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Everything posted by BjarkeT

  1. I am not afraid of my next life but that because I believe I only have one life.
  2. @CreamCat well we each use our own way to describe things. I don’t see these things as one thing but separate things that each is important also because I have “discovered” them separately and I didn’t even think about arete lol but I think ill just describe them my way for now. btw what where your most important lesson learned?
  3. @CreamCat well that’s not the way i have been thinking about it. He didn’t say you should describe them the shortest way possible anyway.
  4. Mine are: Take 100% responsibility, take action, commit to things you really want and don’t give up just because it’s hard try to make progress anyway. see problems/challenges as an opportunity to learn instead of something that stands in the way.
  5. This is a really good video thought I would share it.
  6. @Keyhole Didn’t got the impression that it was a joke from the tone you where writing in but I am glad it isn’t meant as a “attack”(for lack of better word)?
  7. @Keyhole i think that is a bit much saying i need to commit suicide. I never meant to offend anyone. Anyway this is pretty much the only video where he is like this and he only was like this because he was asked to be like this.
  8. Writing can have a huge impact on people. Look at authors like Cal Newport, Scott young and Scott m peck for example.
  9. Some ways you can grow more is to interview people who already are where you wanna be and figure out how they did it through the interview. One of the ways to really grow is going through what you find hard to do. A good way is also to balance between theory and practice(or books and experience) Those areas where I have grown the most was when I started accepting full responsibility for my life and started taking action. Something to be aware about is that it can be a trap to fall into the short cut mindset where you look for ways things can be easier and quicker instead of doing the real work. i have fallen in to this trap related to learning while it is good to learn about how to learn more effectively you should still a more effort mindset where you value doing the real work required. A good tip to remember is that growth only happens when you are outside your comfort zone. Hope you can use these tips. By the way a good tip to skyrocket growth is to be more direct in your approach this is a principle by scott young in his ultra learning book. For example if you have trouble to speak to the opposite sex a direct approach would mean to go up and speak with them. Or if you have a fear of heights a direct approach would mean go up really high where you can feel the fear. Thats a good way to grow fast.
  10. I think the first step is to develop a process you trust one of the reasons we procrastinate is because we use a process we don't trust. Second I would suggest to go all in on your goal for a specific period of time where you don't spend your time on things that could distract you from your goal. You can always spend time on those things once you are done. I recommend doing what Cal Newport suggests. (in the link below the video) I also think this is what he calls The Bimodal Philosophy in his book deep work. It helps to have a goal that is more important than spending time on distractions. A good tip is to have a commitment mindset. Next you could try using the promodro technique. It works great with working for 25 minutes and 5 minute breaks. I use this website: You could also use a productivity system to help organize your work which can help work progress. I use weekly daily goals by Scott young and fixed schedule productivity by Cal Newport. A really good thing to consider to have a strong work ethic is to focus on energy mangement and the type of work you do instead of how much time you spent. The reason why is because you can spent a lot of time on something but make little progress the reason why is because the process you use is ineffective you can make a lot more progress by using a effective method. An other reason could be that you have little energy so optimizing your energy may be a good strategy. An important part to have a strong work ethic is to also spend a lot of time to recover. The reson why we burnout is because we spent to little time on recovering our body from work. How scott young was able to focus for 8 hours+ doing the project he calls the MIT challenge.
  11. There is a book called radical honesty by brad blanton you might find it interesting.
  12. @DrewNows repetitive is a part of deliberate practice. Its a great way to memorize any skills. I use it to memorize chess openings at the moment. Pretty awesome that you played the saxophone.
  13. @Aeris Same here I almost never play video game unless the game is very interesting.
  14. @Aeris Yeah you got a point. I just know for my self that I have other plans than video games so for me I have to schedule when I play video games so it doesn't interfere with my other plans.
  15. I have spent a lot of time playing piano since 2006 if i recall correctly i can say that 10000 hours alone won't do it. It needs to be 10000 hours of always pushing past your comfort zone or no progress will be made in getting better. Its a very deliberate process. I think that also what anderson erickson says about the 10000 hour rule. It need to be 10000 hours of deliberate practice.
  16. I think it is fine as long as you control when you are going to do it so it doesn't interfere with your other plans.
  17. Do deliberate practice. improvement only happens when you are outside your comfort zone. get feedback on your writing. work on your weaknesses. break skills down to the smallest part. focus intense without distractions. study the writing you admire to get a good reference. be slow and accurate in your practice instead of doing things quickly. do practice drills. measure your progress by using some metric. Be public about your content so you can get feedback on how well you are doing for example by looking at how many readers you get per writing or how many keep coming back to your work. interview people who a few steps a head to figure out which skills matters in your career. ask your self which skills are people willing to pay for? It might be that writing compelling content is one of those skills. if you can don’t forget to learn some theory as well in your field it can really boost the results in practice. have a clear goal you want to reach in your practice. start an ultralearning project(agreesive self directed learning) check scott h young blog for more on that.
  18. This would be a really interesting video. When we face a problem in life how do we turn it into an advantage instead of being a victim? I know he have a series that goes into the victim mindset but would be nice with a little more depth on how to turn obstacles into advantages.
  19. i am not sure if this is the case with you but one of the reasons you think this might because you are afraid to talk to people due to social anxiety and when you don't talk to people you dont' get the impression of what they think about you which may cause a side effect of you thinking that they don't like you. I have social anxiety as well and I feel like the period when I try to avoid contact with people it can sometimes create a negative impression on them. If you talk more to people i think you will get a better impression of them and may find out that they like you.
  20. I don't think the hours matter that much what really matters is the type of work you do that's why there are straight a students who study maybe for 3-4 hours or less and students who study a lot more than that and yet get lower grades. The straight a student do the work that matters.
  21. why not become financially independent through your life purpose?
  22. I agree with this. This is a really good way to get better results.
  23. It seems unhealthy to remove something you actually want. That seems like it would just create other problems. I would rather find out what's standing in the way to get the desire and find a solution. “Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit.” “We cannot solve life's problems except by solving them.” “Love always requires courage and involves risk.” “Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom; indeed, they create our courage and wisdom.” “Whenever we seek to avoid the responsibility for our own behavior, we do so by attempting to give that responsibility to some other individual or organization or entity. But this means we then give away our power to that entity.” (Hint: Take responsibility for your problems don't avoid it) scott m peck.
  24. I recommend reading so good they can't ignore you by Cal Newport. Flow doesn't just happen. It happens when you have mastered a skill at something that once was hard and is now easy for you that's one of the reasons why Cal Newport recommend getting really good at something you find interesting. Cal Newport's book talk about the science of how you create passion. Something I have found from experience is that getting good at something also create the interest so you might not depend on having an interest first.
  25. "Whos doing this on the daily basis?" David Goggins