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About Costa7

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  • Birthday September 22

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    Roman, Romania
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  1. There is this app called blinkist. It is about focused ideas from self development books. I was wondering if any of you guys use it and if it has the value necessary, because you have to purchase to fully use it.
  2. Hello guys; I want to accomplish a lot in this new year and the years to follow. I have set some things that i am looking towards to achieve (example, 10 pages per day; 30 min of meditation) , but, my problem is that i do not really know how to planify all this in order to be as grwoful as i want it to be. For example, i want to improve to one hour of meditation. Any advice? I am trying to cut the shit as much as possible but right now i am thinking about how to right some schedule for the year or something like it.
  3. Hello. I've started meditating habitually a week ago. I am meditating in the sun, on a block of flats with 4 floors. I entry there without anyone knowing (the people who live there) and I start to meditate. I prefer that place because it's outside, it's in the sun and nobody disturbs me. When I meditate, I'm doing the mindfulness technique, but before it, it's the concentration. I integrate for 10 minutes. When I do so, i close my eyes. After like 5, 7 minutes, i feel like someone i staring at me. (To get to the roof there is only one ladder, and it's a bit noisy, so i would hear if anyone climbs it.) I get distracted by this "presence" and I force myself not to open eyes. After a few seconds, that look like infinity, i get afraid because that one 'presence' could hurt me and/or kill me. So I open my eyes, i like around, and there is nothing. It is exactly how it was before closing my eyes. Now i got distracted and i cannot go so deep with my meditation (as i could've gone else) The first things that pops in my head is the boogey man, the one I raised with. Or some gispyes(the presence that I see it's more like a black shadow) What I think i know for sure it's the fact that is a creation of my mind. But what I don't know is how to tell my mind to stop going nuts or how to convince it that there is nothing there. Even when I say to myself "It is nothing out there, all is in your mind" I get so scared automatically. But when I fall to this distraction and open my eyes, everything seems right for a while. I would appreciate very much if you could tell me how to fix this and what is this. (Or if there is something to fix,...)
  4. I am applying this, even though as a begginer. You may want to consider how much you look at it though. There are online some tutorials
  5. I found this technique recently and it seems to do some real changes to the body and person. I am willing to do so that, but I wanted to ask you, •Does anyone practice this? •Are there any side effects?(From personal experience) •Any tips in applying it?
  6. While gatering information, do something. Starting a meditation habbit and working on your work schedule will improve the ratio and the quality of information that you will use. You can start anywhere, but i'd tell you to start learning about mindfulness, then go for the minfulness meditation. If you find it difficult, there are many other meditation techniques. Others videos that i'd reccomend to watch: Always take notes and apply, and remeber, you are on the good path.
  7. I've discovered this recently and wanted to ask if any of you apply it and what are the benefits that you feel?
  8. Leo's last video brought a new concept to the definition of what learning is. I don't necessarily take it for granted, i want to test it out for myself. I understand how it could work with a life-changing book or a seminar or a Leo video or any of these. But how do I Apply this at school? I was thinking about learning(memorizing) stuff then I could do learning(behaviour change) check. Any suggestions?
  9. I knew about the vid, but never had the balls to really watch it. I will watch it.
  10. I think that there is a God, but I'm not sure
  11. I'd do it just right now but I am attached to the fear of not going to heaven because I can deny the existence of God. (I was raised in a very faithful social conditioning from when I was little) how can I come at peace with the though of quiting religious life? When you say psychedelics you reffer to 5 meo dmt or to test more of them? How do I use them to my advantage and don't let them get me in a state of a drug just how it would get a drug addict? Where did you learn your self inquiry method from?
  12. Hello, "I" have just finished reading neti-neti meditation book and I wanted to ask you if is such an effective technique compared to others("i"don't know others techniques because 'i' am kind of new to enlightment thing.)and if could start this one until i learn others. You can also tell me about your thoughts are about the book. I love it how it's short and how it gets straight to the "point".
  13. Hello, for several reasons I couldn't buy the physical versions of some books from Leo's list and I got them on my phone instead. What app do you recommend me to read on, taking in count that I want to highlight some stuff while reading. (Without Amazon kindle)
  14. Hello, for several reasons I couldn't buy the physical versions of some books from Leo's list and I got them on my phone instead. What app do you recommend me to read on, taking in count that I want to highlight some stuff while reading. (Without Amazon kindle)
  15. Thank you, i will ask you further if I find others questions