Poland after 8 years of nationalist reign. What are your thoughts? Have you heard about it? Lets start a discussion! Donald Tusk - the leader of winning orange-green party at the photo.
  7. Reading all this Leo, I've got a feeling that maybe you overanalyze this gut problem? I noticed that when I just eat 'normal' things everything's ok. When I started experimenting with smoothies etc. then problems with my stomach appear. Maybe you are so advanced that experimentating with all that stuff is the cause of the problem?
  8. Yeah, so I've been dating this girl for like 7 months now. I've met other girls during this time too. She knew that I'm a rather casual guy, but things got weird lately as I've been calling her more and more. We have great sex, we meet once a week/two weeks. It's weird, we meet only after 8 pm, cuz I always work till late hours. I've never been in such situation. Usually girls just stopped texting me after few nights or I stopped texting them... I like her but I'm not sure if I want to have relationship with her. I mean I like to spend time with her but when we're out she's super shy and you can even tell she's a little weirdo, it's hard to go with her socialize, I'd rather have confident girl... But over this time I kinda became attached to her. I just can't resist calling her more and more. It's crazy! I'm already feeling guilty cuz I don't tell her about other girls... Maybe I should sacrifice our good sex and just break with her...? I'm actually kinda addicted to her. Maybe I'm just afraid of commitment? Don't even know what do I want to ask you guys... Just wanted to throw it away, maybe you've been in a similar situation?
  9. Poznań here
  10. Skyrim fan here ? Also proud that finally my country managed to produce something known worldwide; that Cyberpunk game ??
  11. Yo! Polish guy here
  12. I want to ask: where's the love? I know that trump is the devil, but who isn't? I feel a little bit of uhealthy hatred here towards Trump.
  13. Im sorry if it was mentioned, but it would be good topic. I know that Leo talked about this idea in collective ego video. I'm not a born leader but sometimes there's need to lead and we need to have knowledge how to do it safely.
  14. I'm in difficult time in my life which made me start this topic. I've posted it also as a first post in my journal, but since this section is more popular maybe someone will help me to tackle this... So basically the thing I want to conteplate here is the video 'You are not happy because you don't really want to be'. I've been living this carrot and stick motivation model since a few years now. And it worked well! I feel like I found my life purpose and I started to tackle my problems and generally pushing upwards carrer wise, spiritual wise and so on. But then I started doubting. After that trip in January i ignored that feeling and just continued to keep my 'carrot and stick structure'. And then again I had 6 months of RESULTS! This system worked well, but after my last trip this week I started doubting again. And now Im stunted. I kinda realise that I don't motivate myself with inner desire but with this carrot and stick. Bad feelings keep me doing 'right stuff' during the day and rewards are to motivate me to do 'right stuff'. The problem is that this 'right stuff' could be artificial goals that I don't really want to do. But you know it's complicated because like I said I found this 'life purpose' after buying the course and I feel big satisfaction doing it (music). BUT at the same time if I let to do myself to do whatever I want it's not so sure I would pursue music... So this satisfaction... Maybe it's an illusion? Maybe I like the feeling of completing the music goal but it's still not authentic? On the other hand I like doing all this music shit like recording videos, singing and so on, of course I also have times when I don't like it and I'm lazy. What can I do in this situation? Basic strategy for this kind of problem is to... let go of these motivations, obligations. Bad feeling comes? Just ignore it. Don't act. Wait for authentic desire. I did it in the past. And you know, sometimes I started like Leo says, with bad habits but then the motivation kicked in and I've started to do conscious and productive things too, like sports, music, creating websites and so on. But you know there was some of these good things but generally I was a lazy slug, played computer games 2-3 hours a day and consciousness was low. I don't know maybe if I continued to do it, then I would immerse myself in these good, healthy motivations full on? But my experiment lasted for 1 year and I was rather unhappy, I lived in my parents house, my discipline was shitty and I've decided to come back to this carrot and stick model. Now after I had this trip last weekend I've been back in this authentic motivation paradigm again after 2 years... It's scary. I feel like my life's falling apart. All my healthy habits are just crushing, all my music habits. Fortunately since the paradigm shift I still do a lot of sports and I keep my meditation habit in place. The vision of being famous musician is my fucking dream, it's like super important. But at the same time if I let to do whatever the fuck I want I would probably? Go to travel with my BIKE? I would build Solar Ebike like here and I would travel through Europe and let myself to do whatever I want... How could I try to tackle this problem? You know, living for one month in this 'authentic desire paradigm' could tell me a lot, but at the same time each day is super important and I liked my carrot and stick paradigm but also I'm a slave to it and it's structure. I'm stunted and inflexible. Such month would make me more flexible and maybe will help me resolve this problem. But at the end of the day I feel that I will be this lazy slob again... What do you think guys? Any tips or ideas?